Page 36 of Maelstrom

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‘Isn’t that how we learn, Kell? Making a mistake or two.’

‘Just try not to make one you’ll regret, because they can last a lifetime.’

Her heart told her she was making the right choice. The only choice.

But she didn’t want to hurt him. God, she didn’t want to. It was hurting her to know she was going to. He’d always been so good to her, the last thing she wanted to do was bruise his big, beautiful heart. Cameron was everything a girl could ever want. And someone out there was going to be one very lucky lady, but it wasn’t her. He deserved more. So did she.

Cameron took her hand and held it on his thigh as the lights of the city skyline came into view. Katie turned from the window and searched for the words she hoped would inflict the least amount of pain. Was she crying? Because she felt warm liquid seeping from her eyes.

He stole one brief glance at her and squeezed her hand. “What’s wrong, Katie?”

Shit, shit, shit…

She shook her head and swiped at her eyes, then inhaled a deep breath. “I’m…you’re so…” she stuttered. Everything in her head sounded so cliché. “…you’re just so damn good. Amazing and wonderful.” She sniffed. “Perfect, actually.”

“Why are you crying?”

Katie couldn’t look at him. And she couldn’t answer him. She just couldn’t do it. She let the tears fall and stared at the cars and shops as they passed them. Cameron pulled into the alley behind Beanie’s and parked. He took both of her hands in his. She forced herself to turn and face him.

“I’m so sorry…”

He shook his head, then lowered it and stared at their joined hands. “Are you breaking up with me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I don’t understand…why?”

“You deserve more.” She squeezed her eyelids closed.

“I don’t want more, baby.” His hands cupped her cheeks, brushing her tears away with his thumbs. “Just you.”

Why was he making this so hard?

She opened her eyes and tears dripped down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Cam. I care for you so much and I…”

“Katie, I lo—”

“Don’t say it, Cam. Please don’t say it,” she pleaded.

“Baby, you need to give us more time. It’s only been a month.” He held her against him, smoothing her hair and kissing her head. “We’ll get there. And you’re going to love me too.”

Katie pulled back and held his face in her hands. She placed a soft kiss on his lips and looked into his sad hazel eyes—sad because of her. “But I do love you, don’t you see?”

She reached for the car door and opened it.

“No, Katie, I don’t.” He sounded so broken and it was all her fault. “What more do you need?”

She hiccupped through her tears and got out of the car, closing the door behind her. Tires squealed as he peeled out of the alley. Then she shakily exhaled. “Butterflies.”

She wanted to throw her phone against the wall and watch it break apart into itty-bitty pieces.

Katie must have ignored him one time too many.

Her phone remained silent and still.

Just as well.

She’d been in such a funk since ending things with Cameron. He didn’t sit next to her Monday in algebra, not that she expected him to. On Tuesday, some cheerleader was rubbing up on him in the student union. He seemed to enjoy her attention. Last night he texted her. He told her that he missed her and asked if they could at least be friends.
