Page 35 of Maelstrom

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“We kicked ass!”

“I saw.” She glanced up at his dimples on full display and smiled.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” she answered and grabbed her jacket and scarf from the back of the chair. “Where are we going anyway?”

“A corn maze.” He rubbed his hands together and grinned.

Her brow arched. “They have corn mazes in the city?”

“No.” He chuckled. “At least I don’t know of any. One of the guys let me borrow his car.”

Corn. I can’t seem to get away from it.

Katie giggled. “All right then, let’s do this.”

He held her hand in the car. He’d glance over as he drove and smile at her. It would be so easy to just give in and go with her head, because being with Cameron was so damn easy. He took the exit off the highway and raised her hand to his lips, brushing them over her knuckles.

Nothing. Not even the tiniest flutter.

He held her hand inside the corn maze. Katie let Cameron lead her through the tall stalks, even though she’d been playing in cornfields ever since she was big enough to climb the fence into the Reilly’s farm next door. Parents chased after shrieking young children. Couples purposely separated themselves from their friends to steal kisses hidden away in the corn.

They came to a dead end and stopped.

Cameron looked up at the stalks that stood a few feet over his head, then lowered his gaze to her. “We might be lost.” He grinned.

“You think so?”

His arms circled around her waist and drew her in closer. He bent his head to nuzzle her neck. “Mmm…maybe.”

It tickled. Katie tucked her ear against her shoulder and giggled. Cameron took her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers. Was there anything more romantic than being kissed while lost in a maze of corn? Maybe. But she couldn’t think of what that might be right then. She tried to clear her mind, to empty her head of any thoughts, and just focus on Cameron kissing her. To let herself really feel it.

And nothing. Not even the faintest flap of wings.

Katie had no choice but to admit it to herself. If it hadn’t happened by now, then it probably wasn’t ever going to. And realizing that made her sad. She pulled back and ended the kiss. She tried to smile but the corners of her mouth wouldn’t budge.

Cameron didn’t seem to notice. She looked down at the ground as his arm went around her waist and he hugged her into his side. “I guess we should try and find our way out of this thing, huh?”

“Right or left?”

“What?” he asked.

“Pick one. Right or left?”

“Okay,” he murmured. “Right.”

“I grew up around cornfields, remember?” She winked. “Keep your right hand on the right side and just follow the path…”

Cameron leaned over and kissed her temple.

“…to the end,” she whispered.

All the way home, Katie fought to keep the tears from falling. They’d been building, lodged behind her eyes, ever since he kissed her inside the corn maze. She stared out the window at the darkening October sky, focusing on the shards of blood-red orange that remained as the sun slipped away. She stared at it until spots danced in her eyes and her vision blurred.

How could she do this?

Her head told her she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.
