Page 11 of Maelstrom

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“What’s up with you and coffee girl?”


“Coffee girl?”

He closed his eyes. Sunshine. White chocolate. Jasmine. Brendan hoped Chloe would drop it. He wanted to keep her in his dreams. To keep the memory of that kiss, and his sweet girl to himself. He knew she wouldn’t, though.

“The pretty little blonde over there.” Chloe smirked. “We caught you making puppy-dog eyes at her the last time we were here.”

“Did you now?”

“Yeah, me and Linn both saw you.” She grinned. “And just so ya know, she was looking too. So, who is she?”

He shrugged and rubbed his hand across his face. “A barista at Beanie’s?”

“C’mon, Brendan.”

“I don’t know what you expect me to tell you, Chloe.”

Chandan started to fuss. Chloe took him out of the stroller where he’d been napping and placed the baby in his arms. “Why don’t you ask her out?”

“I don’t date. I fuck.”

“Try it once. What’ve you got to lose?”


“Look at her, Chloe. How old do you think she is?”

Chloe glanced over to the counter, but he didn’t follow her gaze. Unlike the light in his dreams, it hurt him to look at her. Brendan smiled down at Chandan in his arms instead.

“It’s difficult to say for sure, but based on the football player flirting with her at the counter I’d guess she’s in college.” Chloe giggled. “Looks like he brought the team with him for backup too.”

Brendan raised his gaze to see the kid leaning against the counter. Talking to her and flexing his muscles in a bid to impress her. More than a decade had passed since his wild college days, but he remembered the moves. The parties. All that fucking. He felt the tick in his jaw. The turbulence that swirled in his stomach. Rage simmered beneath the surface of his skin. But he knew he had no right so he tempered it.

“Jesus, Brendan, you should see your face.”

“Don’t, Chloe.”

“Just ask the girl out,” she implored. “It’s obvious you like her.”

“She’s too young, too sweet, and way too innocent for someone like me.” He shook his head and handed the baby to Chloe.

I’d tear her apart, and fuck me if I don’t want to.

His dick began to swell. “There isn’t much I won’t do, but there’s one line I can assure you I won’t cross. I don’t fuck little girls. And I’m not into the Daddy thing.” He locked his gaze on Chloe. “She’s only in college.”

“Until a few months ago I was in college too, Brendan.” Chloe nodded with a know-it-all smirk on her face. “And you’re no older than Taylor, so…”

Eight days older, actually.

“That’s different.”


“Because you’re…” He stumbled for a word.

“And you’re being ridiculous.” Chloe shook her head at him, hazel eyes flashing with fire. “It’s just a number, Brendan. I’m ten years younger than Tay, seven years younger than Jesse. So what?”
