Page 93 of Affinity

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His loves.

Soon they’d be his husband and his wife.

Yeah, he was a lucky man.

“But how?”

They were back in the town car on the way to Charley’s to meet everyone for a celebration dinner. Jesse texted Dillon to let him know Chloe said yes and they would be there soon.

“It’s impossible! We can’t plan a wedding that fast and I can’t legally marry both of you—and don’t you dare make me choose.”

Their feisty darling girl.

Jesse chuckled. “Relax, babe. We’ll figure it out.”

Taylor wanted to have the wedding before he left to go on tour. It was important to him. They’d already talked about it and had everything all figured out actually. Of course, Chloe couldn’t legally be married to both of them—sadly the world wasn’t quite ready for that yet. But she could legally marry one of them and they would have a commitment ceremony to celebrate the three of them together. In their hearts and minds, witnessed by the people who loved them, they’d be married to each other, and that’s all that really mattered anyway.

The car pulled up to the curb in front of Charley’s, the place that brought all of them together. Jesse liked to think his uncle Charley was still with them somehow. Guiding them. Lending fate a hand. Moving them like chess pieces on a board to ensure the right people came into their lives at precisely the moment they needed them to. Giving them a little push in the right direction when they needed it. That’s the kind of man he was. He loved his family—his sons and his nephews—fiercely, unconditionally, and with such diligence. Yet he made it seem so effortless. Like breathing. He was largely responsible for the men they had become. Jesse hoped that wherever he was, he was proud of them. He missed him. They all did.

Marcus met them at the door. He pretty much ran the restaurant for them now. Jesse and Dillon had stepped back to focus more on managing their real estate investments and Kyan on his projects. It felt kind of strange being here as an owner/customer rather than running the bar. He glanced over to it and smiled. He thought of all the times the five of them sat there together when they worked here. This place that bore his uncle’s name would always be special to him—to all of them, he supposed. He held Chloe to him tighter.

“Congratulations, Chloe!” Marcus leaned in and hugged her, oblivious to Jesse’s arm around her waist. “Let me see, girl!” He grabbed her left hand and his jaw dropped as he inspected the diamonds that glittered on her finger. “Exquisite, just like you. I’m gonna miss your face around here.”

“What?” She tilted her head, puzzled. “Um, thanks, Marcus.”

He led them to a large table in a secluded section of the restaurant. Dillon, Kyan, Linnea, Brendan, and the Venery boys were already seated, waiting for them to arrive. Bottles of whiskey and chilled champagne in silver buckets were on the table along with appetizers Jesse didn’t recognize from the menu—because they weren’t. Linnea’s doing, he supposed. He glanced at her and she winked as she jumped up from her seat between his cousins. Squealing, Linnea pulled Chloe away from him to hug her. They held each other, both of them crying. These two girls had a bond like he’d never seen before. Good thing they’d be living right across the street from each other soon.

“I’m so damn happy for you, Chloe!” Linnea carefully wiped under her eye, apparently trying not to smudge her makeup, and as an afterthought glanced back at him and Taylor. “And for you too!”

Then Chloe got passed around like a bowl of potato chips. Congratulations. Hug. Kiss. Admire ring. Wash, rinse, repeat. Jesse and Taylor, the forgotten grooms-to-be, happily stood by and grinned until Linnea pushed them toward their seats.

Brendan popped open the bottles of champagne and filled everyone’s glass except for Chloe’s. He opened a bottle of sparkling water and poured it into a flute for her. He raised his glass. “Jesse, Taylor, Chloe—we wish you love, life, happiness. Sláinte.”

Everyone around the table clinked glasses. Brendan sat down beside him and poured himself a whiskey. “I love Irish weddings. Have you guys picked a date yet?”

Chloe shook her head and giggled. “We only got engaged an hour ago, Bren.”

“Before I leave to go on tour.”

“Then I guess we’re flying to Vegas or going to city hall. I told you, I can’t put a wedding together in a month. I have work and classes—final exams are the week before Christmas…”

“You’re not working.”


Chloe whipped her head in Taylor’s direction. “What?”

And the table went silent.

Jesse took her hand in his. “Um, babe. We were so worried about you and the baby. I, um…when I called Marcus yesterday to let him know you had an appointment with Doctor Torres and couldn’t come in…”

Her pretty eyes narrowed to slits. “You didn’t.”

“I did.” He swallowed. “I’m sorry. Don’t be mad.”

She was mad.

He could tell because she wasn’t saying anything and that was never a good sign.

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