Page 72 of Affinity

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Chloe was in the uber on the way to campus when the first text came through.

Jesse: You left? I said I’d take you.

Chloe: I didn’t want to interrupt and I didn’t want to be late to class.

Jesse: Babe, I’m sorry.

Chloe: It’s ok.

He had no reason to apologize. She could have waited for him. It wasn’t his fault that she was having these feelings either. Maybe they were silly, but they were her feelings and she was entitled to them.

Jesse: I have to go to work, but Taylor can pick you up after class.

Chloe: That’s ok. I’m going to check on Linn and then take care of stuff at the apartment.

Jesse: Like packing?

Chloe: Like watering my plants.

Jesse: You’re moving in with me, babe.

Chloe: We’ll see.

Jesse: You are. I love you.

Chloe: I love you back.

Three hours later, after a lecture on trends in marketing that she barely paid attention to, Chloe knocked on Linnea’s front door. Everything had changed since the day they went to Crossfield. They’d all been affected by it in some way, yet as horrible as that day had been, they were closer because of it. Their circle tighter.

Still, she was surprised when it was Brendan who answered the door. “Sweetheart!” He kissed her cheek.

Chloe glanced back at the street and saw his silver Corvette parked out front. “Hey, Bren.” She looked around the dim, quiet living room. “Where’s Linn?”

“Upstairs sleeping. Kyan’s at Charley’s so Dillon is with her.”

She nodded. One of them was always with her. “How is she?”

Brendan’s arm came around her. “Ky says she’s not sleeping enough. She needs more time, sweetheart. She’ll be okay.” He glanced down at her and quirked a brow. “How are you?”

Chloe shrugged. “I’m fine.”

“Hm. C’mon.” He grabbed her hand. “I was just leaving.”

They scooted through the rain to his car and he opened the door for her. Chloe ducked down low to get inside. How in the hell did Brendan do it? With her legs sticking straight out in front of her it felt like she was sitting on the floor inside The Jetsons spaceship.

Meet George Jetson…

She giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Look how I have to sit in this thing.” She giggled some more.

He started the car and revved the engine. “This thing is a 2004 Z06. Don’t you dare laugh at her.”

Her? Okie dokie.

“That’s pretty old for a car.” Chloe glanced around the leather interior that still looked new. It smelled faintly of polish or wax—whatever that stuff was they conditioned leather with. She figured he must really love this car because it showed.

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