Page 71 of Affinity

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Only then was he finally able to fall asleep.

September rain tapped against panes of glass twenty stories up in the sky. That wasn’t what woke her though. Full soft lips kissed along her sensitive skin and warm hands with callused fingertips curled around her thighs. He pushed them open. Chloe slowly opened sleep-filled eyes as Taylor lifted her leg over his shoulder. Warm chocolate eyes looked back at her. He smiled.

“Good morning, darling girl,” he softly murmured against her skin.

He traced over her lips with his thumbs and pressed a lingering kiss to her mound. “Oh,” she emitted a soft puff of sound at his arousing touch.

Gentle warmth diffused outward from deep inside her at the same time goosebumps prickled her flesh. The sensation began low in her belly and spread slowly to her fingers and toes. Reflexively, her hips rose, seeking more. Wanting more. Needing more of him and the feelings he kindled.

She was impatient but Taylor was in no hurry, his hands skimmed up her body purposefully slow to cup her breasts. Chloe covered his hands with her own and squeezed. She felt him smile against her skin and then he kissed her between her thighs like he was kissing her mouth. He sucked on her smooth outer lip and gently tugged on it with his teeth. She pushed her body against him and his hands left her breasts to hold her still.

Chloe knew it was futile. He wouldn’t go any faster even if she begged—and she would beg. When Taylor wanted her to come, she would, and not a moment before he wanted her to. He took charge of her body, played it like that guitar of his, and she was his willing instrument. She inhaled slowly, exhaled, and let herself relax beneath his hands.

“That’s it, cherry cake,” he praised her.

Warm breath fluttered across her wet pussy. Strong hands eased their grip on her hips to slide beneath her. Taylor softly kissed her there between her legs. She whimpered and fisted her hands in his hair. He groaned. His tongue swept up her slit to her clit. He captured it between his teeth and sucked.

God! Fuck!

Chloe bit on her lip in an attempt to stifle her cry so she wouldn’t wake Jesse, who slept beside them. Taylor, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be at all concerned. He ravished her pussy with his voracious appetite for her. Licking and slurping. Sucking and kissing. Fucking her with his tongue. There was nothing quiet about it. The sounds of their sex an erotic verse to the steady chorus of rain on glass.

After she came, as she lay gasping for air, Taylor crawled up her body and his mouth crashed into hers. She could taste herself on his tongue. He kissed her like he’d never have enough of her. Like he wanted to make sure the imprint of his lips remained on hers forever. And right now she’d take forever if he gave it to her.

Taylor lifted his head and locked eyes with her. Chloe pushed his long hair back with her fingers and smiled. “Good morning, darling man.”

Jesse stirred. His hand crept between their bodies and Taylor yelped. Chloe giggled as Jesse yanked on his hair and pulled him halfway off of her to meet his mouth. She watched them for a minute—she loved to watch them together—and slipped out of bed.

“Babe, get back here!”

“Can’t.” She blew Jesse a kiss. “Early class today.”

He caught it and smiled. “I’ll take you.”

Chloe wished she could stay. God, she wanted to, because was there a better way to spend a rainy morning? She didn’t think so. She was tempted to ditch class, but it was only the second week of the new semester so she didn’t dare.

With the weather, a good hair day was out of the question so she gathered her hair into a ponytail, and except for a bit of mascara she didn’t bother with makeup either. Thankful that she only had one class this morning, she shimmied into a pair of faded jeans and opened the door from the en suite to the bedroom.

She heard it before she saw them—the sounds of male pleasure. Taylor sat on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on the mattress and his head tipped back. Jesse knelt on the floor between his legs. Chloe took a step back so she wouldn’t disturb them and just listened. She could tell by the way he groaned that Taylor was close.

“Fuck! I love you, Jess.”

“I love you too, babe.”

Then she heard kissing.

And she silently grabbed her backpack and tiptoed out the front door, closing it softly behind her.

What the fuck was wrong with her? She jabbed at the elevator call button.


Still? Maybe. Sometimes, when she was a voyeur to their intimate moments like that she felt like she didn’t belong there. Doubts would creep in. The things Salena said. The things Taylor didn’t.

The elevator doors opened.

She got in and punched the button for the lobby.

The doors closed.

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