Page 48 of Affinity

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“Show our man how wet you are.”

Chloe was so turned on. Jesse could see it in her face. Her pupils were as big as saucers. She propped her feet up on the seat and displayed her pussy for him. It glistened with her sweetness, all pink and puffy from the attention Taylor had been giving it. She was beautiful. And theirs. Taylor penetrated her once more.

“This pretty cunt is ours. And we don’t share what’s ours. Is that understood?”

She raised her hips to meet his hand and nodded. “Yeah. And I don’t share either. Those pretty dicks are mine. Understood?”

Fuck, yes! We’re yours. You’re ours.

“Understood, cherry cake. Now sit on my face so I can taste that pretty cunt.”

He drove as fast as he could one-handed once he got off the highway, but the road to the lake house twisted and turned so he couldn’t drive as fast as he wanted to. Chloe was on top of Taylor, his face buried in her pussy. His finger moved in and out of her ass as she sucked him.

Fucking Christ!

Jesse needed to come. Badly. The sights. The sounds. The smell of sex. The two people he loved more than anything. He needed them in bed. He needed them now.

He almost missed the driveway to the lake house and took the turn a little too fast and a bit too sharp. The Rover swerved on the gravel drive. Chloe and Taylor tumbled off the seat onto the floor.

“Chloe? Tay? Are you okay?”

Jesse couldn’t see them in the mirror. He quickly glanced behind him. Bare legs tangled together. And then he heard it.


By the time he got to the end of the drive and parked the Rover, their laughter had turned into something else entirely.

Sweet fucking beautiful music.

And they hadn’t even bothered to get up off the floor.

This is what Jesse had been looking forward to the most. Not the sex. Though, truth be told, he was looking forward to that too. A lot. But it was this that he craved even more.

They’d cooked and eaten dinner, the three of them together, outside here on the deck that overlooked the tranquil lake. The sun had just melted into the western horizon, hues of muted pink and orange that blended into the twilight were all that remained. Even that would be gone soon. But candles flickered on the table. The late-July breeze ruffled Chloe’s hair.

She was cozy on the outdoor sofa between them, her head rested against Jesse’s shoulder and her feet in Taylor’s lap, while they listened to music, drank wine, and talked. Jesse glanced over at Taylor and smiled, then he hugged Chloe a little tighter and inhaled her coconut hair. It was this he looked forward to the most. Just being together.

“Tay.” She nudged his thigh with her foot.

Jesse couldn’t help but smile to hear Chloe call Taylor by the shortened version of his name like he often did. That had to mean something, didn’t it?

Then she looked up to him. “Jesse. If we do this, what do we tell people? Do we tell people—or are we some dirty little secret?”

If we do this?

No, he would not accept if. They were meant to be together. Just like this. Always. Yet he understood her concern and it was something they had to talk about. If it were up to just him, he would shout it to the world, but it wasn’t just him. He had to consider Chloe and Taylor. They would be safe and no one would judge them inside their circle, but outside of it? People weren’t tolerant of what they didn’t understand and they could be cruel. Sometimes, the price you paid for who you loved, and how you loved them, was staggeringly high.

“We are doing this.” Then he calmed his voice. “I love you and I love Tay, and I don’t care who knows it.” Jesse brushed a wayward strand of hair from her face. “But I don’t have anything left to lose. You and Taylor do.” He glanced at Taylor then back at Chloe. “All love is beautiful. It shouldn’t ever have to be kept secret and hidden like a dirty thing, but trust me, society doesn’t see it that way. There will be consequences for us, so we have to decide together how we’re going to present our relationship to the world.”

“What do you mean—you have nothing left to lose?”

He drew a breath. “Once, the only thing I wished for was to make it to the pros. NFL, baby. Football was everything. I wanted my dad to be proud of me, you know? It was his dream to see me play, but he never got to.” Jesse choked. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to finish. “My mom found him in the garage…” At a loss for words, he looked to Taylor.

“Carbon monoxide. He waited for Jesse to return to school and slipped out of the house to the garage in the middle of the night. Colleen found him in the morning with the engine still running.”

Taylor stared out at the lake that was barely discernible from the night sky. Jesse rubbed a strand of nutmeg hair between his fingers and looked down at his lap.

“That spring break when Jess and I…well, we were consumed with one another. All we did that week was suck and fuck. Couldn’t get enough. We didn’t consider the consequences and were reckless and careless. The night before Jess was leaving to go back to uni he stayed home with Colleen and Tom to spend time with them. We’d already said our goodbyes. But at one in the morning we were in separate beds holding our dicks—so why have a wank when what you wanted was five minutes away?

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