Page 32 of Affinity

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“Then who pissed in your corn flakes?”

Is he fucking for real?

Jesse raised his brow and turned to his cousin. “That was a real dick move last night, Brendan.” Then he cast his gaze back out on the lake.

“What? I did you a favor.” Brendan raised the bottle to his lips and drank.

He cocked his head, his brow furrowed. “By outing me to my girlfriend?”

“What about your boyfriend?” Brendan countered. “Does she even know you have one?”

“Why do you even care?”

Jesse attempted to get up from his seat on the dock, but Brendan pushed him back down. He grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing Jesse to look at him.

“Because you’re my cousin and I fucking love you. Because Taylor’s my best friend and he fucking loves you. Because I don’t want to see that girl get hurt, but I think it’s too fucking late for that. Looks like maybe she loves you too.”

Jesse raised his chin and in a calm voice retorted, “It wasn’t your place.”

“Maybe not, but you weren’t doing anything about it, now were you?”


“You’ve been fucking this girl how long now? A month?”

“I’m not—”

“I overheard her and Linn in the kitchen this morning—”

Like an overbearing parent, Jesse knew Brendan would just keep on going. He’d never let him get a word in edgewise.

“Shut up!” Jesse shouted, and he rarely raised his voice.

He took a breath and brought it down a notch. “Just shut the fuck up. I’m not fucking her. I love her.” Jesse felt his muscles relax. “I love Chloe and I love Taylor. He knows how I feel. We talked about it. And tonight I’m going to talk to Chloe. I want the three of us to be together.”

“Together?” he asked with an abrupt cock of his head.

“Yes.” Jesse smiled, his voice returning to its usual tone.

“How together?”

Did that word really need clarification? Jesse wanted to make his intentions very clear.

“The faithful and committed to each other kind of together.”

“Jess, are you talking polyamory here? Because a relationship between two people is difficult enough. How in the fuck do you think it’s going to work with three—and two of them don’t even know each other?” He shielded his eyes from the sun and shook his head.

“Since when are you an expert on relationships, Bren? You’ve never even had one.”

Brendan took a sip of his beer and swallowed. “Because I’m honest enough with myself to know I shouldn’t ever be in one.”

“That’s fucked up.”

“And I’m as fucked up as they come, Jess.” He shrugged.

“No, you’re not,” Jesse implored. “Don’t you want a family of your own—a wife? Kids?”

“Told you. It’s not in the cards for me.” Brendan had an almost-smile on his face, that Jesse knew wasn’t really a smile at all.

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