Page 13 of Affinity

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Jesse: Chloe? Are you still sleeping? On my way!

The staff meeting! Fuck!

She cursed herself because she must have forgotten to set her alarm. Jesse was taking her out for breakfast before the mandatory staff meeting at Charley’s. For him she would gladly make an exception to get out of bed before the sun came up.

Chloe walked over to her bedroom window and peered past the filmy curtains that hung from the ceiling to the floor. The sky was beginning to lighten to a dreary gray. Misty rain drizzled down the panes of glass.

Great! Kiss that good hair day goodbye!

She tapped out a text to Jesse.

Chloe: I’m in the shower. Left the door open for you.

Then she hastily added.

Chloe: Good morning!

Jesse’s high-rise condo wasn’t far from her apartment. He could be there any minute so she hurried to unlock the door for him and scampered into the bathroom.

They hadn’t had sex yet. Not that she expected to this soon, but since the night he took her home from Linnea’s he hadn’t even touched her again. Jesse spent the night with her that night. She woke up nestled in his arms, the sun streaming through her bedroom window. Chloe smiled at the thought of it because it had felt so good to wake up that way. To the sun. To him.

He brought over a bottle of wine and takeout from the Thai place he knew she liked later that night after he got off work. They watched a movie together on Netflix, then he kissed her goodnight and went home. The following night, after they closed up at Charley’s, he ordered a pizza. She was too tired to eat it. The Friday night crowd had worn her out. She fell asleep on her sofa while the Cubs lost to the Dodgers. Baseball wasn’t the least bit exciting on TV. Chloe woke up the next morning covered with a blanket. On her sofa. Alone.

She hadn’t seen him at all over the weekend. Jesse was off and Chloe worked. That was the downside to them both working at Charley’s—their schedules. Late nights. Opposite shifts. When do you get to go out on real dates? But he called her on Sunday. He didn’t text. He actually called her last night when she got home and now he was going to be here any minute.

She couldn’t help but wonder what he’d been up to all weekend. If Chloe were being honest with herself she was kind of anxious about it, and not because she expected to monopolize every waking minute of every day with him, but because she still wasn’t exactly sure where they stood.

The hot spray of water felt so good on her skin. Chloe wished she had the luxury of time to stand there and let the heat seep into her tired muscles. She was thankful that at least she was off today and could come home and relax after the stupid meeting Dillon insisted they attend every year. Maybe take a nap.

This week is going to suck!

It was festival time. The city was well known for their summer street festivals and every neighborhood held one. This coming weekend was theirs. It was a big to-do with street vendors and performers all along First Avenue, and a beer garden, carnival, and concerts in Coventry Park. Not that she would get to enjoy it. She’d get to work it instead.

No rest for the wicked.

At least Jesse would be working too. They all would.

Chloe sighed and quickly lathered her skin. She was belting out “Dangerous Woman” along with Ariana Grande so she didn’t hear Jesse when he came in through the bathroom door. She was facing the spray of water, trying not to get her hair wet with the bath pouf in her hand, sweeping over her breasts and tummy, when she felt hands come from behind her and slide up her sides.

In perfect time with the lyrics, she half shrieked and half sang, “Oh my God,” spun around, and slipped on the wet tile. Jesse caught her with one arm around her waist and brought her to his chest.

Skin to skin.

He dipped his head and his lips slowly skimmed up the side of her neck to her ear. “I’ve got you, babe.” And before she could process a reply to that, his mouth covered hers.

An arm came around her back as he kissed her, his large hand splayed between the blades of her shoulders as his other hand dropped from her waist to her ass to press her soap-slicked body into his. She felt his cock sandwiched against her stomach. His hard cock. His rather large hard cock.

Oh, damn!

It hit her then. Jesse was naked. She was naked. Together. In her shower. And she decided she was glad she’d forgotten to set her alarm after all.

Jesse kissed along her jaw to the opposite ear, his hand rubbed up and down her ass cheek. He whispered, “I missed you.”

But he didn’t stop there. He kissed his way down her neck, stopping to nip and suck the sensitive skin at its curve. She wrapped her arms around him and when his mouth found her nipple, heat pooled low in her belly. Chloe gasped and cradled his head in her hands to hold him to her plump breast.

He sucked hard on her nipple, drawing it so deep inside his mouth she could feel his teeth surround her areola. He lowered himself to his knees on the shower floor. His hands gripped her ass, a cheek in each one, squeezing the firm flesh as he slowly and torturously pulled his mouth from her breast. His teeth scraped along her nipple as he released it, making her hiss. She relished the sharp sensation of it.

With her fingers still clutching his long hair, Jesse kissed his way down her torso, lapping at the water that beaded on her skin as his head dropped lower. Lower. His tongue dipped into her navel. The heat in her belly ignited and burned between her legs. Lower. His hands left her ass to spread her legs. Fingers trailed up her inner thighs. Thumbs parted the wet lips of her pussy. Lower. Teeth grazed over her mound. And then…

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