Page 113 of Affinity

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That’s our man, baby.

“I love you too.”

One night.

One night together was all they had. In the morning they’d be on a plane and he’d be back inside that fucking bus bound for Arizona. Taylor didn’t want to think about that now, though. He didn’t want to think about that, or the legal bullshit, or how they had to duck into a crew member’s ratty van to avoid the paps. It smelled like cigarettes, stale beer, and week-old McDonald’s. They were together, here in this lovely suite that overlooked the San Antonio River Walk, and right now that was all he cared about.

Chloe was in the shower. He and Jesse were on the balcony, standing at the railing without shirts on, breathing in the warm Texas air. Taylor watched Jesse close his eyes and the breeze flutter through his hair. He knew it must feel like heaven to him, leaving the cold, wet winter behind, even if for just one night.

They had their arms around each other as they silently stood there. His hand inside the back of Jesse’s jeans, fingers smoothing over his muscled flesh. Jesse touched him much the same, happy in that moment just to feel each other’s skin while they waited for their wife.

“I’ve missed you, babe.” Jesse squeezed his cheek. “We’ve missed you.”

These past weeks apart had been hell, and not just for him. He knew that.

“I have as well. Can’t wait for this bloody tour to be done with.” He wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t dare, here in plain sight on the balcony. “How is she?”

Jesse blew out a long breath. “She pretends none of it upsets her, but I know that it does. Sometimes, I hear her crying when she’s on the phone with Linn.”

“It’s all my fault. I’m so bloody sorry. I…”

Jesse pushed him inside, shut the glass door, and pulled the drapes closed. “Shut up.”

And then that mouth he loved was on his and everything felt right again. He’d needed this so badly—to see them and touch them and love them. This one night could sustain him until he got off that bus and was home.

With fistfuls of Taylor’s hair in his hands, Jesse held him to his mouth. Neither held back. Their need for each other so powerful, heightened after their weeks-long separation, they consumed one another. Taylor pressed Jesse’s hard body into his and their cocks, separated by denim, rubbed together.

When they broke apart, both of them gasping for air, his eyes opened. Taylor gazed at Chloe. She just stood there, framed by the en suite door, watching them. Her head was slightly tilted to one side. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She held onto the doorframe with one hand and twisted a nutmeg lock with the other.

“I almost forgot how beautiful you are together.”

Taylor hadn’t forgotten how beautiful she was. He pictured her in his mind a million times every day and dreamt of her and Jesse every solitary night. Chloe was even more beautiful now, with her rounded belly and full breasts silhouetted against pale habutai silk.

He opened his arms. “Come here, love.”

Chloe crossed the room in an instant and fell into his embrace. He lifted her up and her arms and legs wrapped around him. She nuzzled her face against his neck. He felt warm tears splash his skin.

“My little bird.” He held her close, absorbing her scent and her softness into him. “Don’t cry.”

He thought he felt something then. It startled him and he lowered her feet to the floor.

“What the…was that?”

Taylor pushed the silk away and laid his hands open on her belly. He felt it again. A soft thump against his palm. And he dropped to his knees in awe, his lips on her skin, right where their baby had just touched him.

Nothing could have prepared him for this incredible feeling. It came over him without any warning and he couldn’t describe it really, but it was miraculous. He thought his eyes must be watering because his vision got blurry.

He glanced up to see Chloe smiling down at him and her sea glass eyes were shiny with tears. Then they cascaded down her face. Jesse joined him on his knees, nodding and smiling, his hand on his shoulder. Taylor couldn’t stop kissing and rubbing her belly. Whispering to the child within.

It hit him then, it punched him in the gut from out of the blue, more than an image on a screen or an audio recording ever could. This was real. Their family was real. He was going to be a dad. Jesse as well. Chloe a beautiful mum.

Jesse softly kissed the other side of Chloe’s belly beside him. Taylor reached for him and pulled him to his mouth. He needed to share this well of emotion that flowed from inside him. They were the only ones on Earth he wanted to share himself with.

He and Jesse got up off their knees, encircling Chloe in their arms as they rose, never taking their lips off each other. She lifted the silk from her body. Naked and beautiful and perfect. So fucking perfect.

Taylor gazed at her, then Jesse. “I love you,” he whispered as he claimed a ripe cherry nipple for himself.

Jesse took the other.

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