Page 112 of Affinity

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“I think he’d love that.”

She giggled. “I’ve never been to a Venery concert, you know.”


She smiled and slowly shook her head.

“I think we need to fix that then, don’t we?”

She nodded.

And for the first time since they’d heard the name Shelley Tompkins, Jesse thought maybe, just maybe, everything was going to be okay. They loved each other, and together they’d get through this.


“It’s not supposed to snow like this in March for chrissakes!”

Jesse watched Chloe nervously pace the length of the private airport lounge, both hands holding her softball-sized baby bump, while they waited for the weather to clear. They were supposed to have taken off an hour ago. He glanced at the bank of windows that looked out onto the tarmac. Flakes of white swirled in a mix of rain and ice against a dismal gray sky. Sleet. It wasn’t likely they’d be boarding anytime soon.

“In like a lion, out like a lamb.”

Isn’t that what they say? Chloe was restless. She was anxious to get away from the city and to see Taylor. He understood that. They hadn’t seen him in more than two months and the past few weeks had been increasingly difficult, especially for their wife.

It was Chloe who took the brunt of it.

In the tabloids. On social media. She was the slut, the whore, the jezebel, the pariah. Jesse thought it would blow over, that the media would get bored with them and move on to the next headline, but that hadn’t happened. It seemed like every day something else started it up all over again. They were still waiting on the judge’s orders. Taylor wouldn’t confirm nor deny anything to the press. Chloe rarely stepped foot outside of their apartment.

“We’re never gonna make it in time,” she sighed.

“C’mere.” Jesse held her against him and rubbed her back. “Don’t worry. We might miss dinner and soundcheck, but we’ll get there.”

They almost missed the concert too.

The show opener was already on stage when they finally touched down in San Antonio. Taylor had a car, and an envelope with their all-access passes, waiting for them. Venery’s harried tour manager was expecting them and whisked them to the green room, but it was empty.

“Shit,” he mumbled and pulled Jesse by the arm to run in the direction of the stage. Jesse grabbed Chloe’s hand and he urged them to keep up with him. “C’mon, they’re out there already.”

They were directly behind the stage when they finally came to an abrupt stop. The tour manager scratched his balding head and pointed offstage left. “Go stand over there. Don’t touch anything.” He glanced at Chloe and smiled. “I’ll see if I can find a couple chairs.”

Jesse held her, with her back against his chest and his arms around her expanding waist, as he stood against the wall. It was so dark they couldn’t see a thing. Not one stage light was illuminated. The buzz of anticipation palpated the air. Low-lying fog began to curl at their feet and fill the stage.

“It’s starting.” Chloe excitedly clutched his hands that rested on her belly.

He held her tighter and tipped his head down to kiss her crown, well below his chin. “It’s about to get really, really loud.”

“Don’t stand so close then.” A male voice chuckled. “Hiya, Red.”

Chloe’s face pressed into Bo’s bare chest as she hugged him hello. She held onto him so tightly they swayed from side to side. He smoothed her hair down her back, gazed down at her belly, and grinned. “Well, look at you.” Then he leaned down and kissed her baby bump. “Hi, baby! It’s your uncle Bo.”

Jesse could help but laugh. He imagined the fangirls that would have swooned at the sight of Venery’s shirtless drummer making baby talk to a pregnant belly.

Bo slapped his shoulder. “I told him you’d make it. Gotta go. See you guys after, man.”

Within seconds fog obliterated the stage. Bo clicked his sticks and counted off. They heard Taylor before they saw him. His throaty riff punched through the venue as CO2 jets blasted and pyrotechnics exploded. Jesse felt it vibrate throughout his body and Chloe started bouncing in her boots. She held onto his hands that rested on her shoulders, and then the stage lights beamed down on him.

Venery opened with a cover of “Fire Woman” by The Cult. That song had never been on their setlist before. It was for her. For Chloe. Taylor must have known they were standing there. He turned toward them and a smile spread across his face. With the pick in his fingers he blew them a kiss from the stage. Jesse felt it. Chloe caught it. She turned around to kiss him.

“That’s our man! I love you, Jesse.”

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