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Her eyes are tracing my body as if she is memorizing every detail, and it makes me feel both exposed and exhilarated. There is a spark of electricity between us, and I want to reach out and touch her. I am tempted, but I know better.

The elevator seems to get smaller, pushes us closer together with every passing second. It is one thing to check her out in a public place, but here, it’s intimate.

Her voice breaks the silence, soft and melodious. “What are the chances we would run into each other two times this morning?”

I run my thumb over my lips. “Slim... but here we are.”

When my eyes drink in her silhouette, she does everything else but look at me. Please tell me she is not self conscious. Not looking like that! A woman like her should be confident as fuck!

“The guys will see us here and get a technician called. We might be in here for a while.”

I’m not complaining because that just means more time to drink her in without seeming like a stalker. In all honesty, I didn’t think I would see her again, but here she is.

The elevator moves again and then the door opens. Fuck! Our time is up, but I’m surprised when I see her stepping off after me on my floor. She gives me one last lingering look before turning away and walking down the hall.

My eyes are betraying me because it seems like she might be interested, but with the age difference, who knows? It’s been a while since I have had someone in my bedroom and I’m itching to try out my new equipment. The only question is: Who is Lily?



I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves before my big interview. I’ve been going to interviews for months now, but this one is the one I want. It’s with a big marketing firm in the heart of downtown, and the salary they are offering is enough to cover my student loan payments and then some.

I can’t help but think of Adler. He is so handsome and confident, the guy I can never get enough of. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I need to stay focused on the task at hand. I can think about Adler later, after I get the job.

I head straight to the reception desk. The woman behind gives me a warm smile. “Can I help you?”

“I’m here for my eight o’clock interview. Lily.”

She types on her computer. “Yes, go straight down that hall all the way to the end and it’s the door on the right.

As I approach the door, I take a deep breath and try to put my game face on. I need to be confident and well-spoken if I want to get this job. After a swift knock, a tall, elegant woman with blonde hair and a kind face opens the door.

“Welcome to Ravenwood Marketing.” She shakes my hand before walking over to the side of her office.

We sit down at a table in the office's corner. She hands me a copy of my resume and we go over my qualifications. I tell her about my degree in Business Marketing from Penn State and my experience working at the local advertising agency. She seems impressed and asks me a few questions about my knowledge of the marketing industry. I answer them confidently, feeling more and more certain that I’m going to get the job.

Honestly, it is lucky that a position has come open, because the firm is one of the largest firms in the area and a place where, once you start, you never leave.

“So, I see you are the Marketing Supervisor at the Stevenson firm. Can I ask why you want to leave?”

I’m prepared for this question because it’s asked in every interview if you already have a job. “While I like my job there, there is no room for me to move up within the company. Based on my experience, I don’t want my career trajectory to become stagnant. So I’m thankful for this opportunity.”

Nailed it!

After a few more questions, she thanks me for my time and stand up. As I walk out the door, she tells me she has one more interview this morning and she’ll let me know her decision before the end of the day. I can’t believe it, I’m one step closer to getting my dream job.

As I walk out of the building, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride. I worked hard to get here and I’m finally seeing the fruits of my labor. After getting into my car, I pull out my phone.

Me: Girl, I really think I have a shot! You girl might be getting into the big leagues!

I place the phone in my passenger seat and take off towards home. There is plenty to be done at home since Sophie has been working insanely long hours and our laundry is backed up. The least I can do is help out since I’m off today.

When I get to our apartment, I set my bag on the table by the front door, and kick off my heels, heading straight for the overfilled laundry basket in our shared bathroom.

I grab my air pods and turn on my latest kinky romance audiobook while I load the washer and take out what’s in the dryer, placing it on the small dining room table that seats four to fold it. The man that narrates this has the sexiest fucking voice in the world and when he growls, I swear my walls contract on command.

By the time I’m done folding the laundry, this audiobook has been amped up, so I go to my room and undress, moving to my bed. The soft, white sheets only add to the allure, and I close my eyes and allow myself to relax, letting the tension and stress of the day melt away.

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