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Lily is an amazing woman and I am so lucky to have her in my life. Every day, I am grateful for the chance to get to know her better and to learn from her. She is the type of woman I have always wanted to have kids with and I know that together, we can make a beautiful life together. She is the type of person who I want to grow old with, and I am looking forward to the day that I can finally call her my wife.

Okay, I know talking about marriage already is insane, but there’s just something about her. When I think of us, I imagine a beautiful home filled with love and kids running around, and watching them take their first steps, and getting to experience their first words, and everything that comes with being a father. The ups and downs...

Fuck, I’m turning into a sap, aren’t I? Meeting the right girl has changed me. Even in the bedroom. I like Lily taking control of her pleasure, and before, I always wanted to be in control. Now, all I want to do is show her how I feel every single day. She needs to know she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

My phone vibrates against the nightstand.

Lily: Going out with Sophie today so I’ll see you later ;)

This relationship, without her best friend’s blessing, would have gone nowhere. Those two are inseperable. So it’s important that I have a good relationship with her best friend too.

Me: Alright, I’m about to ready to go to lunch with Alec. Have fun, baby.

Alec has never been in love and he is very particular about the women he lets his bed, so obviously I will not set him up with Sophie. The consequences of their falling out would affect Lily and I’s relationship and I could never take that chance.

After slipping on my dark jeans and a pullover, I grab my wallet and head downstairs. We are meeting at the Downtown Bar and Grill. If the last few days have been any indication, I’ll need plenty of energy for when Lily comes over tonight. Hopefully she stays again because I hate waking up without her next to me.

Hell, if I knew that asking her to move in wouldn’t completely fuck things up, I would ask her right now, but even though our feelings are strong, we still need to take things slowly. We have both been hurt before and even though she has been very honest with me; I don’t want to do anything that would push her away.

I walk into the grill and see Alec in the corner, already drinking a beer. He must be in a mood, which is why he text me. Am I even ready to hear about whatever is going on with him? I take a deep breath and take my seat.

“Hey, tough day? What’s going on?” I ask, because he’s my friend and him calling me means he trusts me with whatever he needs to discuss.

He slams the beer down. “I think I’m in love.”

I lean back in my chair and laugh. “Wait? Didn’t you just ask me to set you up with my girl’s friend two nights ago?”

“I ran into this woman at a restaurant last night and we hit it off. Adler, I didn’t even attempt to take her home. Do you know how big of a deal that is for me?”

Alec is notorious for one-night stands and he is right. I don’t think I have ever seen him flirt with a girl and not go home with her. “Holy shit, so you are serious?”

I never thought I would see the day.

“We are going out tonight on a date. Hell, do you know how long it’s been since I have been on an actual date?”

It’s actually refreshing to see him sweating this. I always figured he is the type of guy that would never settle down, and for him to talking like this, maybe we both have been wrong. Like me, he just needed to meet the right person to make him question himself. I need to meet this girl.

“Listen, I’m in love with Lily and it’s been less than a week so, just take it as it comes. Don’t rush things, because if she really is the one for you, then you need to think about her like a girlfriend and not a fuck buddy.”

He slaps his hand on the table. “I know, I know. So when are you two getting married?”

I laugh. “I mean, not for a while. We haven’t even moved in together yet. Slow your roll.”

And now my brain is going over how amazing life is going to be once she does move in with me. I will get to wake up to her every morning and go to sleep with her every night. Nothing will make me happier...



“Hey, I thought you might want a ride,” Adler says.

Adler is my boyfriend, and I love spending time with him. But I know that being seen getting out of a car with my boss could be career tanking, and I need to be extra careful on my first day.

I turn to face him and take his hands in mine.

“I appreciate the offer,” I say, “but I think it’s best if I start this job independently. I’ve worked too hard to get here and I want to do everything I can to make sure my reputation remains untarnished.”

He searches my eyes, understanding what I’m saying, and nods.

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