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What’s in store for our future?



Adler's presence is impossible to ignore, with his dark eyes radiating intensity and his tousled hair resembling someone who has just emerged from a dream. Every time I see him, I’m in awe.

Adler is not like any other guy I have ever been out with. A strong aura of self-assuredness surrounded him, and he openly shared his thoughts and emotions without hesitation.

His constant concern for my comfort makes me feel safe and at ease in his presence. I’m falling hard and fast. I can be open with him in a way I could never with anyone else.

But I also question my feelings for him. It has only been a week since we met, and I am wondering if I am getting in too deep.

It’s easy to be sucked into a relationship, and with Adler, he is all me. He is a man that has been looking for his partner and now that he has found me; he doesn’t want to be without me. It’s attractive, but scary. As much as I want to spend every waking moment with him, I also need to have a life outside of our relationship.

My bedroom door opens and Sophie walks in. “You are finally home. Hell, I thought maybe you moved in with Adler.”

I roll my eyes. “You are so hilarious!”

“What? You have been with him every single night since you met. Didn’t come home for two days. And you think I’m being dramatic?” She hands me a glass of wine and plops down on my bed. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

I nuzzle my face into the bed. “Trying to figure myself out.”

She laughs. “Yeah, if you want me to understand you, you will need to come up for air.”

“Trying to figure myself out. I’m fucking falling Soph. Like I’m in love with him. Adler is as close to perfect as you can be, and he wants me.”

She smiles. “Don’t sabotage a good thing. The man is smoking fucking hot, has his shit together, and has his eyes set on you. Don’t go looking for things that aren’t there.”

She has always been good at talking me off ledges. Although in the past, I have been right about every single piece of shit I have dated, so maybe I should listen to my gut. It’s like I’m sitting here waiting for the other pin to drop. It’s just too perfect.

“I see that face. Don’t fucking do it. Adler is an amazing guy, Lily. You are wonderful. Why do you always have to think you aren’t good enough?”

It stems from the issues from high school and it will always follow me. Being skinny has never been me, and I have always had curves. My nickname back then was hippo. It pisses me off even more now because I may have some meat on my bones, doesn’t mean I’m fat. Curves are sexy, not a twig.

“I know I am. Just you know how when you see a couple and they are like perfect for each other and then one big thing tears them apart... I’m waiting for that one big thing.”

Believe me, I don’t want to be that person, but it won’t stray from my mind. When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Maybe I should just enjoy it while it lasts, because I’ll never meet another man like Adler.

“Girl, I’m gonna go put on some jeans and we are going out. Girl’s day! Tell your boy toy you won’t be coming over until later because you’ve got a date with me,” she says, smiling.

Sophie and I have been in each other’s lives longer than we haven’t, and I have always trusted her judgment. We are able to say things to each other that no one else can and not get mad. She thinks Adler is perfect for me.

The talk of wedding bells and popping out kids already is insane, but it is what I see in our future. We are going to have life-changing sex, beautiful babies and I’ll never feel any less beautiful than I do every day.

He is so open about what he wants with me. It is one of the main reasons I’m falling for him so fast. No man has ever been this open with me, or taken my needs into account as early on as he did. Every step of the way he has asked me how I feel or what I want and - seriously, who is Adler Maddox?



Lily is an incredible woman and every second I spend with her is a blessing. She makes me feel like I can do anything, like I am limitless. Full of life and energy, and when I am around her, I want to be a better person. She is so passionate about everything she does and it’s inspiring. Even though we are fifteen years apart in age, she has an amazing outlook on life and an appreciation for the little things.

When I first met Lily, I was drawn to her contagious smile and her positive energy. She is always so present and aware of her surroundings, like she is soaking up every single moment. She is so passionate about life and I can’t help but admire that. She is the type of person who will always make something right or to make the best out of any situation.

She is the type of woman that I have been dreaming of. She is kind, intelligent, and always puts others before herself. She is always willing to lend an ear or help out in any way she can. She is passionate about her career and works hard to make sure she is successful. She is ambitious and is always pushing herself to do better in every area of her life.

Lily has taught me that I can be anything I want to be. She has taught me to be more present and to appreciate the little things in life. She has also taught me to never give up on my dreams and to always strive for more. She is a reminder to make the most out of every single moment, to not take anything for granted, and to be thankful for every opportunity.

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