Page 34 of Little Bird

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“Are you implying that he’s an inmate?” I nodded, and she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Does he make you happy, Harley?” I nodded again, and she smiled.

“Then, it doesn’t matter who he is or where he came from. Life is too short to be unhappy with anyone.” Her eyes welled with tears. “I should have known better with Aaron. He’s been making up a whole lot of excuses on why he couldn’t see me recently.”

As far as I knew, she was still seeing him the normal amount, although I hadn’t seen him in our room for months.

“Where have you been going then?” I asked, holding her hands, sympathizing with her.

She choked on a sob. “The library or the mall. I didn’t want anyone to find out.”

“Oh, Kennedy, it’s going to be okay.” Pulling her into another hug, she sobbed in my arms, and I let her, a small connection between us forming with every minute that passed.

“When can I meet him?” She sniffled on my shoulder, and I cringed at the thought of whatever wet substance rolled down.

“He’s coming to graduation, actually.” She sat up and got off the bed, pulling the face mask off and washing her face.

“Do I look any better?” Her face was red and blotchy, but I lied and nodded, earning a sigh of relief from her. Surely, she would look better after a good night of sleep.

“I’m actually moving in with him after graduation.” She dropped her phone that she had just picked up off the bed, and it bounced on the carpet by her feet.

“You’re doing what?” she squealed, and I shrunk back. “That’s amazing, Harley! I am so happy for you!” Her reaction was unexpected but welcomed, so when she threw her arms around me, I hugged her back.

An hour later, we had shared the events of our weekend, and we were both lying in our own beds in the darkness.

“Hey, Kennedy?”

“Yeah, Har?”

“Why couldn’t this have happened sooner?” I didn’t elaborate, scared to put a name on our sort-of friendship.

“I guess because everything happens for a reason, right? At least, I like to believe that.” She said exactly what I had been thinking, and my heart soared at my favorite mantra.

“I wish we could have been friends sooner.”

“Me, too, but I’m glad it happened this way.”

The week flew by, and before I knew it, I was standing outside Easton’s apartment door, two hours before graduation. The lobby man had to call to let me up the elevator, so I knew he was expecting me, but I was suddenly afraid to knock on the big door.

What if a week apart had given him time to think?

Just as I raised my fist to knock, the door flew open, and East’s scent engulfed me as did his arms. He dragged me into the apartment, the door swinging shut behind him. His lips found mine, and every fear evaporated just as quickly as I thought them.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” he whispered against my lips, his minty breath fanning my face.

“As if I could possibly stay away.” I pressed my lips to his, our tongues fighting for dominance. But in the end, I let him win, and he walked me back until my back hit the door. He caged me in.

“How much time do we have?” he rasped, desire lacing every word.

“None. Kennedy is waiting downstairs to meet you.” He pulled back, raising a brow.

“Your roommate, Kennedy?” I nodded, and he took a step back. I got my first real look at him, noticing his new shoes, freshly-ironed slacks, and a white button-up shirt tucked perfectly into his navy pants.

“New clothes?” He rolled his eyes and shrugged.

“I’ve got a lot to tell you.”

“Good or bad?” I waited for him to grab whatever he needed from the kitchen, and he surprised me with a fresh bouquet of daisies.

“For you, grad!” He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek and then opened the front door, ushering me out. “Good and bad, I guess. I’m not really sure. Depends how you want to look at it. But we can talk about it later tonight. This afternoon is all about you, Harley.” Linking my fingers through his, I let him lead me downstairs to my running car in the parking lot.

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