Page 32 of Little Bird

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She turned and charged at me, jabbing her finger against my chest. “I don’t even know you, and I just had sex with you. I’m standing here in your kitchen fighting with you for no fucking reason. You don’t know me, Easton, and I don’t fucking know who you are either.”

Grabbing her hand, I interlocked our fingers. “You’re wrong, Harley.” Touching her heart, the familiar beat of a hummingbird’s wings greeted me. I brought her hand to my heart, hoping she could feel the same. “Your heart knows me, little bird. And we’re fighting because this matters. You fucking matter to me, Harley. I’ve had to fight my whole life for everything I have, and I will fucking fight for you, too.”

“Stop doing this to me,” she cried, dropping her head to my chest. “Stop being nice to me. I don’t deserve it.”

“Wrong again, little bird. I might not know every little secret about you, but I do know that you have a big heart. I know that it’s been broken too many times, and I know that I will mend it. I also know that I will learn all your secrets because with time, you will let me in, just as I will with you. I know that your soul sings for mine, and you know how I know that?”

She shook her head, biting down on her fucking lip, which I wanted to bite with my own teeth. I pulled her lip from her teeth, running my thumb over it again, and she sighed.

“Because mine sings for you.” Tears rolled down her already damp cheeks.

“I don’t want to be hurt again,” she whispered, sniffling.

“I can’t make that promise. Don’t make me. But I can promise to do my best every day for you. I can promise to be faithful, to give you my heart, but I can’t promise that you won’t get hurt along the way.”

“Everyone is going to think I’m crazy for falling for you.”

“Who gives a fuck what everyone thinks?” I wiped away her hot tears and caressed her warm, wet cheeks.

“I do.”

“If I make you happy, does it matter what they think?” She shook her head, and I sighed in relief.

“I want to take this slow,” she whispered, and I groaned, throwing my head back.

“Too late for that, Harley. I know what you taste like. I’m addicted, and you’re my drug. Move in with me.” I dipped my head, brushing my nose against hers, my lips a breath away from hers.

“Slow, Easton.”

“I don’t want to go slow with you. I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know you.” She giggled and pressed her lips against mine in a soft kiss. “Don’t make me beg, my little bird.”

“Perhaps I could be convinced,” she teased, and I dropped my hands to her legs, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms going around my neck.

“For starters, I live here,” I whispered against her lips. “It’s free. I have a big bed. Have you seen the kitchen? And did I mention I live here?” I teasingly repeated. She threw her head back with laughter, and I knew I’d won.

Fuck what everyone else thought. We were made for each other.

Chapter Seventeen


I had passed crazy and was now dangling on the edge of insanity as I drove away from Easton’s very luxurious apartment building back to the dorms with the Sunday evening sun setting in my rearview mirror.

I had one week left of class before graduation, and he had his first week at his new job. We agreed to take one week apart to give ourselves time to think about what was the best decision for us. Well, I did anyway, and he continued to suggest moving in with him right away, but I wasn’t ready just yet.

I kept wondering what Kennedy would say and how my parents would react. If they would even care at all since they couldn’t even find the time to come to my college graduation.

Easton was patient and kind as he listened to my fears and objections, and I tried to listen to him.

“Fuck them. Fuck anyone who judges us.”

He said it over and over, and I wanted to believe his words. I wanted them to be my mantra, but fear plagued my mind, their judgmental voices screaming in my head.

What are you doing with him?

You’re sleeping with an inmate?

You should be with someone better.

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