Page 30 of Little Bird

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She immediately snapped her eyes shut and sighed in relief as I held the flimsy plastic on my finger, inspecting the blue contact.

Slowly opening her eyes, she turned from me, but I saw a flash of green. “Harley, don’t you have two contacts?” I asked, dropping the contact to the counter and reaching for her.

“No, just one. I, uh, need to go.” She brushed past me and bent down to pick up her discarded bra and thong from the night before.

I latched onto her bicep and turned her into my chest. Startled, she looked up at me, and I saw her first secret.

No longer was she looking up at me with two blue eyes, but rather one was blue and the other green. She sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

“Now you know.”

“Why were you hiding it from me?” I cradled her face with my hand, and she tensed.

“I hate being different.” As she looked at me with two of the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen, I struggled to find the right words to say without scaring her away.

“I like it. I really fucking like it.”

“You do?” Her voice was weak, no longer the strong, confident woman from last night.

“Yeah, baby, I really do. Please don’t hide from me. You and I,” I placed my hand over her heart, where it thrummed wildly against my palm, “we don’t keep secrets. We’re on the same team.”

She nodded, a small smile curving her lips. “There’s a we?” She giggled at my eye roll.

“You doubted that after last night? I’m not a kid anymore, Harley. I’m not looking to play games or for one-night-stands. I want someone to share the rest of my life with. We’ve spent the last year learning about each other through letters, and now, I want to do the same in person.” I kissed her nose, and her smile broadened.

“You know that means meeting my parents.” She raised a brow, and I could almost read her mind—the very parents who were strangely never around.

“I’ll do anything for you.”

“Does breakfast count? I’m starving.” Her stomach rumbled, confirming her statement.

“Let’s shower and then whip something up together.”

“Okay. I only need five minutes.” She pulled out of my grasp, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me.

“Together, Harley. You know, conserve water and all that crap.” Her eyes went wide, and a beautiful blush crept up her neck and across her cheeks.

“You don’t look like the conserving type?” she teased, but I was already scooping her into my arms and walking into the bathroom.

“I need you,” I whispered, kissing her cheek.

“I need you more.”

“So, you know how to cook,” Harley pointed out, staring at me in wonder as I whipped us up some scrambled eggs and bacon.

Her hair was wet, dripping down the back of my shirt from last night, and I was itching to find a good enough reason why I shouldn’t take it off her and devour her instead of the food.

“Mm, yes. My foster mother taught me and Gray.” I flinched at the slip, but when I glanced at her over my shoulder, her eyes were wide with curiosity.

“Gray?” She focused again on the coffee she’d been making us.

“My foster brother,” I answered, wishing to evade further questions, and she seemed to understand.

“My mom never taught me how to cook, and I don’t have a kitchen in my dorm, so I haven’t had a need to cook.” She filled the silence easily, distracting me from thoughts of my past.

“I’ll teach you.”

“Really?” Her voice picked up an octave in excitement. The smallest things brought her such joy. I was learning more and more about her, despite a year of sharing letters and secrets.

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