Page 29 of Little Bird

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“Come for me, Harley. Sing, my little bird. Sing for me,” he growled, and I shattered, his name like a long-lost prayer on my lips.

He paused, buried deep inside me, and then he raised himself off me, his length gone, and then he thrust back into me with such force, I screamed as he groaned out my name, his hot seed filling me.

“Fuck, Harley. Fuck. Fuck.” He dropped his head to my sweaty shoulder and blew out a deep breath. “You’re fucking incredible, little bird.”

He got up from the bed, disappearing into what I imagined was the bathroom. He emerged a beat later, and suddenly, there was a warm cloth at my entrance. I jumped in surprise.

“What are you doing?” I reached for him, but he put a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down.

“Taking care of you, Harley. Treating you the way you deserve, baby.” I sank back into the soft duvet, falling unconditionally in love with this man.

A minute later, he went back into the bathroom. Then, he was back just as quickly as he’d gone, his hands going underneath my heavy body, pulling me into his arms.

“What are you doing now?” I slurred, longing to just fall asleep.

“Putting you inside my bed.” He threw the duvet back and then the top sheet before laying me back down. I sank into the silk sheets, my head landing on the softest pillow.

“This bed is magic,” I whispered, curling into his body as he got in beside me. Dragging me up to his chest, he fell back onto the pillows and kissed me softly, cherishing my mouth.

Curled into him, I never wanted to move again. His arms were wrapped around me, his heartbeat under my ear. I listen to it slow, no longer the sound of hummingbird’s wings. I pressed a kiss to his chest, and he stroked my arm, his fingers causing goosebumps to rise in their wake.

I nuzzled closer to him, my eyes drooping closed, and I fell asleep in a man’s arms for the first time in my life.

Chapter Sixteen


Sunlight streamed through the windows in my bedroom, I forgot to close the blinds last night, my mind in a haze with my desperation to have Harley. She was no longer draped over my chest, and instead, she was curled up on the other side of the bed, her dark hair fanned out over the pillow, soft snores coming from her parted lips.

I never thought I’d be here. Calling an apartment mine with a king-size bed with the perfect woman sleeping in it.

In one of Harley’s letters, she mentioned more than once that she strongly believed everything happened for a reason.

Was that why we met?

Was that why I was set up all those years ago?

If I hadn’t been arrested, would I have met her?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I got up from the bed. Raising my arms above my head, I stretched out my back and reached for my toes. My muscles and bones creaked with the simple movement, my age showing. I pulled the curtain drapes closed, as not to wake her with the electric blinds. The room was once again bathed in shadow, ensuring her a little more sleep.

I had woken her up an hour after we fell asleep for another round, and she’d been eager to have me buried deep inside her again. My dick pulsed at the thought, and I glanced over at her. Her bare shoulder peaked out from the thin, silk sheet, making my mouth water.

I couldn’t get enough of her.

“I can feel you looking at me,” her voice was hoarse from screaming my name.

“You’re supposed to sleep in.” I edged closer to the bed, thinking about how I was going to make her sing for me.

“You left the bed.” She turned over and opened her eyes, blinking slowly. She rubbed her one eye and then groaned. “Fuck.” She jumped from the bed, running for the bathroom, and I followed close behind her.

“What’s wrong, Harley?” She was standing on her toes, trying to look at her eye in the mirror. “Harley?”

“My contact. it’s moved. I’m not supposed to sleep with it in. I forgot.” Her voice shook with panic, and I gently gripped her elbow.

“Here. Let me look.” She turned to me, Biting down on her bottom lip, she nervously nodded.

I found the thin, almost clear film instantly. Quickly washing my hands, I used one finger to hold her eyelid open and the other to pinch it out.

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