Page 10 of Little Bird

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I saw my parents this past weekend for Labor Day. It was a drag, as usual. They turned my room into a gym—can you believe it? I literally can’t remember the last time I saw them use gym equipment, and they sure as hell didn’t touch the treadmill or stupid cycle bike while I was there.

I know I’ve been gone for four years, but I kind of imagined they would wait until I officially moved out, you know? I had imagined living at home until my wedding night. But that’s off the books now. Guess I really will be looking for a shitty apartment.

I look forward to your letters, too. Like check-my-mailbox-three-times-a-day excited. If you haven’t been able to tell, I don’t have many friends, if any, really. I don’t even party. I’d rather be in bed reading a book.

Let's get lost in our closets. I’ll share if you do.

Annoying roommate, annoying cellmate—dare I say we have more in common? She spends most of her time attempting to be an influencer on TikTok. Waste of time, if you ask me.

So, Mr. Diggs, you read romance? Your thoughts on Fifty Shades of Gray? Don’t worry about paying me back. I’ll go to the bookstore this weekend and find something exciting for us to read. We are totally starting with a romance. I hear there are some pretty spicy books out. What spice level do you like?

Can you take medication for your ADHD? My best friend in high school had ADHD, and the meds they put her on really helped her focus. She even decided to become a doctor because of it.

You have some very interesting questions. I hope I don’t disappoint.

My dad literally named me after Harley Davidson, so what do you think? Of course, I can.

Still learning that one. Spend most of the time fighting with my dad, so I barely see him. He was the one teaching me, so I stopped.

Not for me. My dad’s a chain smoker, and I hate the smell. It makes me nauseous.

Vanilla ice cream. You can add any toppings, right?


I am a carnivore.

Yeah, they don’t really care what I do. I already disappointed them by doing a journalism major. They were expecting something better.

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