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“Today. My boss called me into his office this morning and said that they are forced to downsize my position along with five others.”

I slow my pace to stay behind. I know I shouldn’t listen in on their private conversation, but the moment Presley mentions being downsized, Lisa’s current predicament of being short-staffed flashes through my mind.

“And of course it’s right after the New Year; that’s really shitty of them. Not that there’s really ever a good time to lose your job.” The friend stretches her arms around Presley’s narrow shoulders and gives her a squeeze.

“Yeah, I was barely getting by working there part-time as it was, but now I don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills. I’m going to have to get a roommate again, Serenity.”

Serenity, that’s her name.

“Not a chance, not after that weirdo that you caught rummaging through your underwear drawer. We’ll figure something out. You can always crash on my and Jarrod’s couch.”

My stomach clenches at the reference to the roommate. What the fuck kind of situation was she living in?

The women stop and I pull my phone out of my pocket, pretending to be focused on the screen as I walk past them and enter the classroom.

For the next ninety minutes, I try to remain focused on what I’m teaching, but my eyes keep drifting over to Presley’s face, her expression clearly troubled. Her eyes shift down toward the floor, her chin resting heavy on her hand that’s propped up by her elbow on the desk. She’s in another world, clearly distracted by the bomb dropped on her earlier by her employer.

I reach into my lapel, pulling the business card from my wallet and slipping it into my pants pocket while one of the students attempts to answer a question I presented.

When the bell finally alerts to the end of class, the students don’t waste time rushing out into the hallway.

“Hey, I have to rush to meet Jarrod. I’ll call you later tonight, okay? You sure you’re okay?” Serenity gives her a look of concern as Presley nods her head, assuring her that she’ll be fine before shooing her to go meet up with her boyfriend.

“Miss James.” Her head snaps up, her blue eyes meeting mine as she slides her tablet into her bag. “Could I have moment with you, please?”

She nods, her eyes now darting to the last two people who exit the room, leaving us completely alone.

I run my finger nervously over the business card in my pocket as I step toward her. Her hair falls over one shoulder and down her back in long, silky waves—waves I’d like to run my fingers through as my tongue explores her body.

Stop thinking with your dick, asshole; that’s why you’re in this mess.

I clear my throat. “Miss James, I couldn’t help but overhear your situation earlier on your way into class.” She looks at me, unblinking. “That you lost your job this morning?”

“Oh, yes. Yes, I did.” That look of sadness is back instantly, her tense shoulders falling a few inches as she lets her arm that’s holding her bag sag a little lower.

“I may have an opportunity for you.”


“Lisa Wade owns the best PR firm in Chicago, arguably one of the top in the country. She actually represents me and Gates Enterprises.” I pull the card out of my pocket.

“Yes.” She somewhat laughs. “Everyone in the public relations field knows about Lisa Wade. She’s our Lebron, if you will.”

“Well, it just so happens one of her publicists quit unexpectedly and it’s left her in a serious situation. She’s in dire need of help and I’m sure that she’d be willing to work around your school schedule.”

“Oh.” She stares at me in disbelief before her hand comes up to rest against the base of her throat. “Wait, are you offering me a job?”

I chuckle, extending the business card toward her. “I’m not, but I’m telling you that I know of an opportunity you’d be a perfect fit for and I can put in a good word for you.”

Her mouth falls open slightly in what I assume is shock as she slowly reaches for the card. Her long, slender fingers grasp the card, touching mine for the briefest second, but it’s all I need to feel the electricity radiate up my arm and through my body. I look down to where our hands touch, then back up to her to see if she felt it too, but her expression gives nothing away.

“Why me? I—I’m still in grad school. Working for Lisa Wade is a dream job for like every person who studies public relations. I don’t think I’m qualified.”

I shrug. “Might be but not everyone is like you. You’re the kind of person Lisa hires. You’re driven and clearly very smart, something that hasn’t gone unnoticed in class these last few weeks, and you’re not afraid to voice your opinion… even if it’s one of disgust.” I can’t keep the smirk from my lips.

“Well, technically I apologized for that though so I’m not sure I have the kind of backbone you think I do.” Her cheeks flush.

“And I thought we agreed that you’re not going to apologize.”

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