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“Now, Mr. Vaughn,” she lowers her voice, “you’re not suggesting something illegal, are you?”

“Never. I know how you like to follow the rules. On a more serious note, I don’t expect you to watch her twenty-four seven. She tends to go down pretty early during vacations. She tires herself out running around so your evenings will be completely free and you’ll have some time to yourself as well.”

“So are we going to a resort or something?”

I shake my head. “We stay on the yacht. Take a smaller boat to shore for excursions. Well, I stay on the yacht I should say. My parents like to go to The Four Seasons usually for a night or two. They enjoy the restaurant there and the spa.”

“How big is this yacht?”

“Big enough you can have your own area and won’t have to worry about running into me.” I wink at her.

“Should we toast to vacation then?” She lifts her glass.

“You sure you don’t want something stronger first? It is vacation after all.”

“Maybe I’ll try what you’re drinking.”

“You like scotch? I’ve got a great reserve on the flight.”

She laughs. “I don’t think I’ve ever had it actually. My dad is a Jim Beam kind of guy—that’s his ‘fancy’ liquor of choice. I snuck into it once or twice as a teenager but learned my lesson after throwing up.”

“Ah, well, I can assure you this is much smoother. You want to try it?” I hold out my glass toward her and she hesitates before slowly taking it from my hand. Her fingers graze mine and the same spark I felt the night I kissed her comes rushing back.

She lifts the glass to her lips, taking a sip. Her eye twitches and she coughs. “Whoa, that is strong. That’s what I picture my grandpa drinking on his back porch with a cigar.” She laughs.

“Damn, I didn’t realize I was that old yet. I do enjoy a good cigar now and then.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. You’re not that old.” Her cheeks redden. “Not that you’re old, I just?—”

“It’s okay. It’s a fact that I’m quite a bit older than you.”

Her eyes fall to her glass as she runs her fingers over the rim. “Only seventeen years.”

“You know how old I am?”

She blushes, her voice cracking a little. “Yeah, I saw it when I looked you up on the internet.”

“And when did you do that, Daphne?” I’m not sure if it’s the liquor already but my voice grows deeper.

“After I found out who you were when we met at school.”

“Yeah, about that.” I toss back the rest of the scotch. “I think I owe you more than one apology for my past behavior.”

“Really?” She crooks an eyebrow at me. “And what has brought on this change of heart, Mr. Vaughn?” She’s being flirty and between that and the alcohol, it’s lowering my inhibitions.

I chuckle, leaning forward in my seat as I reach my fingertips out to rest against her knee. “Probably the night you fell into my lap and made me realize my frustration with you wasn’t because I didn’t like you.”

“No?” I watch her throat constrict. “What was it from?”

I stare at her, thinking long and hard about how I want to answer… how I should answer. “Tell you what, in the spirit of being on my best behavior, Miss Flowers, I’ll keep that answer to myself.” She looks disappointed. “We’ll be preparing for landing soon. I should wake Daisy up and get her buckled in properly.”

We make it to the yacht just in time for lunch. My chef has prepared a buffet of options. “Your father and I will take Daisy ashore to the kids pool at The Four Seasons after lunch. We just found out the Tallmans are there with their grandchildren.”

“You’re welcome to stay aboard or go ashore,” I say to Daphne as my mother takes Daisy to go change into her bathing suit.

“Oh okay, what are you doing to do?”

“I’ll go talk with the captain, see how things are going and then probably do a little work. It’s great swimming around here. There’s snorkel gear somewhere aboard.”

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