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“You wanted to see me before I left, sir?”

I look up to see Brontë standing in front of my desk, her hands folded neatly, hanging down in front of her. She’s since pulled up her hair from this morning. It’s now in a high ponytail, accentuating her long, slender neck that’s begging to be tasted. Her dress, a wide neckline, only drawing even more attention to it and her delicate collarbones.

“I did,” I say as she sinks slowly down into a chair across from me. Her big blue eyes are staring at me, long dark eyelashes fanning out, making her almost look like a cartoon, a Disney princess.

The thing that gets me about her, that makes me so desperate to throw caution to the wind and call bullshit on my own speech I’m about to give her, is her naiveté. She’s flirty, and she did come on to me after all, twice now, but it’s almost an innocent type of flirting. It’s coy and sweet. She has a tell, an impish little smile when she knows she’s being seductive, but it’s not like a woman who knows what she’s getting herself into.

No, it’s like she thinks a few stolen kisses or maybe an inappropriate comment will be the outcome and maybe in her past, that’s all it was. And that innocence calls to me, makes me want to defile her, to show her what it’s like to flirt with the big bad wolf.

“I’ll make this quick. I know it’s after hours, but I, uh, golfed with your father yesterday as you know. He and I had a good talk and he expressed how appreciative he was that you’re back in his life and how important you are to him. It just made me want to apologize again for my behavior in the car the other night. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I shouldn’t have said the things I did.”

She smiles. “I know. You already told me and like I mentioned before, I kissed you so technically, you don’t have anything to apologize for.”

There’s that cute little flirty smile. I imagine it’s like the one she gave the young men at the work party at Navy Pier.

“Well, either way, I just want you to know that as enticing”—I look up when I say the word—“as it might be to do something so forbidden, I think that’s where the excitement lies so we’re both better off not indulging in that. I won’t be the man who comes between you and your father.”

I stare at her, but she doesn’t seem to have much of a response to what I’m saying. I don’t know what I expected. Maybe she sees through my bullshit. I shake my head at the thought. No, this is serious and I mean it. Even though all the desires are still there, more than ever, I can’t act on them.

“I completely understand and I will respect the boundaries. I think I’ve just been celibate for too long.” She shrugs with a slight giggle and it hits me right in the gut.

This shit right here, this is what gets me. She says it so nonchalant like I won’t instantly start thinking about fucking her when she brings up the fact that she hasn’t been laid. I feel my cock stiffen in my pants.

“I think it’s the kick in the ass I need to actually get out there and start dating again. Trust me, my girlfriends have been on me about it so they’ll be happy to know I’m going to do it.” She stands up and smiles again. “If that’s all, I’m going to head out to my yoga class, and then I’m setting up my dating profile tonight. No more excuses.”

“That’s all, Miss Spencer.”

She stands and steps closer to my desk. “Okay, I can respect the boundaries, but Miss Spencer? Should I start calling you Mr. Archer again?”

I know she doesn’t mean to but the way her breathy voice drops an octave when she asks the question has me already wanting to throw my resolve out the window and tell her only if she says it on her knees.

“Good night, Brontë.”

“Good night, Mr. Archer.” I watch as she walks out of my office, her hips swaying with each step as she closes the door behind her, and I let out a frustrated groan.

The idea that she’s going to go home tonight and set up her dating profile has my blood about to boil. I already know it will just be a slew of fuckboys waiting their turn to fuck her over and leave her unsatisfied.

Chapter 7


“Are you from Chicago originally?”

I take a sip of my Aperol spritz and try my hardest to keep some sort of conversation going with Brayden.

“Nah, bro. I’m from the suburbs, Naperville. You heard of it?”

Did he just call me bro?

“Yes, I think it’s actually the biggest suburb,” I reply as he continues to mess around on his phone.

“Can I grab you another drink, miss?” The bartender approaches us and Brayden replies before I can.

“Nah, we’re gonna head out of here in a few, right?” He looks at me.

“Did you have another place in mind?”

“Uhh, my place.” He gives me his, what I assume anyway, best sexy eyes look. You know the one, where they’re excessively licking their lips and look like they’re about to sneeze.

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