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“Life had started to get complicated for me by then. My father’s business took a turn and there was some bad press. I just wanted to remain focused on school and at that point I had started to develop my own plan to become an entrepreneur.”

I’m tempted to ask him more about his father but decide against it. “Did you know back then what you wanted to do or you just knew you wanted to work for yourself?”

“Both. I had taken a big interest in mergers and acquisitions at that point. I had realized that if you were able to buy one company, you could essentially sell some of it off to fund buying another company and so on.”

“Did business come easy to you?”

“I guess you could say that. I knew how to negotiate, how to read people. Not to say there wasn’t plenty of trial and error along the way, but I guess that’s another thing I had in spades—thick skin. I never let a setback deter me or convince me that I couldn’t do something. It only lit that fire inside me all the more.”

“That’s attractive.”

He looks over at me, his thumb rubbing my insole. “And here I thought that’s what you hated about me, the drive to conquer and subdue.” He’s teasing me, the slow, deep massage of his thumb into my foot sending a tingle straight up my leg. “Or do you have a thing for bad men?”

I giggle, remembering the night I first met him and told him he wasn’t a nice man. “Maybe I do. I’ve always been attracted to confidence. I think that’s what my issue with men in the past has been actually.”

“Intriguing, Go on.”

“I—” I take another big gulp of wine, the alcohol already lowering my inhibitions enough that I feel I can open up to him more than I ever thought I would on this subject. “In college, or since I can remember actually, I’ve struggled with attraction. My friends would be head over heels in lust with some guy, going on and on about how hot he was and that they wanted to rip his clothes off—the usual, you know. But I never felt that, not even with the guys I dated.”

“Any particular reason why?”

“Confidence. They were cocky, but when it came to me, to ‘getting’ me, to pleasing me in the bedroom, there was no confidence. Even when they kissed me, it was very bland, vanilla.” This is probably one of those moments where tomorrow I’ll think back on it and wish the couch had swallowed me whole, but right now, it feels good to express it to him. I want to tell him.

“I can understand those desires. Do you feel they’re met with me?”

I stare at him. Just the way he’s sitting right now makes me want to climb on top of him. His legs are spread wide; they’re long, taking up space. He’s the one who grabbed my legs and put them in his lap; he’s the one earlier who pulled me to him.

“Yes, very much so,” I say emphatically. “Just the fact that you showed up here tonight, unprompted. You say the most bold and sometimes crass things unapologetically. You take what you want. Apart from your status in life, your money and power, I feel like even if you didn’t have those things, you’d be the same man. You just seem to know exactly what you want.”

“I’m sure age does have something to do with that,” he says slowly. “Also, life experiences but I appreciate the compliments.”

“Maybe that’s what I need then,” I say, finishing my wine and leaning over to place my glass on the table.

“What’s that?”

“An older man.”

He laughs. “Is that right? Perhaps one who’s also your professor?”

That little flutter of excitement is back. “Is it bad that the professor factor makes it even hotter?”

“Not bad, no. Not surprising either. You seem to have an affinity for the forbidden.” He smirks.

“Must be all those years of being the good girl; it’s finally catching up to me. All those years of denying myself.” I wriggle my eyebrows playfully.

“Denying yourself of old men.” He laughs and I playfully kick at him, but he grabs my foot, pressing it against his thigh. “Am I your first?”

I nod my head. “The other guys were my age when I was in college.”

“Ah yes, and I was”—he squints an eye like he’s calculating—“already forty by the time you started college.”

“Does that bother you?”

I flex my other foot that’s resting in his lap, my toes running along his cock. He looks down at what I’m doing, his length already hardening against my foot.

“Sometimes. I feel like a creep if I think about it too hard.”

I sit up, pulling my feet back and crawling toward him. I reach down, sliding my hand along him as I kiss him. I reach for the button of his pants, undoing it along with his zipper.

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