Page 49 of Flame of Desire

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He couldn't let this moment slip away; he needed to see her up close, away from the prying eyes and clamoring audience. Turning slightly, he caught the attention of one of the staff hovering near the periphery of the event—a man whose job it was to anticipate the needs of their elite clientele.

“I want to meet her in private,” he said, his voice low but imbued with authority.

The man nodded once, a swift dip of his head that conveyed both understanding and urgency. “I'll make that arrangement immediately, sir,” he said before slipping away into the throng.

Dominic turned back to where Asa had been just moments before, replaying every movement and note in his mind. The anticipation built within him like a storm on the horizon—dark, powerful, inevitable.

Dominic rose from his seat, the leather creaking beneath his powerful frame as he straightened to his full, imposing height. His piercing gaze remained fixed on the spot where Asa had exited mere moments ago, an invisible tether binding him to her ethereal presence.

“Well, that was… something,” Lucian said as he approached, his voice carrying a note of wonder that rarely graced his diplomatic tones, his expression one of awed admiration.

Xavier fell into step beside Lucian, his eyes shining with a mixture of wonderment and intensity that bespoke a mind already spinning with possibilities. “She's extraordinary,” he breathed, his voice tinged with the same entranced quality they all shared.

Dominic gave a curt nod, fully aware that both Lucian and Xavier were as spellbound by Asa as he was. The shared fascination among them was palpable, a silent agreement that she was extraordinary.

A flicker of movement caught Dominic's eye as a staff member—one clearly with the higher rank of manager—approached with a deferential nod. “Mr. Davenports, if you would please follow me.”

Dominic pivoted on his heel and strode after the man, Xavier and Lucian flanking him. They ascended a grand staircase as they were led down a corridor lined with ornate sconces that cast a warm, golden glow.

The manager ushered them through an elaborately carved door into a sumptuous private room. Dominic's discerning gaze swept over the space, taking in the rich mahogany paneling and the inviting arrangement of plush leather couches positioned around a massive oak table laden with an array of decadent dishes and crystal decanters filled with amber liquids.

Dominic claimed the central couch, settling into the softness with a casual cross of one leg over the other in a pose that radiated casual control. Xavier and Lucian settled on either side of him, their eyes taking in the surroundings with an appreciation honed by years of affluence.

“As per your request, Mr. Davenport,” the manager began, his tone deferential yet assured, “I have gathered what information I could about the performer known as SilverButterfly—her stage name. Her given name is Asa, and she works closely with a young music producer known simply as Eli.”

Dominic felt a flicker of intrigue at the mention of this Eli, storing the detail away for later scrutiny. His focus sharpened as the manager continued.

“Miss Asa is relatively young and unknown in the music and entertainment industry. However, her performance tonight has garnered significant attention from several major labels and companies who are already inquiring about securing her talents.”

A muscle ticked in Dominic's jaw as a wave of possessiveness washed over him. The thought of others vying for Asa's attention, of her slipping through his grasp, was utterly unacceptable. His fingers dug into the leather of the couch as he fought the instinctive urge to lay an indelible claim upon her then and there.

The manager cleared his throat, drawing Dominic's attention back to him. “Furthermore, she has a channel on StreamBeat, under the name SilverButterfly. Currently, her following is modest, but with her evident talent and tonight's performance, it's only a matter of time before it expands exponentially. If a label were to represent her—”

Dominic's gaze met Xavier's and then Lucian's in quick succession, a mere flicker of glances that conveyed a world of meaning. In the steel of their eyes, an unspoken agreement passed between them. Asa was a rare gem they had discovered; they wouldn't let her be swept away by some record company. She belonged with them—this was an immutable truth that coursed through Dominic's veins with fierce certainty.

A crisp rap on the door interrupted the charged silence. The manager straightened. “That must be SilverButterfly now.” He crossed the room in a few efficient strides and pulled open the door.

As soon as the gap widened, a sweet scent drifted into the room. It was faint but unmistakable—the unique pheromones of an omega that wrapped around Dominic like a caress, calling forth an instinctive response deep within him. His body tensed, every sense heightened in anticipation. He fought the urge to close his eyes and simply bask in her essence, to surrender to the visceral pull of her presence.

Asa stepped into the room, and Dominic found himself utterly transfixed. She seemed even more delicate and ethereal up close, her pale hair shimmering like spun moonlight in the soft lighting. Her porcelain skin held the barest flush of color, lending a rosy vitality to her features that belied the fragility of her frame.

Beside him, Xavier inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening with unveiled desire as he drank in Asa's form. On Dominic's other side, Lucian leaned forward slightly, his gaze locked on the delicate curve of Asa's neck.

Dominic's focus remained fixed on Asa's face. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, never quite meeting his or his brothers' heated stares. He could sense her trepidation, could practically taste the anxiety rolling off her in waves. Of course she would be overwhelmed by the combined force of their alpha presences. The thought brought him a strange sense of satisfaction—the desire to both soothe her fears and revel in the power he held over her.

The manager gestured toward the plush couches. “Please, have a seat.”

Asa lowered herself gingerly onto the edge of one of the couches, her movements restrained yet graceful. Her two companions whom Dominic knew must be Lena and Zara, flanked Asa on either side, mirroring her tentative posture.

As the manager turned to leave, the door closed behind him with a resounding click that seemed to reverberate through the hushed space. Asa flinched visibly at the sound, her shoulders tensing as her eyes darted toward the exit with the fleeting look of a caged bird.

Dominic leaned back as he studied Asa's every reaction. His gaze raked over her slender form, committing every curve and angle to memory as a thrill coursed through his veins. The tension in the room was palpable, charged with unspoken desires and the heady allure of her omega essence. His brothers were equally entranced, their eyes locked on the delicate creature before them.

Lena's voice cut through the heavy silence, her tone assertive. “Well, here we are, just as your invitation requested. Now that we've graced you with our presence, what is it that you want with our SilverButterfly?”

Dominic leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his posture one of casual dominance. “The performance tonight was exquisite,” he began, his voice a low rumble that filled the room with its resonance. “SilverButterfly’s voice is truly captivating.”

“Indeed,” Lucian chimed in, his eyes gleaming as he watched Asa with unabashed admiration. “I was utterly spellbound.”

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