Page 31 of Flame of Desire

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Even so, as he navigated back to Asa's channel, he found himself creating an account—TechTemplarX—his fingers moving of their own accord. A sense of possessiveness washed over him as he joined the ranks of her followers, some fifty thousand strong, all vying for a glimpse of her ethereal beauty. Yet, in that moment, Xavier felt a connection that transcended mere fandom. It was as if Asa's very essence had reached out and ensnared him, binding him to her in a way that defied logic or reason. He was utterly captivated, his alpha instincts roaring to life with an intensity he had never before experienced.

As the video drew to a close, Xavier found himself yearning for more, his fingers hovering over the screen, desperate to immerse himself in Asa's world once again. With a few swift taps, he navigated to her earlier performances, his eyes drinking in every nuance of her movements, his ears straining to capture the intoxicating melodies that poured forth from her lips. And just as he was about to lose himself completely in her enchanting display, a notification chimed, pulling him back to reality.

Curious, he tapped on the tablet, his breath catching in his throat as he saw a private message from Asa herself, her name SilverButterfly emblazoned across the screen like a beacon in the darkness. A surge of elation washed over him, a feeling so foreign and yet so intoxicating that it left him momentarily breathless.

With trembling fingers, he tapped on the message, his eyes devouring the words that seemed to dance across the screen: Thank you for subscribing. It means a lot to me.

Such a simple sentiment, and yet it resonated within him with the force of a tidal wave, awakening a yearning he had long thought dormant. In that moment, Xavier knew he had to respond, to forge a connection, however tenuous, with this ethereal creature who had so thoroughly ensnared him.

His fingers danced across the screen, the words flowing from him with an ease that belied the tumult of emotions churning within his chest.

Your voice is truly beautiful, and your dancing is… enchanting.

He paused, his lips quirking into a wry smile as he caught himself before revealing too much. Enchanting, indeed. The word scarcely did justice to the raw, primal desire that had coursed through him as he watched her lithe form undulate to the rhythm of the music.

A soft chime heralded Asa's reply, and Xavier found himself holding his breath, his heart pounding in his ears as he read her words.

Thank you. I'm practicing very hard to improve on my art and I hope to one day make it big on my own as a pop idol.

Xavier's brows lifted in surprise, a newfound respect blossoming within him. For an omega to harbor such lofty ambitions was a rare thing indeed, given the harsh realities of their society that often sought to suppress their potential. He marveled at her quiet strength, her determination to rise above the limitations imposed upon her by a world that failed to recognize her true worth.

That Asa had chosen to share this intimate detail of her life with him filled Xavier with a sense of pride and privilege. He felt a connection to her, a bond that transcended the boundaries of mere fandom.

Xavier's fingers danced across the screen as he responded to Asa's candid confession. You're right, practice is key. But even the most talented artists need support to truly make it big. He paused, considering his next words carefully. Have you ever considered seeking out a talent agency? Someone with real influence who can help elevate your craft to the next level?

Asa's reply came swiftly, her excitement palpable even through the screen. Like Bluewave, the agency owned by Sterling Enterprises? They have so many successful idol groups under their wing, like NXT. They're huge globally, especially here in the States.

A slow smile spread across Xavier's lips as he read her message. So the little omega was ambitious and well informed—an intriguing combination. More importantly, she had inadvertently provided him with the perfect opening to further his own agenda.

Bluewave is certainly a powerhouse in the industry, he typed, his fingers moving with practiced ease. But having the right connections can be just as valuable as signing with an agency. Tell me, have you ever attended SocialSphere Unite?

There was a brief pause before Asa's response appeared. No, I've never even heard of it. What is it?

Xavier chuckled to himself, relishing the opportunity to enlighten her. SocialSphere Unite is the premier event for digital creators and social media platforms. It's a chance to network, gain insights from industry leaders, and potentially catch the eye of influential figures. He let the implication linger for a moment before adding, I happen to have a few extra passes. I could arrange for you to attend, if you're interested, free of charge.

The pause this time was longer, and Xavier could almost picture Asa's brow furrowing in contemplation. Finally, her reply appeared. That sounds amazing! I would be honored to attend. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Satisfaction curled within Xavier's chest as he read her enthusiastic response.

Excellent, he typed, his fingers moving with renewed vigor. I'll have the details sent over to you shortly. In the meantime, let me offer a few tips to help increase your visibility on StreamBeat…

Xavier's lips curved into a smirk, a rush of pride surging through him. If there was one thing he excelled at, it was navigating the complex world of digital media.

Focus on eye-catching thumbnails, he typed, his fingers flying across the screen as he outlined some key strategies. And titles that grab attention. Engage with your audience in the comments and encourage them to share your content. And most importantly, post consistently and at optimal times to maximize your reach.

A heart emoji appeared on Xavier's screen, accompanied by Asa's effusive gratitude. Thank you so much for the tips and tricks! I really appreciate your help and support.

Xavier felt his pulse quicken, a warmth spreading through his chest at her words. It was a simple gesture, and yet it stirred something deep within him, a primal yearning that he had long thought dormant. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, acutely aware of the way his body was responding to her, his desire manifesting in an all too physical manner.

Before he could compose a reply, another message from Asa popped up. It's getting late, and I should probably head to bed.

Xavier's fingers hovered over the screen, a pang of disappointment washing over him. He wasn't ready for their conversation to end, for this tenuous connection to be severed. And yet, he knew he couldn't keep her from her rest.

He typed, a sense of urgency driving his every move. Of course. Sweet dreams, SilverButterfly. Perhaps we'll have a chance to meet in person at the expo.

There was a brief pause, and then her reply came, accompanied by a radiant smile emoji that seemed to light up the screen. Yes, I'd love that. I don't know anyone else who will be there, so it would be nice to meet up with someone who knows the way of the expos.

Xavier's heart thundered in his chest, a surge of possessiveness washing over him at the thought of being her guide, her anchor in the unfamiliar world of SocialSphere, despite his reluctance to attend only that evening. Without a moment's hesitation, he typed out his private number, his fingers trembling ever so slightly as he hit send.

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