Page 30 of Flame of Desire

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The channel's banner instantly captured their attention, a breathtaking image of Asa's delicate features framed by a masquerade mask in the shape of a butterfly that hid half of her face. Her porcelain skin seemed to glow, her platinum hair a cascade of moonlight. Crimson lips formed a coy smile, adding an alluring touch of mystery to her ethereal beauty.

“Exquisite,” Lucian murmured, his gaze drinking in every detail.

Xavier swallowed thickly, his throat suddenly dry. He had always considered himself above such visceral reactions, but Asa's image stirred something primal within him, a yearning he could scarcely comprehend.

With a tap, he selected one of her recent live performances, and the screen filled with the dimly lit interior of an underground club. Asa stood on a small stage, clad in a shimmering silver dress that clung to her lithe form. As the first notes of the music drifted through the speakers, she began to move, her body undulating with a grace that belied the sensuality of her movements.

Her voice, a haunting melody, soon joined the rhythm, weaving a spell that seemed to reach into the very depths of Xavier's being. He found himself transfixed, his breath catching in his throat as she danced, each sway of her hips and arch of her back a tantalizing invitation.

Beside him, Dominic and Lucian were equally enraptured, their eyes dark with a hunger that mirrored Xavier's own. A bead of sweat trickled down Lucian's temple, his lips parted ever so slightly as he drank in the sight of Asa's ethereal beauty.

Xavier shifted, suddenly all too aware of the tightness in his tailored slacks. He could scarcely imagine what Asa's voice would sound like in the throes of passion, her lips parted and eyes heavy-lidded as she called out for him—for them. The thought kindled a burning need low in his abdomen, and he clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure.

A quick glance at his brothers confirmed he was not alone in his torment. Dominic's jaw was set in a hard line, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly as he no doubt fought the same urges that plagued Xavier. Lucian, too, seemed affected, his fingers digging into the plush leather of the sofa as his gaze remained locked on the screen.

In that moment, Xavier knew they were all thinking the same thing—imagining what it would be like to have Asa writhing beneath them, her sweet omega scent filling the air as she surrendered to their touch. The thought was both intoxicating and dangerous, a temptation that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed restraint they had each so meticulously cultivated.

Xavier exhaled slowly as the video drew to a close, his body thrumming with a desire he could scarcely contain. He caught Dominic's gaze, the heat simmering in those cobalt depths a reflection of his own tormented yearnings. With a measured breath, he switched off the screen, plunging the room into dimness once more.

He would enjoy watching Asa in his own time, in the privacy of his bedroom—a thought that both tantalized and shamed him. To be so undone by a mere glimpse of her dancing form… it was unbecoming of a Davenport alpha.

“If we truly want to acquire StreamBeat and make inroads with the Sterling twins,” Lucian's voice sliced through the weighted silence, “our best opportunity lies at SocialSphere Unite and Lou Sterling.”

Xavier suppressed a groan at the mention of the annual cross-platform networking expo. He had been invited—no, begged—to attend and give a talk on innovation in digital media. A dull ache blossomed behind his eyes at the mere thought of navigating the throngs of industry leaders and influencers, engaging in endless small talk and networking. It made his skin crawl.

“You can't avoid it this time, Xav,” Dominic stated. “It's the perfect chance to connect with Louise Sterling.”

Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “You know I'm dreadful at these social gatherings. Networking has never been my forte.” He shot a pointed look at Lucian. “That's more your domain, brother.”

Lucian shook his head, an apologetic smile tugging at his lips. “I've a full slate of meetings that day, negotiating new partnerships abroad. You're on your own for this one, Xav.”

Releasing a long-suffering sigh, Xavier nodded his reluctant acceptance. He would do what was necessary for the sake of the family business—even if it meant subjecting himself to the indignity of forced socializing with lesser minds.

“Fine. I'll do it.” He leaned back in his chair, his mind already whirring with strategies to make the most of the conference. If he had to endure the tedium of industry schmoozing, he might as well use it to further their goals.

A short moment later, the brothers dispersed, and Xavier retreated into his private sanctuary, a spacious bedroom that exuded refined luxury. His suite was a study in understated opulence, a reflection of his discerning tastes. The sleek lines of the contemporary furnishings were offset by the rich warmth of the carpeted floors and the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city skyline. A king-sized bed dominated the space, its charcoal-gray silk sheets and plush comforter beckoning him with the promise of restful solitude.

Xavier began to undress, shedding the layers of his immaculate suit. As each article of clothing fell away, the defined contours of his body were gradually revealed—the broad expanse of his shoulders tapering down to a lean, muscular torso, his abs rippling with each subtle shift of movement.

He made his way to the en suite bathroom, a marvel of modern design and functionality. The sleek black marble countertops gleamed under the soft lighting, while the expansive glass shower beckoned with the promise of a relaxing soak.

Shedding the last of his clothing, Xavier stepped under the cascading water, letting the heat sluice over his toned body. He tilted his head back, allowing the torrent to plaster his dark locks to his scalp, rivulets tracing the contours of his chiseled features. As the tension melted from his muscles, he couldn't help but recall the mesmerizing sight of Asa's performance, her lithe form undulating with sensual grace.

A low groan rumbled in his throat as he imagined her beneath the spray with him, her porcelain skin glistening, those crimson lips parted in breathless invitation. The fantasy was nearly his undoing, and he forced himself to focus on the task at hand, reaching for the bottle of sandalwood-scented body wash.

Emerging from the shower refreshed, Xavier toweled off his lean frame, taking care to ensure not a single droplet marred his sculpted physique. With measured steps, he padded back into the bedroom, his gaze immediately drawn to the plush comfort of his bed.

Sinking onto the mattress, he reached for the tablet resting on the nightstand, its sleek surface reflecting the city lights that streamed through the windows. With a few taps, he navigated to Asa's StreamBeat channel, his eyes hungrily drinking in every detail of her profile. His fingers hovered over the tablet, his heart pounding in his chest as he selected one of Asa's videos. The screen flickered to life, and there she was, a vision of ethereal beauty, her voice a siren's call that stirred something deep within him.

He watched, transfixed, as she danced, her body moving with a grace and sensuality that matched the rhythm of the music as if she were an extension of the melody itself. Each undulation of her hips, every arch of her back stirred something primal within Xavier, igniting a simmering heat that coiled low in his abdomen. He could feel the first tendrils of his alpha pheromones beginning to permeate the air, a heady musk that spoke to the depth of his desire.

Her sultry vocals filled the room, and Xavier found himself utterly spellbound. Her voice, a haunting melody, seemed to reach into his very soul, awakening a yearning he had never known. Each lilting note, every breathy intonation reverberated through his very being, stirring a longing so profound that it threatened to consume him entirely.

His breath hitched in his throat as he imagined himself on that stage with her, his hands exploring the curves of her body, his lips tracing the delicate line of her collarbone. The fantasy was intoxicating, and he found himself growing harder with each passing moment. Unable to resist the urge, he reached down, his fingers wrapping around his length as he began to stroke himself in time with the rhythm of her dance.

The pleasure built within him, a fierce and consuming fire that threatened to overwhelm him. He gritted his teeth, his eyes never leaving the screen as he imagined himself buried deep inside her, their bodies moving together in a dance of passion. The thought was enough to push him over the edge, and with a low growl, he found his release, his body shuddering with the force of it.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, Xavier was left feeling both sated and strangely ashamed. He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. This was unlike him, to be so affected by a mere performance. He prided himself on his discipline, his ability to maintain control in the face of any temptation, and yet something about Asa had broken through his carefully constructed defenses, leaving him vulnerable and yearning for more.

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