Page 3 of Flame of Desire

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Xav didn’t miss a beat. “Harris, make sure we’re not disturbed tonight.”

The butler’s eyes widened a fraction before he dipped his head in a nod. “Of course, sir.”

As we ascended to the penthouse, I felt the comforting walls of my old room beckoning me. It was a place that held both memories and secrets, a sanctuary that once provided solace from the outside world.

Xav carried me through the door and laid me gently on the bed. The room was as I remembered it, spacious and immaculate, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the city skyline. But all its grandeur faded into insignificance as another wave of heat tore through me.

I curled up, pulling my knees to my chest in an effort to contain the fire within. My body trembled, each breath a shaky gasp as I fought against the overwhelming desire clawing at my insides.

Xav moved toward the door, his silhouette framed by the city lights. Panic laced through me at the thought of being alone.

“Please,” I croaked out, reaching for him with a trembling hand. “Don’t leave me.”

He paused and turned back to look at me, his expression unreadable for a moment before it softened.

“Asa,” he said gently as he returned to my side and wrapped his arms around me in an embrace that felt like an anchor in a stormy sea. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

Xavier’s lips brushed my forehead, a whisper of comfort that seeped into my frantic mind.

“It’s going to be okay,” he murmured, his voice a steady hum that grounded me. I burrowed into his embrace, the scent of him, clean and subtly spiced, filling my senses. The terror that had gripped me in its icy clutches began to melt away under the warmth of his presence.

In the safety of his arms, a cocoon against the chaos of my body’s betrayal, I found a moment’s peace. The heat still simmered beneath my skin, but it was bearable with Xavier there. I didn’t see the tension that carved itself into his jaw or the way his eyes darkened, a storm brewing in their depths.

His fingers trailed soothing patterns on my back, but each touch stoked the heat anew. I wasn’t aware of how my body responded to him, how my own pheromones filled the room, potent and alluring. I didn’t notice how he swallowed hard or the subtle shift in his breathing.

The heat flared again, fiercer this time, and I clung to Xav with a desperation that bordered on madness. My hands roamed over the contours of his body as if they had a will of their own. My breaths came in short gasps, and I tilted my head back, seeking his lips with an urgency that drowned out reason.

Xav hesitated for a fraction of a second before he steadied me with hands on my shoulders. His touch was firm but gentle.

“Shh,” he soothed again, but this time there was a strained note in his voice. He held me close, but there was a tremor in his arms as he fought to keep himself under control. His restraint was palpable, a tangible force in the room that wrestled with the invisible pull of my omega pheromones.

My hands traced up to cup his face, drawing him down toward me. The need for connection overpowered everything else. I needed to feel him against me, to know I wasn’t alone in this engulfing blaze. My lips parted in silent invitation, seeking his in an instinctive dance.

Xavier’s lips crashed into mine, a collision of hunger and desperation. His fingers tangled in my hair, tugging me closer as if he couldn’t get enough. The kiss was fierce, demanding, and I surrendered to it willingly. It was a dance of tongues and teeth, a battle for dominance that I had no hope of winning.

I remembered this feeling, the way his hands gripped me with a possessiveness that sent shivers down my spine. It was a hold that claimed me, marked me as his. And I wanted more. I needed more.

My own hands roamed over his body, mapping out the contours of his muscles through the fabric of his shirt. I tugged at it impatiently, needing to feel his skin against mine. Xavier seemed to understand my unspoken plea and pulled back just long enough to discard his coat, suit jacket, and shirt and then pull away my hoodie before crashing his lips back to mine.

We tumbled on the bed, a tangle of limbs and heated skin. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, igniting sparks of pleasure wherever they touched. I arched into him, my body molding to his as if we were two pieces of a puzzle finally clicking into place.

Xavier’s lips trailed down my neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin and making me gasp. He found the spot where my pulse thrummed wildly and sucked. I cried out, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I held on for dear life.

He moved lower, his mouth carving a path of fire down my chest. Each touch, each kiss, each nip of his teeth sent jolts of electricity through my veins. I was lost in a haze of sensation, drowning in the overwhelming need that consumed me.

Xavier’s hands moved to my jeans, unbuttoning them before sliding them down my legs. My body now completely bare, he gazed at me with a hunger that made my heart race, his eyes dark with desire.

He ran his fingers through my hair, then traced a path along my cheekbone, down to my neckline, and over the curve of my breast where he gently stroked and caressed me. His gaze mirroring the journey of his touch, which continued their descent to my abdomen and then further south, reaching my pelvis before slowing as they neared my wetness where his eyes lingered on my slick, aching pussy that was longing for his touch and the feel of his hard cock.

He cupped me there, the warmth of his palm against the heat of my wetness, and I gasped for air. It had been so long.

“Oh, Asa,” he murmured softly, his voice hoarse, as he bent down to capture my lips.

Our mouths met in a fervent kiss, our tongues twisting and twirling in a passionate tango. As he broke away, I was left breathless and disoriented, and he turned his attention to my pussy.

When he started devouring me, I thought I might shatter from the intensity of it. The feel of his hot lips and tongue on my sensitive bundle of nerves made my hips buck of their own accord, seeking more of that delicious heat. Xav held me down, his hands like brands on my skin as he worked me, his lips and tongue ravishing me toward the edge of oblivion.

When he finally moved back and positioned himself above me, he looked at me with a fervor that made my heart race. He unzipped his pants, pulled it down his legs, and kicked them away, and I found my gaze drifting to his cock.

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