Page 20 of Flame of Desire

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Xavier interjected smoothly, cutting through Dominic’s distraction with clinical precision. “And a strategically sound one. I ran the numbers again this morning. The projections are up by twelve percent from last quarter.”

“Skyrocketing, thanks to the synergy we’ve been pushing for,” Dominic replied, finding strength in their shared purpose. “London was just the beginning. The new investors are eyeing our other international ventures.”

Lucian’s posture shifted subtly, reflecting an alertness that matched his diplomatic acumen. “Speaking of international ventures, the Asian markets are ripe for us, especially with the tech sector booming. We need to capitalize on that growth, ride the wave while it crests.”

Xavier regarded them both with an analytical gaze. “That’s our next play. But we have to ensure our infrastructure is solid here first, or we risk overextension.”

Dominic acknowledged Xavier’s caution with a firm nod while reaching for his wineglass again, its contents swirling like dark promises. “Agreed. Too rapid an expansion could leave us vulnerable, especially with our competitors lurking. We need to position ourselves carefully, maintain the balance between aggression and caution.”

“Balance, yes,” Lucian mused aloud as Dominic sipped from his glass, Asa’s scent wrapping around him once more like an invisible embrace. “Our profile has never been just about the profits; our brand’s integrity is a beacon. That’s why the cultural angles work—they resonate with something deeper in our market.”

“Precisely,” Dominic affirmed, setting down his glass with a resolve that mirrored his command over their empire. “Anyway, we’ll discuss further strategies at the Monday meeting. I expect full reports from each department.”

“You’ll have them,” both Xavier and Lucian replied in unison.

Xavier’s next question pulled Dominic from his reverie once more. “Speaking of our next steps—Dom, do you intend on returning to London to follow up on that meeting you had to cancel? Coming back early must have caused some ripples.”

Dominic met Xavier’s inquiry with unwavering confidence as he replied firmly, “I’ve rescheduled the meeting for a video conference next week.”

The deep crimson of the wine stained Dominic’s lips as he drained the last of it from his glass. Placing the crystal aside, he turned his attention fully to Asa, her delicate features flushed, her breathing shallow and uneven. Though her plate was only half-empty, the tremors coursing through her body spoke of a different hunger—one no amount of sustenance could sate.

Dominic rose with a fluidity that belied his powerful frame, his movements betraying not a hint of the storm brewing within him. In two strides, he closed the distance between them, bending to scoop Asa into his arms with a gentleness that juxtaposed the scorching intensity in his eyes.

“Let’s clean you up,” he said, his voice a deep rumble that reverberated through her slight form.

Asa offered no resistance, pliant and trembling as Dominic cradled her against the hard planes of his chest. He carried her with ease, as if she weighed no more than a whisper on the wind, her soft curves molding perfectly to the contours of his body.

The en suite beckoned like a sanctuary. Vast expanses of marble stretched underfoot, complemented by gleaming fixtures that shone like burnished gold. A sunken tub dominated one corner, its carved edges adorned with intricate details that hinted at ancient Roman decadence. Opposite stood the shower, a glass enclosure large enough to accommodate half a dozen people, its multiple showerheads promising an indulgent cleansing unlike any other.

As Dominic crossed the threshold, the air grew thick with the heady scent of Asa’s desire that stirred his alpha instincts to life. He lowered her to the floor.

“Hands up,” he commanded gently.

Asa obediently raised her hands, and Dominic peeled away the confines of her hoodie, baring her delicate skin to his hungry gaze.

Inch by inch, Asa’s lithe form was unveiled as he undressed her, a canvas of porcelain perfection marred only by the faint remnants of passion’s marks.

Dominic’s eyes traced the fading bruises and love bites that dotted her flesh—mementos of the previous night’s indulgences with Xavier and Lucian. A possessive growl rumbled in his chest as he committed each mark to memory.

He divested her of the remaining garments until she stood before him in all her ethereal glory, a vision of purity and vulnerability that stirred his soul. Dominic drank in the sight, his gaze devouring every curve, every swell, every dip and hollow that begged for his touch.

Cupping her face with a tenderness that belied the fervor of his desire, Dominic leaned in, his lips brushing her forehead in a featherlight kiss. Then, with a gentleness that spoke volumes of his restraint, he guided Asa into the shower’s expansive enclosure, his touch scorching her skin with the heat of his need.

Dominic turned the sleek metal knobs, and the shower sprang to life, cascades of water raining down from multiple showerheads in a warm, inviting deluge. Steam began to rise around them, cloaking the space in a sensual haze that only heightened the intimacy of the moment.

Dominic peeled off his own clothing, letting the garments pool at his feet. His movements were unhurried, confident—the unveiling of a masterpiece that needed no fanfare. As the last scrap of fabric fell away, he stood before Asa in all his masculine glory.

Dominic’s body was a testament to the alpha prowess that coursed through his veins. Broad shoulders tapered into a chiseled torso, every muscle etched with definition and power. His arms were thick with corded strength, hinting at the force that lurked beneath his controlled exterior. A narrow trail of dark hair arrowed downward, guiding the eye to the impressive length that stood at rigid attention, a physical manifestation of his smoldering desire.

Asa’s gaze raked over him, her eyes darkening with a hunger that matched his own. He could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the flush that crept across her skin as she drank in the sight of him. A low, possessive rumble reverberated in his chest—a primal acknowledgment of her yearning and a promise of the pleasures to come.

With a single, fluid motion, Dominic stepped into the shower, the warm spray cascading over his body in rivulets that accentuated every cut and curve of his physique. He reached for Asa, drawing her into the cocoon of his embrace, his touch searing her flesh with its intensity.

Dominic’s fingers tangled in the silken strands of her hair, massaging her scalp with a tenderness. He poured a generous amount of fragrant shampoo into his palm, working it into a rich lather before gently cleansing her tresses.

Asa leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed as she surrendered to his ministrations. Dominic’s hands moved with gentle strokes, caressing every inch of her hair, his touch both possessive and worshipful. The scent of her shampoo mingled with the steam, a heady, intoxicating aroma that only fueled his desire.

Rinsing away the suds, Dominic trailed his hands down the slender column of Asa’s neck, his fingertips grazing the delicate hollows and curves that beckoned for his touch. He reached for the luxurious body gel, squeezing a generous amount into his palm before working it into a rich, fragrant lather.

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