Page 16 of Flame of Desire

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Then, with an urgency that stole my breath, he crushed his lips against mine in a searing kiss that set my world ablaze. The press of his mouth was insistent, demanding, devouring me with a fervor that spoke of pent-up longing and raw need.

The ferocity of his hunger sent shock waves coursing through me. His tongue plundered, demanding entry, and I surrendered to the onslaught of sensations that threatened to overwhelm me, my body betraying the confusion of my mind. Part of me wanted to melt into him, to lose myself in the storm he conjured with each movement of his lips against mine. Yet another part recoiled at the intensity, at the way this kiss laid bare the depth of our connection—a connection that was as undeniable as it was overwhelming.

His hands were on me then, strong and unyielding as they anchored me to him. One cupped the back of my head while the other traced the curve of my spine, pressing me closer until there was no space left between us. I could feel every line of his body against mine, every contour as familiar as my own.

The kiss deepened, and I swayed under its power, caught in a tempest of emotion that both pleased and scared me. It promised ecstasy and surrender, but also hinted at loss, the loss of control over my own heart.

The kiss was intense, primal, a manifestation of Dominic’s alpha nature and his absolute claim over me. It ignited a fire in my veins, setting every nerve ending ablaze with a hunger that mirrored his own. Yet, even as desire flooded my senses, a tendril of fear coiled in the depths of my being, a reminder of the power he wielded over me.

My knees buckled under the intensity of Dominic’s kiss, a strength leaving my body in waves, surrendering to the gravity of his presence. As he released my lips, his steely gaze held mine, unwavering and commanding. He bent down and swept me into his arms with an ease that spoke of his power, cradling me against his chest as if I were the most precious treasure.

“Let’s go home, Asa,” he murmured, a resonance in his voice that allowed no room for dissent. It was not a question but a statement, a decree from the alpha who claimed me as his own. In the cocoon of his hold, resistance was futile. I could only nod weakly, my mind still reeling from the force of our connection.

As Dominic strode toward the door, he issued a terse command to one of his men—three who had silently infiltrated my sanctuary with him.

“Take care of the puppy.”

One of them stepped forward and scooped up Frost into his arms. The little Maltese barked once, a sharp sound of surprise before settling into the stranger’s hold.

We descended through the dimly lit corridor and out into the night. The city’s underbelly was alive with sounds and shadows, but none dared approach as Dominic’s entourage surrounded us, a phalanx of silent protectors.

At the curb waited a sleek dark limousine, its presence incongruous against the gritty backdrop. One of Dominic’s men, Marco Bianchi, lead security for the Davenport brothers, held open the car door with practiced decorum. Dominic placed me gently onto the plush leather seat before sliding in beside me.

The comfort of the limousine contrasted sharply with my tumultuous emotions—a sanctuary within a trap, velvet-lined walls offering solace yet serving as barriers to a world I could no longer navigate freely. Marco climbed into the front passenger seat, now cradling Frost tenderly in his lap. My heart warmed at Frost’s bark, even in confusion and change, he found joy in simple things like car rides.

“Drive,” Dominic instructed the man behind the wheel in a tone that brooked no delay. The driver complied immediately, and with a smooth start, we began our journey back to the life I had tried to escape, a life where my place was both cherished and confined by love and possession.

The city lights blurred past the tinted windows of the limousine, their glow a stark contrast to the darkness that seemed to seep from every corner. I sank deeper into the leather seat, a futile attempt to distance myself from the heat that was slowly kindling within me. My breaths grew shallow, and a thin sheen of sweat glistened on my skin. I hadn’t taken a suppressant this morning; I had none left.

The telltale signs of my heat began to manifest, subtle at first but growing more insistent by the second. My skin felt too tight, my clothes constrictive, as if every fiber was laced with itch and irritation. A warmth blossomed deep in my belly, spreading like wildfire through my veins, leaving a trail of need in its wake.

I pressed my thighs together, trying to quell the rising tide of sensation that threatened to wash over me. It was no use. The omega pheromones that I usually kept at bay with medication were now unfurling within the confines of the car, invisible tendrils seeking out the alpha beside me.

Dominic shifted his gaze from the window to me, his eyes narrowing as he picked up on the change in my scent. He leaned in close, his hand cupping my face with an authority that demanded compliance.

“Asa, look at me,” he said, his voice low and steady.

I lifted my eyes to meet his, my body trembling with the effort it took to hold back the moans that begged for release. The intensity in his gray eyes was a storm brewing on the horizon, dark and foreboding.

“When did you take your last suppressant?” he asked, his thumb tracing my jawline with a touch that sparked more flames inside me.

“Last night,” I managed to whisper through lips that felt swollen with desire.

“Why didn’t you take another one this morning? Your routine one?” His brow furrowed in frustration as he sought an answer.

“I ran out,” I confessed, a mixture of shame and relief washing over me as I admitted the truth.

Dominic’s jaw clenched for a moment before he turned his head slightly toward Marco. “Get the pill from the glove box,” he commanded without looking away from me.

Marco reached into the glove box and retrieved the bottle of suppressants, passing it over to Dominic without hesitation.

Relief surged through me at the sight of the small bottle, the promise of control regained. Dominic unscrewed the lid and shook out a single pill. But instead of handing it to me as I expected, he placed it between his own lips.

Stunned yet somehow not surprised by his actions, I watched as Dominic leaned in closer. His mouth found mine in an assertive kiss, his tongue slipping between my lips to deliver the suppressant into my mouth, the taste of him mingling with the bitter tang of the suppressant. I swallowed reflexively as our kiss deepened, each movement deliberate and consuming, unrelenting, demanding my complete surrender as our lips moved in a primal dance.

My body betrayed me, arching into his touch as the fire of my heat raged hotter. His scent, rich and earthy with notes of sandalwood and musk, enveloped me, stoking the flames until I thought I might combust. Each brush of his lips against mine ignited sparks that raced along my nerve endings, setting me ablaze with need.

When he finally pulled away, I was breathless and trembling. My lips tingled from the intensity of his kiss, my skin flushed with desire. Yet even as the pill began to take effect, dampening the worst of my heat, I knew one wouldn’t be enough.

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