Page 15 of Flame of Desire

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The chill of the apartment seeped through my clothes as I turned the key in the lock, the familiar scent of home, a mix of old wood and a hint of lavender from a dried-up air freshener, greeting me. But before I could take in the cluttered space, a whirlwind of white fur bounded toward me, a high-pitched bark echoing off the walls.

“Frost!” I exclaimed as the little Maltese leaped into my arms, his tiny tail wagging so furiously it was a blur. His coat was pure white, much like my own hair, and he had this way of looking at me with those dark, expressive eyes that felt like he could see into my soul.

He showered me with kisses, each one a soft touch that melted away the layers of tension that had built up since leaving the penthouse. Frost was more than just a pet, he was a reminder of compassion, a life I’d saved when I had so little to give myself.

I’d found him six months ago, huddled in an alleyway, his bones nearly piercing through his thin skin. He’d been discarded, left to fend for himself in a world that seemed to have no place for the weak. But in his eyes, I saw a will to survive that mirrored my own. Despite my meager savings, I couldn’t leave him to die alone. So I brought him home, feeding him from what little food I had and nursing him back to health.

Now, here he was, full of life and joy, my tiny guardian angel. During those long nights when my body ached for the touch of Dominic, Xavier, and Lucian, when the heat made me writhe in agony, it was Frost’s presence that grounded me. His warmth against my skin reminded me that there was love in this world that asked for nothing in return.

I set Frost down and made my way to the kitchenette. It wasn’t much, a few cabinets showing their age and appliances that were well past their prime, but it was where I could care for him. I filled his bowl with kibble and watched as he attacked his meal with gusto.

The simple act of feeding Frost filled me with a sense of purpose. It didn’t matter how small or insignificant it seemed; this was something real and tangible, a life depending on me.

Exhaustion clawed at my limbs as I watched Frost eat. The adrenaline that had fueled my escape from the Davenport penthouse had ebbed away, leaving behind a bone-deep weariness. With heavy eyelids drooping, I stumbled over to the tattered couch in the living room and collapsed onto it.

Frost finished his meal and trotted over to where I lay. He jumped up beside me, curling into a small ball against my side. His steady breathing soon became the sweetest lullaby, lulling me into darkness as sleep claimed me at last.

I woke to the sound of Frost’s frantic barking, his small body vibrating with alarm next to me on the couch. My eyes snapped open, and my senses were immediately assaulted by a potent scent that made my head swim—alpha pheromones, unmistakably Dominic’s.

Panic clawed at my chest, stealing my breath. How did he find me? I had been so careful to leave no trace, to ensure none of them knew of this place that was mine alone.

I scooped up Frost in trembling arms and pressed a finger to my lips, pleading with him silently. Understanding flickered in his dark eyes, and his barking ceased, though his body remained tense against mine.

The banging on the door jolted me from my frozen state. My heart pounded like a drum in my ears, threatening to burst through my rib cage. I moved swiftly to the bedroom, the sanctuary within my sanctuary, and closed the door behind me. Distance was futile against an alpha like Dominic, but every inch felt like a precious barrier.

His muffled voice pierced through the wood. “Asa!” The desperation in Dominic’s call twisted in my gut, stirring a cocktail of fear and unwanted longing.

The sound of the door being kicked in echoed in the quiet apartment. I flinched at the violence of it, the undeniable display of alpha strength that Dominic wielded without hesitation.

Frost leaped from my arms with a growl that belied his small size. He ran to the bedroom door and barked again, louder and more aggressively than before. His loyalty was fierce but misplaced, his barking was a beacon calling Dominic straight to me.

I pressed my back against the far wall, wishing for it to yield and grant me an escape. The room felt smaller now, the walls closing in as each second passed. Where could I hide? The closet? Under the bed? They were child’s games of hide-and-seek against an alpha who could sniff out an omega with ease.

The footsteps grew nearer, each one a measured beat counting down to the inevitable. My breaths came out in shallow gasps as dread pooled heavy in my stomach. Frost’s barks continued unabated, valiant but futile against the force that was Dominic Davenport.

My back pressed hard against the wall, the cool surface a stark contrast to the heat flaring within me. Fear and anticipation tangled in my chest, tightening with every breath. The bedroom door didn’t stand a chance as it burst open with a force that sent a shiver down my spine, and there he stood—Dominic Davenport, my husband, the ultimate alpha of alphas.

Dominic was a tower of controlled power, his height looming over the broken threshold. His body was a study in disciplined strength, broad shoulders tapering to a lean waist, each muscle honed from years of meticulous physical training. His dark hair, the color of midnight without a star in sight, was styled with precision, not a strand out of place despite the fury that had propelled him here.

His chiseled face bore an expression that could only be described as predatory concern. Those eyes, steel gray with an undercurrent of cobalt, pierced through the distance between us. They bored into me with an intensity that spoke of raw power and an unwavering resolve that had commanded boardrooms and bent wills.

And his lips… those firm, commanding lips that had whispered promises in the dark were now set in a thin line of barely restrained emotion.

As he stared at me, I felt my knees weaken, a juxtaposition of longing laced with an undercurrent of trepidation. The air around us crackled with tension. His gaze was like a physical touch that reached out and wrapped around my heart, squeezing until I thought I might crumple.

Frost seemed to sense the change in the air, as he ceased his barking. With one last defiant growl muffled by uncertainty, he scampered behind my legs, seeking refuge.

As he closed the distance, Dominic’s gait was reminiscent of a panther gliding through dense underbrush, a silent promise of inevitable confrontation. Each step was measured and deliberate, his natural grace belying the simmering aggression that marked his status as an alpha predator.

I stood frozen, my breath caught in my throat as he approached. There was nowhere to run, no place to hide from the intensity of his presence. The room seemed to shrink around us until there was nothing but Dominic and me, the world outside this moment forgotten.

He stood inches from me, his frame towering over me. His chiseled features were thrown into sharp relief by the moonlight filtering in through the window, casting dramatic shadows that only heightened his alpha presence. Dominic’s eyes bored into mine with a fervidness that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, their steel-gray depths reflecting a storm of emotions I couldn’t begin to unravel.

His alpha pheromones swirled around me, a tangible force that made my head swim and my lungs tighten as if the very air was being squeezed from them. I felt trapped in their embrace, ensnared by an invisible web that bound me to him in ways I couldn’t escape.

The distance between us vanished as he leaned in close, his breath warm against my skin, his body radiating a scorching heat that seared through the thin barrier of my clothes.

“Asa, my sweet Asa,” he whispered, his voice a deep rumble that reverberated through my very core.

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