Page 12 of Flame of Desire

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Time seemed to blur, the minutes stretching into an eternity as Dominic bore witness to Asa’s repeated climaxes. Each time she shattered, her body arching and trembling, Dominic felt his own release build, the pressure mounting until he thought he might burst.

And then, just as Asa reached the pinnacle of her pleasure once more, her back bowing off the bed as her cries filled the room, Dominic’s control snapped. With a guttural groan, he found his own release, again, his seed spilling over his hand as he rode the waves of his orgasm, his eyes never leaving the screen.

In the aftermath, Dominic’s chest heaved, his skin slick with sweat as he fought to catch his breath. He longed to reach through the screen, to gather Asa’s trembling form into his arms and hold her close, to reassure her of his love and devotion.

The shrill ring of his work phone shattered the moment, jolting Dominic back to reality. He glanced at the screen, Sam’s name flashing insistently, and a wave of irritation washed over him. Snatching up the phone, he swiped to answer, his voice a low growl. “What is it?”

“Sir, I’m downstairs and ready whenever you are,” Sam’s voice crackled through the speaker, oblivious to the scene he had just interrupted.

Dominic pinched the bridge of his nose, willing himself to focus. “Cancel everything for the rest of the week,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. “And make arrangements for us to return to the States. I want our private jet ready to depart by this afternoon.”

There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line, and Dominic could almost hear the confusion in Sam’s pause. “Of course, sir,” the assistant replied. “I’ll take care of it immediately.”

Dominic ended the call without another word, his attention already drifting back to the screen where Lucian finally withdrew from Asa’s sated body, her heat temporarily abated.

A possessive swell of pride filled his chest at the sight of his brothers’ showering love and adoration on their omega wife, a reflection of Dominic’s own feelings, a reminder of the depth of their connection to this ethereal creature.

Xavier gathered Asa into his arms, her petite frame dwarfed by his muscular bulk as he peppered gentle kisses along her hairline and temples. Asa’s eyes fluttered closed, her features relaxed in the blissful aftermath of their lovemaking as she drifted off to sleep, cocooned in Xavier’s embrace.

Lucian reached for the phone, his face flushed and glistening with a sheen of sweat. “Will you be returning after next week as planned?” he asked, his voice a low rumble.

Dominic tore his gaze from the screen, his jaw tightening with resolve. “I’ve made arrangements for our jet to depart this afternoon. I’ll be home by nightfall.”

A flicker of unease crossed Lucian’s features, his brow furrowing slightly. “Asa… What if she tries to run again?”

The words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the pain and heartache they had endured during Asa’s absence. Dominic’s gaze drifted back to Asa’s sleeping form, drinking in the sight of her porcelain skin and the delicate sweep of her lashes against her cheeks. Dominic’s grip tightened on the phone, his knuckles turning white.

“Install a tracking software on her phone and place more guards on her,” he said. “I won’t risk losing her again.”

Lucian’s frown deepened, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Dominic, I’m not sure that’s—”

“Do it, Luc,” Dominic cut him off, his tone leaving no room for argument. “I won’t take any chances when it comes to her safety and well-being.”

A heavy silence stretched between them, the weight of Dominic’s demand hanging in the air. Lucian’s hesitation was palpable, a brief flash of doubt crossing his face. But in the end, his love and concern for Asa’s safety won out over any reservations he might have had about their control over her. He gave a curt nod, his jaw tightening.

“As you wish, brother,” he said, his gaze dropping to Asa’s slumbering form. “For her sake.”

Dominic felt a twinge of guilt at the necessity of such measures, but he pushed it aside. He was doing what was necessary to protect what was his, to keep his family whole and safe. They had lost Asa once, and the agony of that separation was still fresh in his heart. He would do whatever it took to ensure it never happened again. Asa’s well-being was paramount, even if it meant blurring the lines of ethical boundaries.

“Take care of her until I arrive,” he said, his voice softening ever so slightly. “I’ll be home soon.”

Lucian’s lips curved into a gentle smile, his eyes shining with affection as he gazed upon Asa’s sleeping form. “Always, brother. We’ll be waiting.”

With a final nod, the call ended, and Dominic was left alone with his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers tracing the outline of Asa’s face on the screen, a bittersweet ache blossoming in his chest.

Soon, he would hold her in his arms once more, feel the warmth of her skin and the softness of her hair. Soon, their family would be whole again, and nothing would ever tear them apart.

A steely resolve settled over him, hardening his features and banishing any lingering doubts. Whatever it took, whatever sacrifices were necessary, he would protect what was his. Asa belonged to him, to them, and he would move heaven and earth to keep her safe and by their side.

With a few taps on his phone, Dominic set the wheels in motion, his mind already focused on the journey ahead. He would be reunited with his omega wife, his love, the woman who held his heart in her delicate hands. And this time, nothing would tear them apart again. He’d make sure of that.


My eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, I lay still, basking in the unfamiliar comfort of the bed beneath me. The sheets were silk, a whisper against my skin, so different from the cotton I was used to. It took a heartbeat too long for the disorientation to dissipate, and as I took in my surroundings—the floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased the panoramic view of the city skyline, the ornate furniture that seemed to hold secrets of wealth and power—I felt it. The room was a cage of opulence that was as familiar as it was foreign.

This was my old bedroom in the Davenport penthouse.

Panic clawed its way up my throat, and I sat up abruptly, the sheets pooling around my waist. My breath came in short gasps as my gaze darted across every inch of the room. Every lavish detail seemed to mock me—the artful arrangements of flowers, the paintings on the wall that watched silently, and the delicate chandelier that cast prisms across the room.

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