Page 10 of Flame of Desire

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A woman, emboldened by either the night’s indulgences or the challenge of conquest, slid onto the stool next to Dominic. Her dress clung to her like a second skin, and her eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and calculated interest. She offered him a coy smile, leaning in just enough to breach the distance propriety dictated.

Dominic turned his head, meeting her gaze with a practiced ease that betrayed none of his inner turmoil. He emptied his glass in one slow, deliberate gulp and set it down with a soft clink. With a curt smile that never quite reached his eyes, he said, “Sorry, honey, this man’s taken.”

He didn’t wait for her response. Pushing away from the bar, he strode across the room, each step widening the gap between him and the world of fleeting pleasures. The heavy doors swung shut behind him, sealing away the night’s temptations.

Dominic’s suite in the Davenport Plaza was a testament to luxury—an expanse of opulence that sprawled out before him as he entered. High above London’s glittering skyline, it was an enclave for those who demanded exclusivity and refinement. The foyer led to a living space where velvet couches sat under an ornate chandelier that dripped crystals like diamonds from the heavens. Art pieces adorned the walls, each one carefully curated, a silent gallery witnessing his solitude.

He passed through without pause, his footsteps muffled by thick carpets woven from threads of gold and silver. The bedroom beckoned with promises of rest, a king-sized bed framed in dark wood at its center, draped in linens so fine they whispered against the skin.

Dominic moved toward the en suite bathroom where marble and glass conspired to create a sanctuary within a sanctuary. Chrome fixtures caught the light as he turned on the shower, and steam rose to fog up the mirrors.

As water cascaded over him, washing away the residue of another day’s triumphs and tribulations, Dominic closed his eyes. Images of Asa danced behind his lids, her laughter echoing like music through his memories. He recalled her smile, gentle yet capable of lighting up the darkest corners of his heart.

In the steam-filled solitude, her singing voice enveloped him, a melody that soared above mundane reality, transporting him to moments when their bodies moved together in rhythm, a dance that was theirs alone. He remembered her taste—sweet and intoxicating—and the feel of her against him—softness yielding to strength.

The hot water ceased its cascade, leaving only the echo of droplets in the spacious bathroom. Dominic wrapped a towel around his waist, beads of water trailing down his chest as he contemplated the quiet that enveloped him. He swiped a hand across the fogged mirror, revealing a reflection of determination etched into his features.

Slipping into a plush bathrobe, he padded back into the bedroom, the fabric whispering against his skin. He moved with purpose, every action imbued with an undercurrent of urgency. Picking up the phone from its cradle on the nightstand, he dialed Xavier’s number with deft precision.

Xavier answered on the second ring. “Dom? What’s up?”

Dominic wasted no time on pleasantries. “I’ve reviewed the tech division’s latest project proposal. The integration timeline is too optimistic. Push back on R&D; I want realistic deliverables.”

There was a brief pause as Xavier processed the directive. “Understood. I’ll meet with them first thing in the morning.”

“Good.” Dominic shifted gears, a softer tone creeping into his voice despite his best efforts to maintain a veneer of control. “Xav, have you found where she lives yet? We need to bring Asa home.”

Xavier sighed on the other end, a sound that traveled through the line like a gust of wind signaling an impending storm. “I’m trying, Dom. But it’s not that simple. You know we can’t force her to come back.”

Dominic clenched his jaw, muscles working as he grappled with the mix of frustration and concern churning within him. “We promised to protect her,” he said, each word measured and deliberate. “She’s safer with us.”

“I know,” Xavier replied, patience threading through his response. “I’ll do my best, brother. You have my word.”

The line crackled with unspoken tension before Dominic let out a heavy breath, one that bore the weight of his world—a world incomplete without Asa.

“All right,” he said finally. “Keep me updated.”

He ended the call without another word, setting down the phone as if it were made of glass—one wrong move and everything could shatter.

Dominic lay back on the expanse of the bed, the silence of the room amplifying the echo of his own thoughts. In the dark, his mind conjured Asa’s image, a beacon in the solitude that threatened to engulf him. He missed her more than he dared admit, each day without her stretching longer than the last.

He remembered her delicate touch, the softness of her skin under his hands. The memory of her scent, a blend of lavender and something uniquely Asa, filled his senses. His heart ached with longing, not just for her presence but for the completeness she brought to his life.

The soft rustle of sheets accompanied his restless movements as he turned onto his side, trying to shake off the emptiness that clung to him. But there was no escaping it, every fiber of his being yearned for Asa, for her laughter that brightened even his darkest days, for her gentle strength that made him feel invincible.

As he closed his eyes, images of their last night together played behind his lids—Asa beneath him, her hair fanned out on the pillow, her eyes dark with desire. He could almost feel her beneath him again, her slender frame yielding to his strength, their bodies moving in a rhythm.

The intensity of the memory sent a surge of heat through him. His body responded instinctively, desire pooling in his core as he thought of how she arched against him, soft moans spilling from her lips. His hand drifted down, fingers wrapping around his length. He imagined it was Asa’s hand instead, her touch igniting him with every stroke.

His movements became more deliberate as he lost himself in the fantasy of Asa’s presence. With each motion, he sank deeper into the memory of their passion. The sensation built within him, a crescendo that echoed the beating of his heart.

As pleasure mounted, Dominic’s grip tightened, the line between reality and memory blurring until he was teetering on the edge. A whispered “Asa” escaped his lips as he found release, a bittersweet moment that only deepened the ache for her.

Exhaustion tugged at Dominic’s consciousness as he let go of tension and yearning alike. Sleep claimed him in its gentle embrace, offering respite from the relentless pull of longing.

Morning light crept across the floor when Dominic’s phone pierced through dreams and slumber. He reached for it instinctively, already knowing it had to be news about Asa before even seeing Lucian’s name flash across the screen.

“Dom,” Lucian’s voice came through. “We have Asa back home.”

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