Page 82 of Ensnared Desire

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I nodded, though food was the last thing on my mind. “I grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria.”

“That's my girl,” he said with a tired nod.

We lapsed into silence, our hands remaining clasped—a lifeline connecting us in this room where life itself seemed tentative.

A knock at the door preceded the doctor's entrance—a man with kind eyes and a clipboard that seemed permanently attached to his hand. Dr. Harrington offered me a small smile as he checked Grandpa's charts.

“Good news,” he said after a moment. “Sid's on the list for surgery now. We're looking at about three weeks until it's his turn.”

Relief washed over me like warm rain after days of drought. “That's amazing,” I breathed out.

To Grandpa, Dr. Harrington said, “Mind if I borrow Delcy for a quick chat?”

Grandpa waved his hand. “Go on, I'll be right here when you're done.”

“I'll just be outside,” I told Grandpa, brushing my thumb across his knuckles before letting go.

In the hallway, Dr. Harrington motioned for me to follow him.

“Please have a seat,” he offered once we were inside his stark office.

I settled into the chair across from him, every inch of me on edge.

Dr. Harrington smiled. “I'm glad you decided to go ahead with it. It's going to be lifesaving for him.”

The word lifesaving echoed in my head like a mantra as I envisioned Grandpa living rather than just surviving.

“I know the wait can be difficult, but he's holding on well for now. I'm glad we could get him on the list when we did.”

I nodded, emotions swelling within me.

Dr. Harrington handed me a pen along with several sheets of paper filled with legalese and medical jargon. “There are some forms here that need your signature since you're acting as Sid's guardian. This one to approve the surgery costs and care plan.”

I scanned the documents, my eyes snagging on the figures that represented costs—figures that loomed large and ominous. Signing here meant committing to something much more than just ink on paper; it was a vow to secure Grandpa's future—and by extension, my own.

With each stroke of my name on those lines, I felt the weight of responsibility settle more firmly onto my shoulders. My thoughts turned to the exorbitant sum offered by Colton and Jaxon for the games during our two-week vacation. It had seemed outrageous initially, but now, it could mean the difference between life and death for Grandpa.

Dr. Harrington watched as I finished signing, an unreadable expression on his face.

“Thank you,” he said simply, taking back the papers. “We'll do everything we can for your grandfather.”

I nodded again because words seemed inadequate for this moment—a moment balanced between fear and hope.

Back in Grandpa’s room, I found him dozing lightly, breaths shallow but steady. His dreams seemed peaceful enough that I didn't wake him as I sat down again by his side.

The soft hum of medical equipment became a lullaby of sorts while I sketched ideas onto a notepad—a dress here, an ensemble there—each line drawn with purpose and determination.

Delcy wasn't just hoping for victory; she was crafting it with every stitch she planned in her mind’s eye.

* * *

I had barely started my second cup of coffee when a knock at the door ruffled the quiet of my apartment. The sun filtered through the blinds, casting long, lazy stripes across the linoleum. I set my mug down, wondering who could be there at this hour.

Opening the door, I found a woman with a sleek bun and a clipboard. “Delcy Charlton?”

“Yeah, that's me.”

“I'm here to escort you to your spa day, courtesy of Mr. Sterling.”

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