Page 80 of Ensnared Desire

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Two weeks with her, just the three of them on a secluded tropical island, no outside distractions. It was the perfect opportunity to convince Delcy that what they shared went far beyond a contractual arrangement or fleeting attraction.

* * *

Jaxon leaned back in the plush chair, swirling the amber liquid in his glass as he surveyed the opulent dining room. The skyline of the city glimmered beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of Colton's penthouse. Lou's laughter, warm and rich, punctuated the air as she waved her fork for emphasis. “I swear, it's like hunting for a diamond in a sea of cubic zirconia. Talent is abundant, but that raw spark? It's elusive.”

Landon nodded, slicing into his steak with precision. “But you can't rush art, Lou. These things take time.”

Jaxon caught Lou's eye roll and suppressed a smile. “You'd think with all the submissions we received, at least one would align with your vision,” he said.

Lou sighed, setting down her utensils with a clink against the fine china. “They're good, don't get me wrong, but I'm looking for more than just good. I want designs that scream passion, that make you feel something profound when you look at them.”

Aston chimed in, his voice smooth like velvet. “Isn't that a bit subjective, though? What screams to you might whisper to someone else.”

“That's the point,” Lou said, her eyes alight with a fire that matched her words. “Fashion is personal. It should resonate.”

Colton raised his glass in a silent toast to Lou's determination before turning his attention to Landon and Aston. “Speaking of challenges, how's our Singapore branch faring?”

Landon wiped his mouth with a napkin before responding. “Well, it has its own set of hurdles. Shipping has been an absolute nightmare lately.”

Aston leaned forward, his fingers laced together on the table as he explained further. “The main issue is steel delivery delays. We've got the designs ready to go, state-of-the-art facilities, but without materials, we're at a standstill.”

Colton nodded thoughtfully. “Any projections on when this will resolve?”

“Give or take a few months,” Aston said with cautious optimism. “It's all about playing the waiting game now.”

Jaxon watched the exchange with interest but kept his thoughts to himself. He knew well enough that in their line of work, patience wasn't just a virtue—it was a necessity.

Aston swirled the remnants of his drink, his brow furrowed with curiosity. “So, Jaxon, Lou mentioned a two-week vacation out of the blue. Why the sudden urge to disappear?”

Jaxon stretched his legs beneath the table, a sly grin playing on his lips. “Sometimes you've got to break from routine, Aston. Besides, who says no to crystal-clear waters and sun-soaked beaches?”

Colton leaned back in his chair, interlocking his fingers behind his head. “The daily grind can wear you down. We need a breather every now and then.”

Landon perked up at the mention of the destination. “The Caribbean? Sounds like paradise.”

Aston's gaze shifted between Jaxon and Colton. “You're not thinking of dropping by Grandfather's place, are you?” His voice held a mix of amusement and skepticism.

Jaxon shook his head firmly. “Nope, that two weeks is for us and us alone. The old fogy can see us at the usual time when he comes over during Christmas.” His words sent a ripple of laughter around the table.

Landon leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “It's not like Grandfather doesn't know what's going on in our lives anyway. He gets a full report from that private eye he has lurking around each of us.”

Lou rolled her eyes playfully. “Can you believe that? Our loving but stern grandfather keeping tabs on us like we're still twelve.”

The conversation turned nostalgic as they reminisced about their childhood—a time filled with strict schedules and high expectations under Matthew Sterling's watchful eye.

“I remember when he caught me trying to sneak out for a midnight swim,” Lou recounted with a laugh. “I thought I was so clever until I turned around and there he was, standing like some statue in the dark.”

Aston chimed in, a wry smile tugging at his lips as he shared his anecdote. “He had me up at dawn every day one summer learning how to sail. Said it would teach me discipline and respect for nature.” He shook his head, his eyes glinting with feigned irritation and a hint of fondness for the memory.

“Discipline was Grandfather's middle name,” Landon added, chuckling at the shared memories.

Dinner and chatter continued until well past eleven when Jaxon made his way next door to his own towering abode. Upon entering his penthouse, he was greeted by the familiar sight of Johnson who stood with an impeccable posture that spoke volumes of his years of service.

“Evening, Mr. Sterling,” Johnson said, taking Jaxon's coat with practiced ease. “I trust the dinner went well?”

“It was wonderful,” he said, walking past Johnson toward the grand staircase.

Johnson followed a few steps behind. “I have taken the liberty of organizing everything for your upcoming vacation. The private plane is ready at your disposal, and the staff are already on-site at Isla Esmeralda.”

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