Page 70 of Ensnared Desire

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I peeled off my apron and hung it on its designated hook in the back room before collecting my things from my locker.

As I stepped outside into the cool air of late morning, uncertainty still gnawed at me like an insatiable hunger. But now there was room for something else too—determination.

I would find out if Amanda and Nora's tale held any water before this week was out. And then there would be Lydia to deal with.

* * *

The silence of my apartment wrapped around me like a shroud as I sat cross-legged on my couch, the glow from my laptop screen casting an eerie pallor over everything. The Alpha Gold Club's website oozed wealth and prestige, its pages adorned with photos of men in sharp suits and women in glittering gowns. I read the same lines over and over again, about charity work and exclusive events, but the words were just a smokescreen for what I knew lurked beneath.

I clicked through images of galas and handshakes, searching for something, anything that might suggest the reality Amanda and Nora had unveiled. Yet all I found were hollow smiles and champagne flutes raised in toasts to benevolence.

How could I be their treasure? The idea seemed ludicrous. I wasn't like the women in those photos, all polished grace and calculated allure. My beauty—if it could even be called that—was more akin to a wildflower on a roadside than a meticulously groomed rose in a manicured garden.

A laugh escaped me, bitter and biting. Why would Colton and Jaxon want me? There had to be some mistake. Maybe they saw me as just another challenge—a simple barista who knew nothing of their world.

But hadn't there been moments? Their gazes lingering longer than necessary, touches that sparked something primal within me. The way my name rolled off their tongues like a caress.

The thought that they might actually see something in me warred with the stark truth of our meeting place—the club where beautiful young women were nothing more than currency for powerful men.

I shook my head as if to dislodge the idea that I was just a toy for them to play with. Yet deep down, the fear clung like a vine threatening to choke out the light of any genuine affection they might hold for me.

My phone dinged from its place on the coffee table, tearing me from my spiraling thoughts. Two new messages—one from Colton, one from Jaxon—each filled with concern.

Jaxon's read, Hey, Delcy, noticed you weren't at Brewed Dreams for the past couple of days. Is everything all right?

Colton's was similar. Delcy, haven't seen you recently. Just making sure you're okay. Let me know if you need anything.

Their words seemed sincere, but doubt was a relentless companion now.

I hesitated before typing back a simple message to both: Thanks for checking in. I'm okay, just dealing with some personal things. Will be back once things settle down.

It wasn't entirely untrue, but it was easier than trying to explain or confront them about what Amanda and Nora had told me.

I set the phone aside before it could betray any more concern from them or confusion from me.

The apartment felt colder as night pressed in around me. With no energy left to battle my racing mind or throbbing heart, I retreated to my bedroom.

Slipping beneath the sheets felt like sinking into quicksand, each pull toward sleep dragged heavy with thoughts of Colton and Jaxon—of their intentions, their desires. Could attraction between alphas and an omega be so straightforward? Or was I seeing affection where there was only appetite?

The ache in my chest blossomed with each shallow breath until sleep finally claimed me, mercifully dulling the pain—for now.

When I woke up the next morning, the morning light filtered through the blinds, creating beams that felt like they were ushering in a new chapter. I sat up, stretching away the remnants of last night's restless sleep. Today wasn't just another day—it was the day I would step into their world on my own terms.

I shuffled to my closet, fingers trailing over fabrics until they settled on a dress I had almost forgotten I owned. It was a soft blue that hugged my curves without shouting for attention. Slipping into it felt like donning armor, each stitch interwoven with the quiet strength I needed.

My hands were surprisingly steady as I applied makeup, Lydia's voice echoing instructions in my mind. A sweep of blush here, a brush of mascara there—enhancements to the natural beauty she always insisted I possessed. The reflection staring back at me held an unfamiliar confidence.

Modest heels clicked against the pavement as I made my way to the heart of the city where the Alpha Gold Club loomed like a modern-day castle. With each step, I felt more like an imposter in my own skin. But I squared my shoulders and pushed through the revolving doors.

The receptionist looked up as I approached, her practiced smile never reaching her eyes.

“Good morning. I have a meeting with Mr. Marcus Trenton,” I said, my voice firmer than I felt.

“Go right in,” she said, gesturing toward the hallway lined with dark wood and soft carpet that seemed to swallow the sound of my steps.

Trenton's office oozed wealth and power. Bookshelves lined one wall, each tome bound in leather and gilt. The man himself stood by the window, his back to me until he turned with a smile that was all business.

“Delcy,” he greeted me, extending a hand. “Such natural beauty even in modest attire; that's why you're so popular at our events.”

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