Page 7 of Ensnared Desire

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“Don’t be such a killjoy,” Jaxon said. “We never go out anymore. It’s just work and sleep, day after day. Okay, not always just work and sleep. There's eating, too, and you love your fine food and an even finer wine. Oh, and the occasional three- or foursome with women from bars. But what I mean is, don’t you miss having some actual fun? Don't you miss our fun?”

Of course, Colton longed to admit how much he yearned for their shared excitement. He pined for the wild escapades, the exhilaration of pursuit, and the euphoria of triumph.

He said, “And why would you want to go?”

Jaxon grinned wickedly. “Because it's an opportunity for us to let loose,” he said with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Come on, Colt. We both know you're at your limit.”

Indeed, Colton was nearing his breaking point. It was only a matter of time before endurance gave way and his primal self would shatter the restraints, unleashing chaos.

A rap came at the door, and upon Colton's “Enter,” Emma came in.

Jaxon said, flabbergasted, “You've got Emma here at this hour? It's practically eight. I kicked Mike out the moment the clock struck five. You're a terrible boss, Colt.”

Emma said to Jaxon, “It's only seven fifteen, Mr. Sterling. I was merely concluding some final tasks.” Turning to Colton, she said, “I was on my way out when I noticed this.” She extended to Colton an elegant envelope adorned with gold. “I presumed it was urgent and required your prompt attention, sir.”

Colton accepted the envelope, gazing at its ornate detail.

“Have a good night, Mr. Sterlings,” Emma said. With acknowledgments from both men, she exited.

As soon as the door closed, Jaxon rose and positioned himself beside Colton's desk. “What's inside?”

Colton carefully unsealed the envelope, revealing a pair of invitations.

Jaxon let out a low whistle, his gaze fixed on the exquisite item.

“Trimmed and written in gold,” he said, picking up the one bearing his name. “I take offense they didn't mail mine straight to me, just to cut corners on a fancy envelope. Stingy bastards.” He flipped it to read the reverse side. An eyebrow arched in surprise. “An invitation to attend an exclusive Alpha Gold Club gathering as honored guests, and it's set for next Saturday.”

“The Alpha Gold Club,” Colton said with a hint of recognition in his voice. They were renowned, a name familiar to the elite. A secretive society that auctioned off attractive young men and women to the extraordinarily wealthy and celebrated, all under the pretense of philanthropy. While Colton hadn't attended one personally, tales from those who had reached his ears.

Jaxon said, “Is this a no, too?”

“It's a no,” Colton replied.

Jaxon sighed. “Dammit! It looks like hitting the bar and picking up some ladies again. What a chore.”

Colton scoffed, aware that the task was anything but burdensome. The two of them were undeniably attractive, their mere presence, and scent, enough to draw women, along with certain men, regardless of their status as alpha, beta, or omega, clamoring for a moment of their attention.

Jaxon looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, “Colt?”

Colton stared at his brother and knew where this was going. He could see the gleam in Jaxon's eyes. He said, “Not interested.”

Undeterred, Jaxon pushed on. “Come on, when was the last time we did something crazy together?”

Colton's resistance waned under Jaxon's persistent charm; however, he wasn't ready to concede just yet. “I have responsibilities,” he said flatly.

Jaxon laughed, a sound that seemed to mock the very concept of duty. “And when don't you? Let's shake off this boredom.”

Colton frowned at the word boredom. It was too simple a term for the weariness that clung to his bones, a weariness born from expectations and obligations that never seemed to end.

Jaxon moved closer, eyes alight with mischief. “Imagine it, two Sterling alphas at one event. They won't know what hit them. And you said you'd rather do anything than spend time with Roman and his cronies.”

Colton's lips twitched despite himself. Jaxon's enthusiasm was infectious. And he was certainly quick to use Colton's words against him.

“You're impossible,” Colton finally admitted.

Jaxon clapped him on the shoulder. “That's why you need me. I'm your other half.”

Colton hesitated for a moment before relenting. “Fine,” he said grudgingly. “Fuck, it better be worth my while.”

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