Page 68 of Ensnared Desire

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But deep down, Jaxon knew it was more than that; it was Delcy's laughter echoing down hallways or her friendly exchanges with fellow employees that lifted his spirits—a stark contrast to their usual corporate solemnity.

Despite this growing affection for Delcy, Jaxon committed to patience. He vowed to wait until she matured—until time seasoned her youthfulness into womanhood—before revealing the depth of his interest. After all, there were lines one did not cross hastily, boundaries respected out of propriety and consideration for another's well-being.

So he watched from afar as days turned into weeks and weeks into months. He admired how she carried herself with grace despite being an omega among alphas—a flower blooming resiliently through concrete cracks. He saw how she treated everyone with kindness regardless of their rank within The Luminous Regency hierarchy—a testament to her character and heart. Jaxon's feelings for Delcy deepened beyond mere attraction, he found himself enchanted by her essence—the lightness she brought into any room she entered. And then that fateful night happened.

The penthouse was alive with revelry, the sound of laughter and music reverberating off the walls as if trying to escape into the night. The monthly party that he and Colton threw had become an anticipated event among their circle, a time to indulge in excess and companionship. Alpha friends gathered, their presence as commanding as the brothers', while omega women weaved through the crowd, their laughter light and inviting.

Jaxon moved through the party with ease, his usual restraint subdued by the atmosphere. He'd taken his suppressant earlier, a precaution that allowed him to enjoy the evening without the full brunt of alpha urges. He found himself entwined with a beta woman, her smile engaging and her conversation light. Her presence was pleasant, a soothing balm against the heightened energy around them.

As the night deepened, pheromones thickened the air, intoxicating and potent. The partygoers paired off, lost in the primal dance of attraction and desire. Jaxon felt a tug of envy for their freedom, but he was content for now with the woman in his arms.

Amidst the chaos, he overheard the staff manager directing servers to bring in additional workers for service and cleanup. It was a fleeting thought, quickly dismissed as he returned his attention to his companion.

Hours passed like minutes until Jaxon's tranquility was shattered by a familiar scent cutting through the haze—a sweet fragrance that stirred something deep within him despite the suppressant. Delcy.

He caught sight of her moving through the crowd, her face flushed with what he could only assume was discomfort. Concern pricked at him; she seemed out of place amid the fervor of alpha pheromones. He started to rise, intent on ensuring her safety.

But the beta woman's hands pulled him back into their private world with a gentle insistence that spoke of her own desires. Guilt flickered within him; after all, it wasn't his place to interfere—Delcy knew how to handle herself. With reluctance born of duty and alpha pride, he allowed himself to be drawn back into their embrace.

Yet Delcy's image lingered in his mind—her flushed cheeks, her quick steps—and no amount of distraction could fully erase it. When another hour slipped by and her scent only grew stronger in his senses, Jaxon excused himself with a murmured apology that went unnoticed by his now-drowsy companion.

He followed Delcy's scent through corridors lit by dimmed lights that did little to mask the energy pulsating from behind closed doors. His steps were silent but purposeful. Even with his dulled instincts, he could feel the urgency rising within him, a testament to Delcy's potent allure.

The trail led him to Colton's room where muffled sounds seeped out from beneath the door, a symphony of pleasure and need that halted Jaxon's breath in his throat.

His hand found the doorknob without conscious thought. It turned effortlessly under his grip and he pushed open the door. The sight before him froze time, a tableau etched into memory with brutal clarity.

Colton was there, unmistakably caught in a rut's merciless grip; and Delcy—sweet Delcy—clung to him as if he were her lifeline amidst a stormy sea. Her eyes were closed tight, lost in heat's delirium while Colton moved with an intensity that shook Jaxon to his core.

For a moment, Jaxon stood rooted in place by shock and a betrayal so sharp it cut through even suppressant-dulled senses. This wasn't just another woman from Colton's endless string of conquests—this was Delcy.

His mind raced with questions. How had she ended up here? Why hadn't anyone protected her from being thrown into this den of primal urges? But deep down, he knew answers wouldn't change what unfolded before him.

A low growl rumbled unbidden from Jaxon's throat as possessiveness flared hotly within him—an alpha instinct triggered by sights and scents too potent to ignore. But no matter how primal his response, no matter how fierce his desire to claim and protect—it was too late.

Delcy had made her choice. Or had it been made for her? The lines blurred between consent and heat-driven necessity. All Jaxon knew was that something precious had been tarnished in this room where power played out its most ancient dance.

Jaxon slowly stepped back, each movement deliberate as he withdrew from the threshold of Colton's room—the room where Delcy lay enveloped in heat's embrace—and shut out the scene before him with a soft click of the door closing.

The world outside seemed distant now; party noises faded into insignificance against this new reality—one where lines once clear were smudged beyond recognition. The Sterling name carried weight—a legacy of power—but tonight it felt like an anchor dragging him down into murky depths.

Jaxon leaned against the wall outside Colton's room for support, his mind grappling with emotions raw and unbidden while inside that closed space, Delcy clung tighter still—and life at The Luminous Regency continued unabated around them all.

* * *

Jaxon woke with a start, his heart racing in the silent darkness of his penthouse. A sheen of cold sweat clung to his skin as the remnants of a nightmare—the first in ages—clawed at the edges of his consciousness. The stormy night from seven years ago played out behind his eyes, haunting him with visions of Delcy's tear-streaked face and Colton's disoriented awakening.

He threw back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his head pounding in rhythm with the surge of memories. The image of Mrs. Smith guiding Delcy out of their penthouse and through the corridors of The Luminous Regency was vivid, a reminder of a chapter he wished could be rewritten.

Colton had looked like a man who had seen a monster, his features etched with confusion and darkness—a stark contrast to the cheerful, carefree brother Jaxon once knew. The weight of shame and self-blame had settled over Colton like a shroud, transforming him into a shadow of his former self.

The following days were turbulent, as news of the incident reached their grandfather's ears. The scolding that followed was severe and unrelenting, and Colton emerged from it forever changed—a man now carrying a dark past that dulled his spirit.

Jaxon remembered how he had tried to find Delcy, driven by concern and an inexplicable pull toward her. But every endeavor was blocked by their grandfather's stern hand. “It is not your place,” he had insisted, declaring that he would handle the situation as the family patriarch.

Feeling hopeless and bound by familial duty, Jaxon ceased his search for Delcy. That was until six months ago when fate intervened as he drove past Brewed Dreams after work. There she was, stepping out of the café and into her car. Her silhouette was unmistakable, even after all these years, and her presence ignited something within him that he thought had been extinguished long ago.

For months, Jaxon would park nearby, ensconced in his car, watching her work through the café windows. The internal debate raged on—should he go in or stay away? Fearful that his presence would only dredge up painful memories for her, he chose to keep his distance.

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