Page 63 of Ensnared Desire

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Amanda engaged me in idle chatter about my job at the coffee shop, feigning interest. She had invited me here with a purpose in mind and was biding her time until the right moment to broach the true subject at hand.

The drinks arrived swiftly on a silver tray. As the waiter set down our orders, Nora leaned forward and said, “So, did you enjoy your date with the Sterling twins last night?”

There it was. Their real objective for the invite.

I wrapped my hands around the warm mug, staring down into the creamy brown liquid. “Uh, yeah, it was nice,” I said vaguely, not wanting to reveal too much.

Amanda said, “I can't believe you snagged Colton and Jaxon. They're studs. Every girl in high society talks about them, you know. They're a hot topic. Just getting a one-night stand with them is a dream come true, let alone going on a date with them. Tell us more.”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. One-night stands with random girls was the last thing I wanted to imagine Colton and Jaxon doing.

“The, uh, the food was really good,” I mumbled, taking a tentative sip of hot chocolate, hoping that would satisfy their curiosity.

But Nora was having none of it. She tossed her sleek hair over one shoulder and fixed me with an intense stare.

“The food is fine, nothing special. We eat food like that all the time. What I really want to know is how did you manage to snag Colton and Jaxon?”

I blinked, confused by her aggressive tone.

“I didn't snag them. They asked me to join them for a drink back at that gallery event, and then they asked me out to dinner. Last night was only our second date.”

Amanda let out a dramatic gasp. “You've only been on two dates with them and you've already signed an exclusive contract? Wow!”

I nearly choked on my hot chocolate. What was Amanda talking about?

“Contract? What contract?” I asked.

Nora rolled her eyes impatiently. “Ugh, the contract, Delcy! How much are you getting for the exclusive contract with the Sterling brothers?”

My hands started to tremble, causing the hot liquid to slosh dangerously close to the rim of the mug. “What are you talking about?” I asked shakily. “I don't know anything about any contract.”

Amanda and Nora exchanged loaded glances, and a feeling of unease crept down my spine.

“OMG! Don't tell me you don't know about the Alpha Gold Club and the contract!” Amanda exclaimed.

The Alpha Gold Club? I had heard of that name before when Lydia had a conversation with someone on the phone.

I shook my head mutely, my breaths coming quicker now.

Nora leaned forward, her voice sharp. “Do you even know you're a treasure at the Gold Club? That the gallery event where you met the Sterling twins was an auction for the treasures?”

I felt like I'd been sucker punched. Auction? Treasures? What on earth were they talking about?

I set the mug down with trembling hands, afraid I might drop it.

“What? No, that's... that's not possible. Lydia told me it was a charity event. She begged to get me invited. She didn't say anything about...” I trailed off, feeling lightheaded.

Amanda didn't seem to notice my distress. She scoffed in disbelief. “OMG, Delcy! Lydia lied to you. She's our agent. We thought she was yours too.”

Agent? Lydia was their agent? I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what I was hearing.

Nora clicked her tongue impatiently. “An agent is a person who represents a treasure for the Gold Club. They take a thirty percent cut of whatever contract the treasure secures.” Her tone made it clear she thought I was a complete idiot.

“I have to go,” I choked out, nearly knocking my chair over in my haste to get up. Clutching my bag to my chest like a shield, I hurried toward the cashier, Amanda and Nora's stunned faces blurring past me. I quickly paid for my drink, and with my mind spinning, I rushed blindly out of the café and paced through the galleria.

Alpha Gold Club? Contract? Treasures? Auction? The words echoed mockingly in my head.

Had I really been so naive? So easily duped by Lydia's act, thinking she actually cared about me? Bile rose in my throat as the truth sank in. I was nothing but a pawn to her. A treasure to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

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