Page 54 of Ensnared Desire

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Throwing off the covers, Colton stalked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, seeking to wash away the nightmare's taint. But he could still feel it lingering like a shadow, a sense of foreboding settling heavily on his shoulders.

He braced his hands against the marble sink, head bowed. The truth stared back at him from the mirror. He was dangerous, corrupted by the same darkness that had claimed him before. Delcy deserved better than the monster masquerading as a man.

But even knowing this, Colton could not make himself stay away. She had slipped past his defenses, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. He needed her light to banish the darkness threatening to swallow him whole.

With a weary sigh, Colton flicked off the bathroom light and returned to bed. But sleep eluded him, thoughts churning endlessly. He had to find a way to protect Delcy, even if it was from himself. She could never know the depravity that simmered beneath the surface, barely contained. He would shield her from it, no matter the cost. He just prayed he was strong enough to defy the monster within. For Delcy's sake, he had to be.


Jaxon surveyed the exclusive restaurant located within the club's lavish headquarters. He and Colton were seated at a prime table near the expansive dance floor. The crystals dripped from the chandeliers above, and the dark wood furnishings and velvet curtains oozed old money sophistication.

Waitstaff in crisp uniforms weaved between the tables, catering to every whim of the club's privileged members. Jaxon noted that some of the city's most influential figures were in attendance, recognizing prominent politicians, CEOs, and celebrities. Many had their treasures beside them, beautiful men and women adorned in the finest designer clothing. The pairs gazed adoringly at one another, whispering intimacies and feeding each other morsels from their plates.

Jaxon turned his focus to his brother. Colton's mood was decidedly gloomy, his responses clipped as he picked at his food. Jaxon knew Colton had been on edge all day at the office, putting the staff ill at ease. He suspected the troubling nightmares of yesteryear were haunting him again.

Jaxon regretted not ordering coffee from Brewed Dreams. Encounters with Delcy typically brightened their moods. He, however, had opted out, concerned about imposing on her too frequently. Requesting her delivery services to their workplace was probably intrusive as it was. He aimed to avoid seeming overbearing. This was particularly important considering he and Colton hadn't yet treated her to an official second date.

Jaxon turned his focus back to the club's surroundings. He didn't feel fully at ease here, despite the luxury and indulgence on display. Most members treated it like a hedonistic playground, parading their treasures about to feed their egos. Jaxon found it all rather performative and hollow. He much preferred the simple joy of Delcy's company, her genuineness and quiet strength. With her, he could let his guard down.

Jaxon noticed Trenton and Lydia making their way to their table from across the eatery, Lydia's heels clicking rhythmically on the marble floor heralding their presence. Trenton, ever the picture of sophistication, wore a custom-fitted suit, his graying hair perfectly coiffed. Lydia appeared graceful, donning a sleek crimson dress that hugged her contours, her golden locks tumbling down her back in gentle waves.

They greeted Jaxon and Colton cordially before taking their seats. A server promptly appeared to take drink orders, a martini for Lydia and scotch for Trenton. Once served, Colton cut right to business.

“Miss Charlton's contract. What are the terms and for how long is she engaged?” he asked, his eyes trained on Lydia and Trenton. Though his words were diplomatic, his commanding presence and the intensity of his gaze made it clear this was not merely a request.

Trenton withdrew a document from his inner suit pocket and passed it over.

“As outlined in the contract, Miss Charlton is contracted to the club for a period of one year from the date of signing. Her first appearance, of course, was at the gallery event.”

Jaxon watched his brother's eyes scan the document. Colton's face was stoic, his expression giving away nothing as he thoroughly read through the terms. After a moment, he looked up, his gaze settling on Trenton and Lydia.

“My brother and I are interested in becoming Miss Charlton's sole patrons for the remainder of her contract. Exclusively. What would that arrangement cost?” Colton said, his deep voice commanding despite his polite words.

Jaxon studied Trenton and Lydia closely as they absorbed his brother's proposition, eager to gauge their reactions. Though Colton's words had been diplomatic, his self-assured tone and the intensity of his stare made it clear this was not merely a request. The inherent authority and confidence Colton exuded as an alpha from their prestigious family shone through. Now, they awaited Trenton and Lydia's reply.

Trenton smiled thinly.

“An exclusive patronage of Miss Charlton's remaining contract would come at a cost of five million dollars. Per the terms, forty percent would go directly to Miss Charlton. Thirty percent to the club for the release of exclusivity. And the final thirty percent to Miss Hamill as her agent.”

A gleam of avarice flickered in Lydia's eyes as she registered the substantial figure that would line her pockets. Thirty percent. One and a half million dollars for merely leveraging Delcy's situation. It was a windfall procured with cold calculation. The delight that curved her lips was sullied by the unsavory ethics of her gain. Jaxon's observation of her reaction only cemented his impression of her character, a woman whose moral compass was easily swayed by the luster of wealth.

Contentment settled over Trenton like a well-tailored coat, the club's portion of the deal meeting his approval. His satisfaction was not merely a reflection of personal gain but of the affirmation of his adept negotiations, ensuring the club remained a sanctuary of affluence and influence.

Colton's head dipped in a measured gesture of assent, his contemplation palpable in the air between them. Jaxon, ever observant, watched the gears turn behind his twin's steady gaze, the slightest furrow on his brow indicating the meticulous assessment underway. After a brief pause, laden with the gravity of decisions that could shift fortunes, Colton's voice broke the silence, authoritative and resolute.

“That amount is acceptable. Draw up the paperwork for the exclusive rights and we'll finalize this evening.”

Trenton nodded, the gesture smooth and deliberate, conveying both respect and acquiescence.

“Very good, Mr. Sterling,” he said with a practiced ease that spoke of years navigating the upper echelons of power. Rising from his seat with an air of deference, he extended his hand, firmly grasping theirs in turn. “I'll have the documents prepared right away,” he assured them, the promise laced with the efficiency of someone who never faltered on his word. With a final nod, he added, “A pleasure doing business with you,” his voice imbued with the sincerity reserved for transactions that were both lucrative and promising. With a parting nod, Trenton departed to tend to the requested paperwork.

Lydia lingered, freshening her lipstick.

“I must say, Delcy will be thrilled at this outcome. Financial security means everything to a girl in her position.” She smiled coyly. “I'm sure you two will take excellent care of her.”

Jaxon forced a polite smile, resisting the urge to frown. Lydia's opportunistic nature grated on him.

Colton merely nodded. “You'll see she's justly compensated.”

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