Page 51 of Ensnared Desire

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The kiss deepened, and an aching need unfurled inside me. My free hand came up of its own volition, my fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as if I needed something solid to cling to in the swirling tempest of sensations.

Jaxon made a low sound in his throat—part growl, part groan—and wrapped his arms around me fully, molding my body against his. I was embraced in the warmth and strength of him. His tongue caressed mine, stoking the rising heat within me.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to the kiss, to the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me, to the way his body pressed against mine. I felt like I was melting into him, becoming one with him, and for a moment, I forgot everything but the two of us.

But then the sound of a throat clearing came our way, and just as suddenly as it had begun, the kiss ended. Jaxon released my lips, his eyes still locked on mine, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. My head in a haze of sensations, I shifted my gaze to see Colton at the door.


Exiting the suffocating boardroom, Colton unraveled his tie with a deft motion, the fabric slipping against his skin as he made his way down the hallway toward the sanctuary of his office. The relentless back-and-forth exchanges and trivial squabbles that had unfolded among the high-power board members had slowly chipped away at his formidable patience, and a hammering tension headache began to stake its claim, throbbing at his temples.

Approaching the threshold of his office, Colton's keen senses picked up on an anomalous vibe permeating the workspace. The employees, typically the epitome of industrious focus, were now stationed at their desks like vigilant sentinels, their postures rigid with anticipation. A network of subdued murmurs undulated discreetly among them, stirring the air with the electricity of covert excitement.

Compelled to uncover the disruption to the day's usual disciplined productivity, Colton advanced with a stealth that belied his commanding presence. Peering surreptitiously, he discerned the object of their collective intrigue—a lithe silhouette, adorned in the modest garb of a coffee shop employee, had made an unlikely appearance in Jaxon's office.


A wisp of a smile tugged at the corners of Colton's mouth, softening the harsh lines that had settled there earlier. The mere sight of her was like a balm, soothing the seething frustration that had been simmering within him since the morning's vexing board meeting. He allowed himself a brief respite, admiring how she juxtaposed against the sterile environment of their office space—a vibrant rose daring to flourish in a landscape of unyielding gray.

Was she here to deliver coffee again? It must be Jaxon who had ordered.

He couldn't help but notice the way some of the other employees' gazes lingered on her with undisguised curiosity and interest, setting his jaw in a hard line. It was an intrusion of her space, an affront he felt compelled to shield her from.

Colton hurried forward, heedless of the eyes turning toward him as the staff noticed his swift approach. Flustered and abashed at being caught gawking by their formidable boss, they spun back to their computers, feigning industry, but Colton was too focused on Delcy to care about their scrutiny.

With each determined stride, Colton's sharp gaze pierced through the narrow glass partition separating him from the unfolding scene. Through the translucent barrier, he caught the distinct silhouettes of two figures, their proximity suggesting an intimacy that sent a jolt through him.

He watched, his heart hammering against his rib cage, as Jaxon's arms encircled Delcy in a protective embrace. The sight of them together, coupled with the earlier intrusion of his employees' lingering stares, fueled a sense of urgency within him. Colton hastened his pace, an unspoken resolve propelling him forward, eager to bridge the gap that seemed to grow more intolerable with each passing second.

Swinging the door open with a decisive motion, Colton's gaze locked on the tender scene before him—Jaxon's lips pressed firmly against Delcy's in a kiss that seemed to blur the world around them. A sharp pang, unbidden and intense, clutched at Colton's heart, halting him in his tracks.

He stood there, a moment of hesitation washing over him, torn between the urge to intrude and the unexpected desire to respect their closeness. Yet beneath that fleeting reluctance, a deep, primal possessiveness began to simmer, threatening to boil over with the force of his untamed emotions.

Colton allowed a brief moment to lapse, an eternity in the space of heartbeats, before he mustered the fortitude to break the charged silence. He cleared his throat deliberately, a sound that seemed to echo through the room. His gaze remained locked on the pair as Jaxon, with a hint of reluctance shadowing his features, ceased the intimate embrace and created a sliver of distance between himself and Delcy. She appeared ruffled, her cheeks flushed with a telltale rose hue, and to Colton, she was the epitome of beauty in her disarray.

“Brother, you're just in time,” Jaxon said breezily. “Delcy was kind enough to bring us coffee.”

Colton shifted his gaze to the coffee carrier in Delcy's hand.

“Wonderful. I'm in need of a caffeine boost,” he said, his voice steady despite the undercurrent of possessiveness still simmering within him.

Delcy, her cheeks still flushed from Jaxon's lingering kiss, gave a slight nod and moved to distribute the coffees. Her hands trembled almost imperceptibly as she passed Colton his cup, a detail that didn't escape his watchful eye. He studied her intently as he accepted it, taking in the alluring scent of her omega pheromones mingling delicately with the rich aroma of the coffee beans.

He took an appreciative sip, the bold flavor mingling with the headier taste of her that still lingered on his tongue from their brief kiss a few days ago. It only served to heighten his reaction to her, stirring a primal urge that he kept carefully leashed.

“I should get going now. Enjoy the coffee,” she said, clearly eager to make her escape from the charged room. She moved hastily toward the door.

“What about my kiss?” Colton said smoothly, halting her retreat. “You've offered Jaxon one, surely there's one for me too?”

Delcy flushed an even deeper rose, clearly flustered by the request. Jaxon let out an amused laugh at his brother's audacity.

“I don't think...” Delcy said hesitantly.

“It's only fair,” Colton said, unwilling to let her slip away so easily.

Delcy hesitated a moment longer before stepping closer on unsteady feet. Rising on her tiptoes, she placed a featherlight, fleeting kiss to Colton's lips. It was over before he could fully savor the feel of her mouth on his.

“That's rather subpar, isn't it?” he said, a hint of a smile playing about his mouth.

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