Page 50 of Ensnared Desire

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The woman who had challenged me stood rooted to the spot, her bravado evaporated like mist under the sun's glare, leaving behind nothing but disbelief etched across her features.

The confrontation had escalated far beyond what I had anticipated when I set out to deliver coffee. I was bracing myself for the next sharp word, the next sneer, when two familiar faces emerged from the distance. A middle-aged woman and a man in his early thirties. Emma, I believed her name was, was Colton's assistant, while the man, Mike, was Jaxon's.

The silence that fell was almost immediate. It was as if their presence was a blanket smothering the crackling tension. Emma's gaze cut through the crowd, stern and unyielding.

“Everyone, back to work,” she ordered, her eyes then landing pointedly on the three women who had tried to belittle me. The office floor buzzed into motion, people shuffling away like scattered leaves in the wind.

With a smile that felt like a balm to my frayed nerves, Emma approached and relieved me of one of the coffee carriers.

“Mr. Sterling said to go and wait in his office.”

Mike took two cups from the other carrier in my hands, his actions efficient and silent, and then followed Emma back to where they had come from.

There I stood, a flurry of thoughts whirling through my mind. Emma's instructions were clear—wait in Mr. Sterling's office. Which one though?

The eyes still on me felt hot against my skin—some curious, some envious, others scornful. My first instinct was to flee, to escape this den of alphas where I felt like an intruder in a world not meant for me. But before I could turn on my heel and vanish back into the sanctuary of my mundane routine, Jaxon came strolling down the hallway.

His smile was bright as he greeted me, a beacon in the dim corridor.

“Delcy,” he said warmly as he gently grabbed my elbow and steered me toward his office. His touch was light but firm, reassuring in its familiarity.

The reaction from our audience was immediate—wide eyes and loud gasps punctuated the air like exclamation points.

“Sorry,” I managed to say, a flush creeping up my cheeks as we moved together through the sea of employees. “I forgot to give you your jacket back Saturday night. Should I bring it around after work this evening?”

Jaxon shook his head, his expression easygoing but with an undercurrent of something more serious.

“No need for that,” he said smoothly. “I'll pick it up when we next pick you up for dinner.”

His words hung in the air between us, a promise, and they seemed to echo off the walls of Sterling Enterprises for everyone else too. Shocked whispers spread like ripples on water, and more wide eyes followed our every step.

Jaxon asked casually as we walked, his voice carrying just enough for those around us to overhear if they strained their ears, which they undoubtedly did.

“I know you already told me, but I want to hear it again. Did you enjoy yourself Saturday night?”

I nodded, still feeling somewhat out of depth but bolstered by his reassuring presence beside me.

“Yes, I did very much,” I replied. “The food was divine.” A small laugh escaped me before I added with newfound boldness that surprised even myself, “But you don't have to book such a fancy place like that for our next one.” I paused for effect, and I could feel everyone leaning in closer, mentally if not physically. “Unless you want me to book instead?”

The collective intake of breath from our audience could have been mistaken for a sudden draft through the building's ventilation system.

“They're going on more dates?” The murmurs were barely contained now. Speculative glances were exchanged among clusters of employees as they processed this latest piece of information.

Jaxon chuckled, a sound that warmed me more than any coffee ever could, and pushed open the door to his office with his free hand while never releasing his gentle hold on me.

“Delcy making plans? I think that might be something worth looking forward to,” he said playfully as we stepped into his office together, the door closing behind us with a definitive click that shut out the rest of Sterling Enterprises and its prying eyes.

Inside Jaxon's office, with its expansive view and impeccable decor, there was a sense of sanctuary, an escape from curious gazes and judgmental whispers where only his presence filled the space with life and comfort.

Jaxon's gaze locked on to mine, his eyes filled with tenderness and a hint of mischief. I inhaled sharply, my breath hitching in my throat. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only Jaxon and me in a cocoon of warmth.

I could feel the heat radiating off his body, a palpable energy that seemed to hum in the air between us. The scent of him filled my senses, an intoxicating blend of power and masculinity that made my head spin and my heart pound like a drum. It was overwhelming, intoxicating, and delicious all at once.

He didn't release my arm. Instead, he drew in closer, his fingers tightening around my elbow as if he were afraid I might slip away. Then, before I knew it, I felt his lips pressing against mine.

I blinked, unable to move. My mind reeled, struggling to process the unexpected kiss. His hand remained gently clasped around my elbow while his other hand came up to cup my face.

I inhaled sharply. Every nerve ending felt electrified. My knees threatened to give out beneath me. Jaxon's scent, cedar and bergamot mingling with the headiness of his pheromones, was potent. I felt myself instinctively yielding to him, my lips parting slightly under the gentle insistence of his mouth on mine.

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