Page 41 of Ensnared Desire

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Colton shook his head, a wry smile tugging at his lips.

“What's there to say? Just echoes of the past haunting me.”

Jaxon understood all too well. They both carried scars—ghosts that liked to dance in their minds when least welcome. Yet while Jaxon wore his pain on his sleeve, Colton kept his locked away like precious stones too heavy to bear.

“Let's get moving, then,” Jaxon suggested with an encouraging clap on Colton's back. “Nothing like a good workout to chase away demons.”

They moved through their routine in sync, brothers bound by blood and unspoken empathy. As they transitioned from one exercise to another, Jaxon watched Colton push through each set with a determination that bordered on defiance—a silent war against unseen foes.

The rhythm of exertion brought a semblance of normalcy back into Colton's demeanor. Gradually, his movements regained their usual precision and strength, whatever haunted him receded beneath the surface once more.

Jaxon wanted to help more, to reach out and pull Colton from the murky depths that sometimes ensnared him. But some battles were internal, fought in solitary silence even among the closest of kin.

They finished their session with grueling cardio, side by side on treadmills that faced out toward the cityscape below, the world sprawling before them in the morning light.

Colton's breaths came steady now, controlled and rhythmic. He glanced over at Jaxon, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them.

“Thanks,” he said simply as they slowed their pace.

“For what?” Jaxon asked.

“For being here,” Colton said. “For... understanding.”

Jaxon gave him a half smile. “Always.”

Their workout complete, they retreated to Colton's penthouse where steam rose in lazy swirls from mugs of coffee—black for Jaxon, just how he liked it after training hard. After breakfast, Jaxon returned to his penthouse, the serenity of the morning still clinging to his skin like the remnants of a dream. The gym session had done its job—muscles thrummed with exertion, his mind a little clearer, a little more focused.

After a shower, he dressed with meticulous care, choosing a suit that was understated yet exuded confidence. At work, the buzz of activity greeted him like an old friend. Phones rang with incessant urgency, keyboards clacked in a relentless rhythm, and voices melded into a symphony of commerce. Jaxon navigated this familiar terrain with ease, his presence commanding yet approachable.

As he strode through the office space, heads turned in subtle acknowledgment. Some gazes lingered longer than others, a mix of admiration and curiosity painting their features. Jaxon had grown accustomed to such attention. After all, he and Colton were not just leaders but embodiments of success in their gilded world.

But today, whispers fluttered through the air like leaves caught in an autumn breeze. They spoke of an omega, a coffee delivery woman whose simple act had somehow breached the fortress walls that surrounded Sterling Enterprises' most enigmatic figures.

They shared stories in hushed tones, recounting how Colton—the iron boss who treated indifference as armor—had emerged from his office to greet her personally. Such an occurrence was unheard of. Colton extended such courtesies to no one, not elite clients nor influential business partners.

Jaxon caught snippets of their conversations as he passed by cubicles and office doors left ajar. There was an air of disbelief to their tales, a sense that perhaps their stoic leaders were human after all.

“Did you see how he looked at her?” one voice murmured.

“Never seen him leave his office for anyone,” another added with a hint of awe.

And though these rumors swirled around him like smoke from a fire he'd inadvertently kindled, Jaxon remained oblivious. The chatter was nothing more than background noise, a distant hum that failed to capture his attention.

For Jaxon had no care for idle gossip or fleeting rumors. His thoughts were consumed by Delcy herself—the curve of her smile, the depth of her eyes. She was an enigma wrapped in simplicity, an omega who had somehow found her way into his considerations without trying.

In the tranquility of his office, Jaxon immersed himself in the world of figures and contracts. His focus was unyielding, every document scrutinized with the keen eye that had helped elevate Sterling Enterprises to its zenith. Mike navigated the space with the ease of someone who knew the ebb and flow of Jaxon's workday.

“We have the video conference with the Tokyo office at two, and then there's the meeting with the architects for the new downtown project,” Mike said, going through the schedule with practiced precision.

Jaxon nodded, his gaze not leaving the papers spread before him.

“Make sure to push back anything nonessential to next week,” he said without looking up. “I need breathing room for... other matters.”

Mike paused for a moment, adjusting his glasses.

“Understood,” he replied before handing Jaxon another file. “And this is the final draft of the Henderson merger. They're waiting on your sign-off.”

Taking the file, Jaxon finally lifted his eyes to meet Mike's.

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