Page 39 of Ensnared Desire

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In his fantasy, she didn't respond with words. Instead, she simply stared up at him, her eyes conveying a thousand unspoken thoughts. Her lips parted slightly, as if she was about to say something, but then she closed them again, biting down on her lower lip.

The gesture sent a jolt of pure, raw desire straight to Colton's groin. He could feel his cock hardening. He wanted her. No, he needed her.

He pulled her close to him, her wet body pressing against his. She gasped softly at the contact, her breath warm against his chest. He could feel the rapid beat of her heart, matching the frantic rhythm of his own.

He kissed her, his lips moving urgently against hers, their tongues tangling together in a dance of passion and desire. Her hands roamed over his body, her touch sending tremors through him, igniting a fire that burned deep within his soul.

Colton's hands traveled down her body, exploring every curve, every dip. When he reached her hips, he gripped them firmly, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her heat pressing against his throbbing erection.

With a groan, he pushed into her, filling her up completely. She cried out, her back arching as she adjusted to his size. He paused for a moment, allowing her time to acclimate to his invasion.

He began to move. Slowly at first, savoring the feeling of her tight, wet heat wrapping around him. But soon, his rhythm quickened, becoming more urgent, more demanding.

He was lost in his fantasy, his body responding to the images in his mind. He reached down and gripped himself, stroking in time with the imagined thrusts of his hips.

He thrust harder, deeper, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, a dance of raw, untamed desire. Colton's breathing quickened as he neared his climax, his body tense with the effort of holding back. He wanted to make it last, to savor the feeling of Delcy in his arms.

She clung to him, her nails digging into his shoulders as he thrust into her again and again. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, each one sending a shiver down his spine.

“Colton,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rushing water. “Please...”

The plea in her voice sent him spiraling over the edge. With a roar, he drove into her one final time, burying himself deep inside her, his body shuddering with the force of his release. She cried out, her body squirming as her own release washed over her.

He leaned against the wall of the shower, his breath heavy. His body was still tingling with the aftermath of his orgasm, and he could still feel Delcy's imagined touch on his skin and smell her sweet pheromone in the air.

As she stood there, water streaming down her face, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of... peace? Contentment? Whatever it was, it was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

But then, just as quickly as it had come, the feeling vanished, replaced by a familiar sense of restlessness. This was just that—a fantasy. The reality was that Delcy was still out there, living her life, completely oblivious to the storm of emotions and desires that raged within him.

The steam blurred his vision as he reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist. After donning black silk pajama bottoms, he headed into his bedroom and slipped between cool sheets.

Colton's imagination roamed free, once again, in the quiet darkness. He envisioned Delcy lying next to him, the scent of her hair filling his senses, her skin soft against his own. His heart raced at the thought of exploring every inch of her, discovering what sounds she made when pleasure overtook her.

In this world of fantasy, he made love to her, a symphony of whispered promises and fervent caresses played out on satin sheets. Each imagined touch was both question and answer, each sigh shared was a vow.

His hands would caress her gentle curves as he worshipped her with his mouth, kissing lower until she was gasping in pleasure. He could almost hear her cries of ecstasy as he feasted on her slick folds, driving her toward release with his lips and tongue. Her back would arch off the bed, fingers tangled in his hair to keep him against her. He would devour her until she shattered in his arms.

Then he would blanket her body with his, their limbs entwining as he entered her in one smooth stroke. She would cling to him, nails raking down his back, while he took her hard and deep. He would pound into her relentlessly until they were both crying out in shared rapture.

Colton ached to lose himself in her, to be surrounded by her heat as their bodies joined together. He wanted nothing more than to claim her as his. She consumed his thoughts, this precious omega that had somehow captivated him so completely.

He found release to the imagined sounds of her ecstasy, groaning into the darkness of his bedroom. As he came down from his high, he could still envision her there with him, curled against his side. He wrapped his arms around his jacket she had touched, pretending for a moment that it was her as he inhaled her sweet scent that still lingered on the sleek material.

Satisfied yet still craving her presence, he eventually drifted off to sleep, and his last conscious thought was one of contentment, a feeling alien yet welcomed in its novelty.

But peace proved fleeting as shadows crept into Colton's dreams, distorted scenes swirling through his subconscious. Heat engulfed him, an all-too-familiar blaze that clawed at his insides with merciless intent. A girl lay beneath him—face obscured.

He was back there again, seven years past—the same overpowering heat driving him beyond reason or control, lost in the haze of pure animalistic need. His hands were both captor and liberator as they pinned her down. He could not stop his body from taking her again and again, his inner alpha consumed by lust. She cried, but he was deaf to everything except his own primal urges.

Colton jolted awake, heart hammering against ribs that felt too confining for its frantic beat. He gasped for air not thickened by dreams and buried his face in his hands. Shame and self-loathing crashed over him.

Why now? Why must these memories return to haunt him when he'd worked so hard to cage them? They were specters from a time when arrogance ruled over empathy, a time before he understood consequences lived beyond moments of heated rush.

That incident was his greatest regret, that time he had lost control. He had been little more than a rutting beast. And she? She had been a mere slip of a girl, faceless to him during his heat, barely legal at the age of eighteen.

Colton swung his legs off the bed and planted them firmly on solid ground—ground that did not shift beneath guilt’s weighty gaze like it did in dreams.

He rose and moved through the darkness until he reached the balcony door. Night air kissed his skin, a soothing balm to still-smoldering embers within. There stood Colton Sterling—alpha by birth but man by choice—grappling with specters of regret.

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