Page 38 of Ensnared Desire

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“I'm intrigued,” he said. “You two are known for your... let's say, fleeting connections.”

A light laugh echoed around the table at Landon's diplomatic phrasing. Colton felt a twitch at the corner of his mouth, an acknowledgment of their reputation that was both accurate and misleading.

“It's always been flings and one-night stands with you two,” Aston said, resting his chin on steepled fingers. “What makes this woman different?”

The question hung in the air like smoke, dense and probing. Colton could sense Jaxon's eyes on him, a silent nudge for him to field this one.

“Different,” Colton began, choosing his words carefully as if they were chess pieces being maneuvered into place. “She has... a certain resilience that's admirable.” He glanced briefly at Lou who nodded encouragingly.

“And,” Jaxon added with an easy smile that belied the depth of his feelings. “She has an air about her, a quiet strength that sets her apart.”

A murmur of acknowledgment circled the table as Landon nodded thoughtfully. “Sounds like she's made quite an impression on you both.”

Colton let out a slow breath, conceding to that truth silently while maintaining his outward composure. The very thought of Delcy sent ripples through his usually placid exterior—ripples that threatened to become waves if he wasn't careful.

Lou looked between her brothers and their cousins with an expression that danced between mischief and pride.

“They're smitten,” she declared, folding her napkin neatly beside her plate.

Colton tensed at Lou's declaration. Smitten was a word fraught with implications he wasn't ready to examine too closely just yet. But there was no denying the pull Delcy had on them both, an allure that defied explanation.

“Smitten?” Aston echoed with raised eyebrows, a hint of humor in his tone now mingling with genuine curiosity.

“Utterly captivated,” Lou confirmed with a dramatic flourish of her hand.

Colton felt Aston's gaze settle on him, a perceptive look that seemed to delve beneath the surface, searching for something more profound than mere captivation.

“Interesting,” Aston mused aloud after a moment. “I would have never taken you for one to be so easily charmed.”

The word charmed lingered uncomfortably in Colton's mind—too light, too insubstantial for what he felt when it came to Delcy. It was something deeper, a connection that tugged at parts of him he had long since barricaded against such entanglements.

He met Aston's gaze squarely now, steel-blue eyes locked in silent communication.

“It isn't charm,” Colton said quietly but firmly. His voice held a resonance that seemed to carry more weight than mere words. It carried conviction.

Jaxon chuckled softly beside him, a sound that held both camaraderie and commiseration. He understood all too well the strange territory they found themselves navigating.

The conversation drifted to the safer waters of business ventures and upcoming projects as dinner progressed into dessert and coffee served in delicate porcelain cups that Mrs. Danvers poured with practiced hands.

But even as they discussed market trends and financial forecasts, Colton couldn't shake off Aston's observation or Lou's playful accusation of being smitten. He found himself distracted once more, his thoughts straying beyond this room filled with family and familiarity to where Delcy might be at this very moment.

* * *

The penthouse fell silent, a stark contrast to the laughter and clinking glasses that filled the air just moments ago. Jaxon had flashed his mischievous grin before leaving. Lou had embraced him with her usual exuberance, and Aston, ever the gentleman, had offered a polite nod. Landon’s parting smirk lingered in Colton's mind as the door closed behind them.

Colton navigated the expansive living space, the remnants of family chatter dissipating into the night. He stood at the window, his reflection merging with the cityscape beyond. There she was again, Delcy's image flickering in his mind, the repetition of images as stubborn as the persistent hum of traffic below.

With a deep sigh, he turned away from the glass pane and headed toward his private sanctuary. The bathroom's marble tiles felt cool underfoot as he shed his clothes, one piece at a time. The shower came alive with a hiss, steam curling up to greet him as he stepped inside.

The water cascaded over him, hot streams tracing paths down his skin. He leaned against the cool wall tiles, his thoughts wandering unbidden to Delcy. The curve of her smile, that spark of defiance in her eyes—images danced behind his closed lids. How would her softness contrast with the hardness of these walls? Would she gasp as he drew her close, water rushing over them both?

He imagined her here with him, their breaths mingling in the humid air. Her fingers would trace the lines of tension along his shoulders, soothing away the weight of expectations that always clung to him.

Colton pushed back against the wall and let out a ragged breath. The water sluiced over him, but it was Delcy's touch he felt—gentle yet capable of igniting something fierce within him. In his mind's eye, he saw her delicate form bathed in the warm water, her omega scent intoxicatingly sweet. Her dark hair, usually tied back in a practical ponytail, was now loose, clinging to her damp skin. The sight of her like this, vulnerable yet defiant, sent a surge of possessiveness coursing through his veins. Her eyes were locked on his, filled with a mixture of fear and desire. It was a potent combination, one that only served to fuel the fire of his lust.

With a growl, Colton stepped closer to her in his imagination. He reached out, his fingers tracing the contours of her face, her neck, her shoulders. She shivered under his touch, but whether it was from cold or anticipation, he couldn't tell.

“You're beautiful,” he said, his voice low and husky. “So damn beautiful.”

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