Page 37 of Ensnared Desire

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“Exactly,” Lou affirmed. “The designs need to stand out. They should be walking pieces of art.”

“As they always are,” Landon chimed in. “Opus Chic is where fashion meets innovation, a testament to our family's dedication to excellence.”

Colton watched as Lou beamed at their support before Hawkins' discreet announcement that dinner was served shifted their attention.

They migrated to the dining table where an array of beautifully plated dishes awaited them, each one a testament to culinary artistry.

The conversation turned toward business as they enjoyed their meal, talk of numbers and strategies intermingling with compliments on the chef's skill.

“We're due to leave for Singapore again soon,” Aston said between bites of seared scallops resting atop a delicate pea puree.

“Ah yes,” Colton acknowledged as he savored a forkful of perfectly cooked lamb. “Sterling Bayfront Tower.”

Landon leaned back in his chair slightly, his gaze thoughtful.

“It's coming along well,” he said. “We've been working closely with some impressive architects, ensuring everything aligns with Sterling standards.”

“The Sterling name is synonymous with luxury,” Jaxon said while reaching for another slice of bread from the basket in the center of the table.

“And sophistication,” Lou interjected before taking another sip of wine.

Aston raised his glass in agreement. “And we intend to keep it that way.”

Colton listened intently as Landon outlined some innovative features they planned to incorporate into both establishments, a mix of luxury retail spaces and exclusive amenities designed to cater to an elite clientele.

“It sounds ambitious,” he said after swallowing a mouthful of wine-braised short ribs.

Aston smiled confidently. “Ambition has never been something we lacked.”

Lou turned toward Colton suddenly, her eyes alight with an idea she'd just conceived.

“Colt, you and Jax should bring Delcy around Opus Chic sometime, get her perspective on our latest collections.”

Colton paused mid-chew at Lou's suggestion, mulling over how Delcy might fit into this aspect of their world—a world where every thread spun into fabric was steeped in wealth and expectation.

“She has quite an eye for art and detail, I think she'd appreciate our work there,” Jaxon said supportively while reaching for his glass once more.

Colton felt an unfamiliar warmth spread through him at Jaxon's words, an acknowledgment that Delcy was already becoming part of their considerations without even being present.

“It would be interesting to see what she thinks,” Colton said cautiously as he placed his cutlery down on his plate with precision. The idea was enticing but he would have to tread carefully, Delcy's comfort was paramount above all else.

Landon's interest piqued as he forked another piece of lamb, chewing thoughtfully. “Who's Delcy?”

Colton could feel every pair of eyes at the table shift to him, their gazes weighted with varying degrees of curiosity. He placed his wineglass back on the table, the contents barely disturbed, and met Landon's gaze with a measured calm.

“She's someone Jaxon and I have recently met,” he said, his voice betraying none of the turmoil that name stirred within him.

Lou leaned forward, her enthusiasm bubbling over as she took up the narrative thread.

“Oh, she's more than just someone. Colton and Jaxon are actually interested in her.”

Aston raised an eyebrow, a rare flicker of surprise crossing his composed features.

“Really? That's unexpected.” His voice was tinged with a mix of intrigue and skepticism.

Colton shifted slightly in his chair, the undercurrents of doubt from his cousins stirring an uncomfortable heat beneath his collar. He took a sip of water, willing the coolness to temper the reaction he struggled to suppress.

Landon's grin broadened as he set down his cutlery and folded his arms on the table.

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