Page 34 of Ensnared Desire

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“Any particular cuisines you prefer?” Jaxon continued.

Colton took another sip of his coffee, its bitterness grounding him as he waited for Delcy’s reply. She seemed thoughtful for a moment before answering.

“I'm pretty open when it comes to food,” she said. “I love trying new things.”

Her words sparked an idea within Colton, an opportunity to explore something beyond the usual sterile business lunches and formal dinners that populated his calendar. What would it be like to experience new flavors alongside Delcy? To witness the play of emotions across her face as she tasted something extraordinary for the first time?

Jaxon nodded approvingly. “That's great! It gives us plenty of options, then.”

Colton set his cup down on the glass surface of the desk, his thoughts churning. There was an excitement building within him at the prospect of sharing an experience with Delcy, an eagerness he hadn't felt in quite some time.

He watched as Jaxon stood up straighter, running a hand through his hair, a gesture Colton recognized as one part nervousness and two parts excitement.

Delcy shifted on her feet slightly, her hands clasped together in front of her as if anchoring herself amidst their alpha presences. Her smile remained, though, a sign that she wasn't entirely uncomfortable with their attention.

His eyes traced over her figure, over the soft curves concealed beneath modest attire and the way she held herself with both grace and resilience. It wasn't just physical attraction that pulled at him; it was everything she represented—strength amid adversity, beauty in simplicity.

“So no dietary restrictions, then?” Colton found himself asking before he could filter the impulse.

Delcy turned toward him, those bright eyes locking on to his with clarity and warmth.

“None,” she said with a nod.

The corner of Colton's mouth twitched upward into what might have been considered a smile, a rare expression reserved for moments that truly moved him.

“Well then,” Jaxon said, breaking into Colton’s thoughts. “That settles it.”

The air in Jaxon’s office hung heavy with unspoken words and burgeoning desires as Delcy prepared to leave. Colton watched her every move intently, committing it all to memory—the way she smiled politely at Jaxon’s quips, how her gaze flitted between them both like a butterfly seeking nectar from two rare blooms.

“Thanks for bringing these by,” Colton finally said when she made to depart, his voice low and laced with sincerity.

Delcy nodded with a small smile that set off flutters in Colton’s stomach, a reaction both foreign and exhilarating.

As she exited the room, leaving behind traces of her scent in the air, Colton realized this was no mere infatuation or alpha possessiveness; it was something far deeper. She'd seeped into their lives seamlessly yet irrevocably, and now he found himself standing at a precipice he hadn't known existed—teetering on the edge of something profound and life-altering.

* * *

Colton stood by the panoramic windows of his penthouse, a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon swirling in his hand. The aroma of herbs and searing meat wafted from the kitchen where a private chef was crafting an extravagant dinner, his movements orchestrated with Mrs. Danvers' assistance.

Jaxon lounged in an armchair across the room, his legs casually draped over the side, his own glass dangling lazily from his fingers. The playful glint in his eye matched the half smile that always seemed to dance on his lips.

The air between them hummed with the day's recollections, and both brothers wore their thoughts about Delcy like cloaks—visible only to each other.

Hawkins moved through the dining area with silent grace, placing elegant chinaware upon the table. The soft clink of porcelain on marble underscored their conversation as Jaxon scrolled through his phone, a list of high-end restaurants at his fingertips.

“You think La Lumière is too much for a first date?” Jaxon's voice broke through Colton's contemplation of the wine's deep color.

Colton took a sip, allowing the flavor to settle on his palate before answering. “It might be. We don't want to overwhelm her.”

Jaxon chuckled softly, setting his phone down on the armrest.

“Maybe we should just invite her here. Wouldn't that be more comfortable? Intimate?”

The suggestion caused Colton to pause, considering the notion for a moment. The penthouse was indeed a sanctuary away from prying eyes and expectations, but it was also their world, one that Delcy might not be ready to step into just yet.

“It's too soon for that,” he said, turning to gaze out at the city lights beginning to twinkle alive. “It's only a first date, Jax. We have to take it slow, especially knowing how reluctant she is.”

A sigh escaped Jaxon as he took a thoughtful sip from his glass.

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