Page 28 of Ensnared Desire

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Panic fluttered in my chest like a trapped bird. How had this evening slipped from my grasp so completely?

The subtle shift in Colton's demeanor didn't escape me. He had noticed my discomfort, my hesitance that seemed to have grown roots deep within the pit of my stomach. It wasn't just the sudden invitation to dinner that had thrown me off-balance, but it was the way my life felt like it was teetering on the edge of a precipice, one wrong step away from tumbling into unknown depths.

“Jax!” Colton's voice cut through the cacophony of social chatter. “I think we may have put Delcy on the spot.”

Jaxon turned his head slightly, regarding me with a gentler expression than before.

“My apologies, Delcy. There's no obligation for you to accept our invitation. It was impulsive of me.”

Lydia's eyes were on me like a hawk. I could feel her will pressing against mine, her silent command urging me to accept this opportunity that had landed unexpectedly at our feet.

“It'll be fun, Delcy,” she said with a light laugh that didn't quite reach her eyes. “And don't worry, I'll be there, too.”

The inclusion of Lydia in the plans offered a strange sense of relief, like a lifeline amidst turbulent waters. It was enough to tilt my decision. I swallowed hard and nodded.

“Okay,” I said quietly, feeling as though I was committing to something far greater than just dinner.

The evening dragged on after that, every tick of the clock stretching longer than the last. My energy ebbed away with each passing hour until fatigue clung to my bones like ivy.

Lydia seemed to draw power from the night, thriving among these glittering elites while I felt myself fading into obscurity beside her vibrancy.

“I'm ready to leave,” I whispered to her during a lull in the festivities.

She pouted in response. “But we're just getting started! There's still more fun to be had!”

Colton must have overheard because he leaned toward us, his voice cutting through my exhaustion with an offer that sounded too tempting to resist.

“We were just thinking of heading out ourselves,” he said casually. “Why don't we give you a ride home on our way?”

My hesitation returned full force. Accepting a ride from the Sterling brothers felt like stepping into a lion's den, thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. But the thought of riding the bus back to my neighborhood at this hour didn't seem any safer.

Jaxon chimed in gently before I could respond, his tone practical and somehow reassuring. “We just want to make sure you get home safe.”

Before I could respond, Lydia said enthusiastically, “What a wonderful offer! See, you have nothing to worry about.” She gave me a pointed look that felt more like a command than encouragement.

I took a deep breath and nodded. “O-okay. Thank you both. I really appreciate it.”

Jaxon and Colton exchanged a glance and a hint of a smile. I got the sense they were communicating something unspoken between them, but I was too exhausted to give it much thought.

Lydia gave me a quick hug and waved us off eagerly as Jaxon and Colton escorted me outside. The chill of the night made me tremble, the thin fabric of my dress offering little protection.

A coat settled on my shoulders, and a distinctly masculine scent wrapped around me, sending a tingling warmth coursing through me. I glanced back to find Colton, who had draped his jacket over me.

“You're cold,” he said.

“Thanks,” I managed to say.

Awaiting before us was a sleek Rolls-Royce, the exact model Rick had mentioned was worth an approximate thirty million.

I was about to ride in a thirty-million-dollar car. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision such a moment. What would Anna think if she knew?

Jaxon held the door open for me, and I slid onto the plush leather back seat. Despite my hesitance about going with them, something about being inside the luxurious vehicle put me at ease.

Jaxon slipped into the driver's seat while Colton sat up front beside him. The soft hum of the engine was comforting in its steadiness as I settled in, cocooned by leather and quiet opulence.

“Where to?” Jaxon asked, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

I directed them toward my neighborhood, a stark contrast to the grandeur of where we currently were.

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