Page 63 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘I like how I can be myself around you, and Shea and Jack, too.’

‘That’s because we all love you, and you know you’re safe with us.’

Biting her bottom lip, she nodded. ‘Very true.’

Connor offered her a knowing smile. Her heart fluttered, then flew. And she wasn’t sure how it happened, but she lost all self-control the second his lips met hers. An odd but welcome sensation rushed over her, as if the ground was tilting, as if everything was shifting at last. Surrendering to him, she returned his passionate kiss. Every single kiss, stroke and touch felt as if he were lighting wildfires beneath her skin. Hot surges of desire rippled through her, rendering her powerless to his magnetism. The loud voice of reason that had been arguing with her was rendered speechless. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he possessively brought her closer to him, pressing his lips into the place her pulse beat wildly in her throat. Then, trailing his mouth downwards, he paused at the swell of her breasts hidden beneath the thin cotton of her dress. Her nipples hardened and pressed into the fabric, and oh how she longed for him to caress each one with his mouth. But he then sought her lips once more, and they swirled tongues until she could take no more because he made her feel brave and that made her feel reckless. And she loved the sensation.

She needed him.

Wanted him.

Craved him.

‘Connor, make me yours, please, now,’ she begged. ‘I can’t wait any longer.’

Silently, he slowly ran his hands up her arms, then slipped the spaghetti straps of her dress from her shoulders. Her bikini was next to be off with his help, leaving her blissfully defenceless to him. She rose to her knees, enticing a low growl from him. Now, it was his turn. He slipped off his singlet, and the sight of his burly chest impulsively brought her hands to the hard planes of his flesh, then down to the waist of his board shorts. Together, they hurried to get him as naked as she was. His desire for her was evident. But he didn’t rush to satiate it. With the back of his fingers, he trailed a path from her cheek, tenderly over the scar the accident had left her with, down her neck, over her collarbone and to her breasts. Her nipples were so hard she ached even more for his touch upon each one. Bending his head, he met her lips and kissed her long and slow. Then, he eased her onto her back, and trailed his hot mouth over her sweetest of spots. His tongue flicked and savoured, quickly sending her to the brink of euphoria. Rising shudders made it almost impossible to breathe as she gripped the back of his head and moaned in absolute pleasure.

‘You taste so sweet.’ His deep, raspy voice drove her wilder.

‘I want you, now,’ she cried out.

He slid over the top of her, gazing at her in that certain way that made her feel so very safe and so very loved. They fitted together so seamlessly, their bodies melting into one another’s. He brought his mouth to her breasts, his lips trailing around each nipple, before meeting with the pertness. Every stroke of his tongue was like a match striking a flame. She arched into him, silently begging for him to suck harder, to bite to the point of pleasure and pain, where she could teeter within his dominance. He honoured her pleas, and as he did so skilfully, her sharp intake of breath pierced through birdsong all around them. And then, finally, he slowly slid inside her and it felt euphoric, finally being at one with him. He stopped deep inside her, and for a few drawn-out moments, held her as she caught her breath. Clasping her legs around him, she urged him to move inside her again. They built the crescendo together, matching each other’s pace. Connor gave her exactly what he knew she needed from him. She could feel the waves building as she clung to him, then she felt herself freefalling off the euphoric ledge where he had her hovering, her gasps echoing as his hardness complimented her softness, in every single way.

‘Now that, you, everything was so … ahh, I’m a very happy man right now.’ Connor pulled her in close, and she rested her head on his chest as she caught her breath. ‘I love you, Sammie.’

‘I love you so much, Connor.’ Her voice was exactly the way he made her feel – softly tender.

Relaxing on her side, with his heart drumming against her cheek, Samantha looked past the line of noisy galahs sitting on the fence line, and out and over the landscape now aglow beneath the setting sun. Eleven years ago, she used to spend her days immersed within the arms of Mother Nature’s finest works, and now she had immersed herself in this amazing man surrounded by Mother Nature’s untainted beauty. The wide-open spaces here permeated a sense of freedom she’d never gotten to experience anywhere else in the world, and she was happy for it to be the place where she and Connor had reconnected on the deepest of levels.

Just up the ridge, hulking forms of cattle moved slowly down the hillside, and horses whinnied to one another from their neighbouring paddocks, and behind it all, the sun was no longer high in the sky. Soon enough, too soon in fact, the day would come to an end, which meant she only had two more to go before heading back to London. And the thought of leaving Connor, after making such sweet love, made her heart squeeze painfully tight. As she nestled in as close as she could to him, an involuntary sigh escaped her.

‘The simplicity out here is wonderful, hey?’ Connor said dreamily.

‘It sure is.’ She turned towards him. ‘I’m going to miss the hell out of this.’

He smiled sexily. ‘I’m going to miss the hell out of you.’

Her chest constricted. ‘I’ll miss you, too, a lot.’

‘Well, then.’ His lips lifted at the corners. ‘Why don’t you stay a little longer?’

‘I really wish I could, but I’m afraid I don’t have that luxury.’ Her longing to stay there was overwhelming, but she had to get back, to sort her life out.

‘That sucks.’ Sadness shadowed his eyes. ‘I can’t stand the thought of having to say goodbye to you.’

‘It won’t be goodbye, Connor, it’ll be see you soon.’

He cupped her cheek. ‘Can you promise me that?’

She placed a hand on his chest and propped herself up a little. ‘I promise.’

‘That’s good to know, but I really need to get some stuff off my chest, Sammie, and leave the outcome of it to you.’

‘What is it, that you feel we should talk about?’ Anxiety filling her when she saw his look of apprehension, she sat up, and after tugging her dress back on, crossed her legs.

‘Quiet a lot, actually, but I honestly don’t know where to start.’ The hush seemed endless as Connor followed suit and tugged his shorts on.

With them now sitting opposite each other, she drew in a breath. ‘I want to make this work, Connor, so please, talk to me.’

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