Page 57 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘You got me, I do, love it, that is.’

Her boots thudded on the ground beside him, and he held a hand up to steady her. She couldn’t help but notice how he took care of her, always. And it made her feel warm and fuzzy all over, as if the sun belting down upon her back was reaching inside her, its rays caressing her heart and soul.

‘Right, my awesome sidekick.’ Conner turned his attention from Banjo to her. ‘Time’s a-ticking, and next up, we have a calf to feed.’

‘Oh my gosh, really?’ She jiggled on the spot. ‘Can I feed it?’

‘Yeah, of course you can.’

‘Yay.’ She clapped. She couldn’t get to the stables quick enough.

After mixing it up, Connor passed her the bottle of milk. ‘Here’s his dinner.’

Grabbing a nearby bucket, she turned it upside down, and sat. ‘Here you go, buddy.’ The calf drank greedily from the bottle, so much so she had to tighten her grip. ‘Holy heck, this little cutie has a death grip on this thing.’

‘Yeah, he’s a bit of a guts.’ Connor ran his hand over the calf’s russet-coloured head. ‘I can already tell that he’s going to be a tough nut, this one.’

Samantha pulled the bottle back to check if there was any milk left in it. Bleating, then poking his head through the gaps in the railings, the calf craned his neck, trying to grab hold of the teat again.

‘I’m sorry, buddy.’ Samantha chuckled as she wiped her hands on her jeans. ‘It’s all finished.’

‘You’ll get more tomorrow, my friend.’ Connor gave its head another loving ruffle.

The calf bleated a few times in response.

Samantha reached over the railing and gave the calf a loving pat. ‘Bye, cutie pie.’

‘That’s what his name is going to be,’ Connor said as they headed back towards the LandCruiser.

‘What, cutie pie?’ She guffawed. ‘Get out, as if you’re going to holler “cutie pie” when you want him to come to you.’

‘Why not?’ Connor gave her a look that spoke of earnestness. ‘I’m going to have to, if that’s his name.’

Samantha was silently chuffed Connor had done such a sweet thing. Oh, her heart, how much more could it melt for this amazing man?

‘Would you like a cold one, before I drop you back?’

‘Would I ever.’ She didn’t want to leave him, not for a second.

After kicking their boots off at the farmhouse’s back door, they washed off in the laundry before traipsing into the kitchen in search of icy-cold beers. With two retrieved from the depths of the fridge, they headed back outside and cosied up on the settee. There was something to be said about a country sky at sunset. Peachy orange hues turned what had been a bright blue, cloudless sky to a bronzed ochre, as if the heavens had caught a golden tan from the warmth of the day. It was so spectacular, Samantha couldn’t drag her eyes from it.

‘Beautiful, isn’t it, Sammie?’

‘It sure is.’ Smothering a yawn, she rested her head against his shoulder.

And they remained like that as they witnessed the setting of the sun, comfortable in each other’s company, and in silence. Somehow, someway, being back in the place that had been her home longer than London ever had, around the people who loved her completely, had given her a sense of peace she hadn’t ever felt before. And it was so nice to have arrived back to a comfortable place with Connor, too. Yes, a lot was left unsaid between them, but that’s the way it needed to be, because declarations were going to do them no favours. She needed to get her life in order first and foremost, before she stepped into any new chapters of her life. And then she wondered how Shea and Jack’s honeymoon was going, and whether Amaya was enjoying time with her grandad in Tasmania.

‘I’m in love with you, Sammy.’ Connor’s voice seemed to come out of nowhere.

‘Pardon?’ Her exclamation was more a whooshed breath than a word as she sat up rod-straight.

‘You heard me.’ His smile was soft and warm, like a hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night.

But she felt more like she’d just had a triple shot of coffee. Needing to move, she shot to her feet, nailing him to the spot with her stare. ‘I did, but I don’t know what you’re expecting me to do with such a blatant declaration.’

‘Whatever you like.’ Sighing, he momentarily looked to the floor, then back to her. ‘I’m so tired of keeping how I feel to myself, Sammie, and I suppose I just wanted you to know before you go back to London, because I do love you, always have and forever will.’ He cleared his throat and then shrugged. ‘Is that such an awful thing to make you aware of?’

That look in his eyes, so sincere, so tender, how could she be on the defensive? Yes, she was terrified, but … ‘I don’t know how we’re going to work, Connor, given the fact I’m literally tied to London with my business being there, for the time being.’ She gave him an apologetic look. ‘And I have no idea when, or if, that’s going to change.’

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