Page 24 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘Those silly squats give me a pert butt, my friend.’

Leaning back, Shea proceeded to check out Samantha’s behind. ‘Can’t say if I agree, or not, because right now, you’re sat on it.’

Samantha gave Shea a playful hand gesture, then instinctively leant forward as they started up a hill. As the trail faded away, their horses picked their way and took each step carefully as they manoeuvred over the unsteady terrain. Samantha rocked a little from side to side as the climb got steeper still. Feeling as if the summit were going on and into forever, she dug herself into the saddle, and held on near the peak. She knew she was going to find a whole new set of muscles tomorrow morning, when she stepped from her bed. Walking was most likely going to be more like waddling. Then, just as she thought she’d be able to reach out and touch the sky, the landscape flattened and rolled out from the most jaw-dropping of viewpoints.

‘Holy moly, Shea.’ Having never been to this part of the property, she slowly scanned from left to right. For as far as her eyes could see, there was beautiful nothingness that somehow made her feel as though she was being held by loving arms. ‘This is just so … ’ Her hand went to her heart. ‘Amazingly magnificent.’

‘Ain’t it ever.’ Shea’s smile was sad now. ‘This is where we spread Mum’s ashes.’

‘I can see why, it’s a very special spot,’ Samantha replied softly.

Clearing her throat, Shea tugged the brim of her hat down a little, then turned to her left. ‘See the glint of a roof over yonder?’

‘Uh-huh.’ Samantha nodded.

‘That’s Connor’s place.’

‘Wow, okay … ’ She took a moment to gain her bearings. ‘So that means town is thatta way.’ She thumbed over her shoulder to Shea’s confirming nod.

Samantha looked back towards the glint of Connor’s place, feeling a strange pull on her heart knowing he was likely out there, somewhere, tending to his livestock. ‘It’s so sad about his father passing away.’

‘Yeah, apparently brain cancer is very aggressive. One minute he was walking through town, going about his business, and the next, he was gone.’ She sniffled, then took a breath. ‘Just like my mum, hey.’ Shea’s shoulders shook and she looped the reins over the saddle horn, then buried her face into her hands as she broke into sobs. ‘I miss her so much, Sammie. Every, damn, day.’

‘Oh, honey.’ Samantha knew all too well what that gripping grief felt like. Close enough to reach out and give her friend a rub on the back, she did so. ‘I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help with the pain of her loss.’

Nodding into her hands, Shea sniffled, then brought her teary gaze to Samantha’s. ‘I wish you’d move home because that would help.’

For a moment, and then another, Samantha didn’t know what to say, so she said all she could in a moment like this. ‘I’m so sorry, Shea, I wish I could be around more for you, I really, truly, do.’

‘I know you do.’ Shea wiped her face, then huffed. ‘Come on, enough crying over things we can’t change, let’s head home so I can make a start on dinner.’

‘Righto.’ Samantha nodded. ‘I’ll help you.’ They stayed side by side, their horses moseying casually. ‘What are we having?’

‘God only knows, I haven’t thought that far.’ Shea grinned through her puffy red cheeks. ‘Hangovers really do suck, it’s not like me to be so disorganised.’

‘Yeah, they do, but you don’t let your hair down much, so once in a while isn’t anything to beat yourself up over.’

‘Yes, fair point.’ Shea offered a tender smile.

When they had gotten past the rocky part of the slope, Shea took the lead. Her ponytail swung at her back as she cantered just in front. With Samantha’s confidence in her returned riding abilities building, they sailed down the mountainside, just two girls on their magnificent horses, the freedom and camaraderie of it making Samantha’s heart swell with joy. For the first time since arriving here, she felt the pang of longing for the country life Shea was living. Getting away from it all took on a whole new meaning in Gum Tree Gully, and she missed being able to do that.

A few hours later, after a delicious dinner of lamb chops, mash and steamed veggies, Samantha settled into the swing chair on the verandah and folded her legs up beneath her. As time ticked by, she drank in the sunset-painted countryside while taking little sips from her cup of sweet Earl Grey tea. Pinks, apricots and oranges swirled into one another as the sun sank into the horizon. She was totally lost in the view until a silhouette atop a horse entered her vision. Was she seeing things? She shaded her eyes and honed her sight. Her heart flip-flopped, and her stomach somersaulted. From this distance, she couldn’t see his face shaded beneath his hat, but there was no mistaking his broad shoulders and powerful frame.

‘Connor Gunn.’ His named quietly rolled from her lips. ‘Well, hot damn, you’re one sexy son of a gun,’ she said beneath her breath.

Catching sight of her catching sight of him as he approached the homestead, he tipped his hat. Her pulse responded by picking up the pace, until it seemed to be in perfect union with the clomping of his horse’s hoofs. Totally unprepared for his impromptu visit, she quickly tried to smooth her hair down and straighten her skew-whiff singlet and shorts while he pulled to a stop, dismounted effortlessly and, after hitching his horse to the picket fence, strode with swagger and confidence towards her. With his jeans slung low on his hips, and his shirt fitting snuggly to his burly torso, he lifted the brim of his hat and flashed her that same old smile, the one that had won her over all those years ago. She took a second to catch her breath, and firmly remind herself he was a no-go zone, before feeling safe enough to utter an intelligible sentence as he reached the bottom step, and, with one booted foot on it, stopped.

‘Hey, Connor, how goes it?’ Her voice was surprisingly cool and composed.

‘Yeah, I’ve just had a nice dinner with my granny, so can’t complain.’ His gaze travelled fleetingly over her, but there was nothing un-gentlemanly, and then back to her face. ‘You?’

‘Same.’ His V-neck revealed a hint of dark hair, and a part of her longed to see just how far down it went now that he was a grown man. ‘Can’t complain.’ That was right about when she caught herself chewing her bottom lip.

Stop it, Samantha.

‘Well, just so you know, I’m all ears if you ever feel the need to complain, Sammie Samsung.’ He smiled and continued before she found a coherent reply to such an offer. ‘Is Jack about?’

‘Yup, he’s in the man cave.’ She pointed to the shed. ‘Watching the footy.’ Wrestling with memories of their lips and hands ravishing each other, she instinctively took a step back. They held each other’s eyes. Time stretched a little. ‘And Shea’s inside, bathing Amaya,’ she added, in a bid to break a slightly uncomfortable silence.

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